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  1. Stack lines are also tied.. This is ready for flight.
    2 points
  2. Beautiful stack. Nicely done.
    1 point
  3. Keep in mind that I'm still a intermediate flyer. Like when first learning my Mongoose and Widow I've tried to keep the go for it somewhat at bay. That's not going to plan. Kites to much fun and capable. The steady firm feedback is the most impressive thing so far. Had it in it's upper range couple days ago. Only got about 45 minutes in before winds started bumping a bit over 30 mph at times. From 20 to 25 it's FAST. From 4 to 25 it stays pretty much the same. Very smooth and stable with very little twitch even in the bumpies. Wasn't quite as good at the edge in the upper range as I thought it would be. Still really good and it's yet to be knocked out of the sky. Power hits quick but easy to control and predictable. Comparatively the Mongoose and Widow in 15 to 20 mph can in the blink of an eye give me a OMG moment.Switched to the Psycho once again . It got blown out at least 5 times before a LLE decided it had had enough. I've learned to fly all my kites a little lower than stated except the Psycho. This one probably not. It'll still trick in 4 or 5 really well but below that it glides to the ground. Made the effort on my others because of the way the wind cycles here at times. Doesn't seem worth it with this one. Kite has a deep pocket with a backward bow in the LLE and a forward bow in the spine. For me that makes pumping air into the sail kinda futile. Not much billow in the sail making it feel powered up all the time. Think that's also why the feedback is so good keeping the kite smooth and stable. Not enough bow to dead launch but makes ground recoveries pretty easy. It does sit deep in the turtle but more similar to my Widow than the Lams. My Lams can lock in and it takes a little flick of a wing tip to release them. More so on the Mind Trick. No I didn't figure that out. Had to call Lam. Hard to describe but once ya get it it's just a thing. That little flick with the right angle has made dumping wind faster and easier on all my kites. The Lams need precise inputs. Skyburner/Premiers respond well to snap and pop. Hydra too. Mongoose /Black Dog up to 12/13 is more of a guiding the kite around with longer smoother inputs. Superfly is different. Responds well to any of the inputs I've learned so far but with time I know I can do it better. Kite doesn't seem sensitive to me. Responsive and firm is what comes to my mind. Then again I fly a Nighthawk, Addiction and Psycho a lot. Spent some hours early on flying a Micron too. Axle based tricks have the most familiar feel. The flip and rollup stuff is where I'll have to adjust the most. Popping the kite into a roll up hasn't worked to well yet. Keep popping in the wrong spot. Climbing to the top of the window just before stall throw some slack with a step forward it rolls up easy. Can catch 2 or 3 with the 1 move. Studying that I think will give me a big clue on the different inputs I need to learn. Another is the kite will spin inside it's wingtip. Pretty good at front roll ups on the Hydra and Nighthawk, It's going to take different inputs but I think this one will do the trick pretty readily too.Hardest hit so far came from a failed flick flack. Knew I'd lost it as soon as I'd flared. Kite pancakes really well so I tried to turn it into a flat spin. Lost that too and tried to recover like on my other kites. Nope. One of my main goals in flying is to launch a kite and understand how IT wants to fly instead of MY way. Not very good at that yet so it's going to take some time to learn this kite. Oddly the better I'm getting it's taking a little longer to refocus when changing kites. Pretty dramatic change when switching from the Tekken SUL to the Addiction. Trying OPK before buying is sound advice if you can. I can't and boy was I wrong in guessing what this kite is like. Happily I'm not disappointed at all. IMO for a high end kite the Superfly is a bargain. Cost was what the website says with no surprises. The build quality is A+. Roll up stops on the Hydra are the worst I have. Don't care for Lams that much either. I like the Superflys the best. A newbie could learn on it but the abuse would border on stupid. Once solid basics are second nature compared to kites I've had or have this kite will get someone to the tricks quick. Kite kinda tells me what it wants. Just don't quite get that British accent yet LOL. If I would have got this in the summer of 2018 I really believe I'd be a bit further along. Not a lot but still. Mainly because the kite instilled an almost instant confidence and it's tough. Could very well be I'm looking back with rose colored glasses on though. In 15 mph winds my Widow gets real exciting. Start flying it like the Nighthawk and Addiction. BONKERS!! To preserve the kite I need better skills to really enjoy it above 13. Superfly is smaller so less pull and easier to trick in those winds. Frame has a little more flex so power is a bit smoother making the bumps easier to deal with. Widow tops out at 22 flying my butt off. Superfly to 25 with more predictability and less adrenaline The Mind Trick is still the best in 15 to 25 gusty stuff and 25% or more slower Had it for more than a year and a 1/2..Some days though it is still hard to Taz, Slot or do roll up stuff. It's a kite that challenges the heck out of me. Kites still quite a bit above my skill set. That's a good thing but man some days on it just suck. Superfly is fitting in perfectly between the Widow and Mind Trick. Learning it will make me better on the other 2 for sure.3 very different kites.
    1 point
  4. Don't ignore the talent of some of those indoor pilots. A rolling harrier is similar to a traveling bicycle. Each are there own mini mind melt. So much going on you need to break it down 8 separate moves per rotation. Or just be able to jam on the sticks and make it look good. You have more in common with them than you think. The skills can cross over to each discipline. I have almost as many airplanes as Rev's.
    1 point
  5. Got the power blast in a trade. It's designed to be a power kite, people buggy and land board with them. You may underestimate my board riding skills. These are from the opening of the park in Newberg Oregon. 15 years of having a season pass at Mt. Bachelor can't hurt. It will be a challenge, but I've got kite and board skills. I'll make it work. DT
    1 point
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