Making of the LE fittings
First image: Time to do the fittings.
Second image: The (polyolefin) heat shrink tubing I got shrinks at 125degC to half its original diameter. While still soft directly after shrinking it is sometimes beneficial to shape it or try to compact it further using the finger tips. Using a (initially) wider heat shrink tubing from the assortment bag gave a higher wall thickness. Unless getting hold of a thicker walled heat shrinking tubing type, the heat shrink fittings would be for indoor and/or small kites only. There are many dimensions (up to 4mm, 1/6 inch, of resulting wall thickness) and materials of heat shrink tubing, but if it would be good (or cheap) for general use I don't know - Beware I have not tested heat shrink tubing fittings on a real/standard sized kite (anyone?).
Third image: Cut the side of the heat shrink tubing that would be facing the wing tip at an angle to make the edge of the fitting to become circle shaped after shrinking it (later). Impale it in the middle of the longest side. Then you need to also put the spreader in before applying the heat to shrink the tube to give it the right shape so that the opening doesn't become to small for the spreader.
Fourth image: A robust alternative to to heat shrink tubing for the nose was to use a narrow hose. It was initially a little bit too narrow, but it could be softened by heating it somewhat, so it could be slid onto the barbecue sticks.