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KiteLife Forum

John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Good call, this topic is now on its own.
  2. If anyone is looking for the 4 WD discussion, it's been moved here.
  3. It's a paying engagement, she's happy.
  4. Please note, this event has been rescheduled for May 9-10 due to another engagement that I just couldn't pass up in Shanghai. Hope to see you here!
  5. Welcome to the forums n9bav, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  6. Welcome to the forums Luke.Moore, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  7. Welcome to the forums handymanrae, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  8. Spot on Rob, the B2 release clip is the one I probably hear about the most. FYI, I also get a lot of mileage out of my Joby GripTight GorillaPod Stand... It works great for iPhone or other smartphone placement in a pinch, which is how we did most of our 2015 tour footage.
  9. You're right, not verts exactly, more like diagonal battens splaying out from the verticals.
  10. I do all my editing on iMovie, never had the need (or patience) for anything more complicated. All my videos go up on YouTube because of the far higher chance of "incidental exposure" (i.e. people bumping into my videos by chance), I meet quite a few folks every year who found modern kiting exactly that way... Vimeo is good for higher definition, and for getting around music limitations, as mentioned above.
  11. This is my claim to fame for the most part, TK is pretty generous about filming me, and knows my flying style. On another note, I just picked up a Fujifilm XP80 which allows me to view and trigger filming via my iPhone over a wifi connection, so I'll be able to set up a tripod and actually SEE what the camera sees (much like the higher end GoPro cameras but less expensive), allowing me to zoom or change position to suit what I'm looking for... Will be trying it out during the team tutorial filming this coming weekend, anxious to see how well it works.
  12. You might be a kite nut if... You sit down for dinner and get jabbed in the butt by your ground stake.
  13. Welcome to the forums Bodo, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  14. Welcome to the forums SwedishBear, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  15. Welcome to the forums ranc79, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  16. Welcome to the forums jedijon, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  17. Random fact: we've given away THIRTY ONE Revolution kites since 2003, yowsa!
  18. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. This is a brand new Crossfire COMP sport kite by Dodd Gross, from Skydog Kites, roughly a $139 value! A good all-rounder and trick kite, this is a great addition for any intermediate/advanced flier. http://www.skydogkites.com/stuntkites/crossfire.shtml Dimensions: 91" x 39" Materials: Ripstop Nylon Sail/6mm Carbon Fiber Frame Skill Level: Intermediate - Advanced Wind Range: 3-18mph Line Set: 70kg/25m Dyneema on winder with fly straps I've actually had personal time on a previous model of this design before, it was a great trick kite, I liked the way it handled on it's back (jacobs ladder, etc). == If you haven't done so already, You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/335, and will be drawn on May 10th, 2015! Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin.
  19. Sorry Rob, gotta strike gold sooner or later here!
  20. Okay, we've got a winner... This round goes to subscriber #1222, Amber Lee (aka grey78)! Congratulations Amber, I hope you enjoy your new kite - and thanks to all for playing! Next prize will be announced very soon.
  21. Oh, was that today?
  22. Latest update was roughly 5 weeks ago... Our newest members since then: 1191 - @pickensw (renewed) 1255 - @byrdmanjd 1256 - @dennisandjudy 1257 - @Mark Sullivan 1258 - @DavidB 1259 - @berchman 1260 - @ShaneR 1261 - @DPuppy 1262 - @Dave362 1263 - @d3cadent Current subscriber count is 335, likely to see an increase when we start releasing Rev team tutorials (look for more on this elsewhere in the forum within the next couple months)... Exciting stuff, can't wait to see it hit the fields. Thanks all, fly on!
  23. Sounds like you're on the path! We aim to please, and share.
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