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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. One of the keys to good precision is smooth inputs... Initially, instead of "snapping" your hands, try grading your input on and off... Then try snapping again, compare the differences. Eventually try mixing the two. Pull turns vs push (punch) turns... Pull: Hands in front of you, pulling back on one hand, then releasing. Push: Hands held close to your chest, push one hand away from you, then bring it back. Pull turns go the way you pull (R=R and L=L), rams pressure into the wing, and accelerates through the turn. Push turns go the opposite way from your input (R=L and L=R), releases pressure from one wing, and decelerates somewhat. Combination turns are roughly 1/2 of each, so that the kite turns closer to it's spine, and exhibits some of both characteristics (pull/push). Watching enough of the videos on YouTube, you'll get a taste for what people are using - if you break it down mentally.
  2. Also, remember there are kites specially made for light (ultralight, UL or SUL) and high wind (vented)... The Hypnotist is a middle-weight kite, maybe a *tad* on the heavy side (for durability).
  3. Awesome, the Rev fliers will have their own area ( field B ) there.
  4. Thanks all. coastguy, coming to Brookings OR for their festival on the 21st and 22nd? http://www.sokf.org
  5. Oh, and have a GOAL of some kind... Even a simple one, like fly straight up, then fly back and forth from left to right side of the wind window. Ah, are you familiar with the term "wind window"? Gotta ask, it's important info.
  6. I think you're coming at it from a fresh enough place, you might benefit from the very basics... These videos are a little dated and not from a "pro" pilot, but there is good stuff in there. At the moment, most of the "ground up" instructional video for dual lines is on DVD (Flight School, Prism, etc). Spence Watson and I will start expanding our dual line tutorial offerings a TON late next year, but that won't help you now. THE REAL KEY TO LAUNCHING: 1 - Keep your hands at an even depth R-L and give a sharp pull DOWN AND BACK, past your hips evenly with both hands. 2 - Don't FLAIL after launching, keep your hands close together, in front of you, directly side by side. 3 - As the kite launches straight up, use very small inputs to correct the nose direction.
  7. Yep, sorry about that... 1 - The forum (sign up) doesn't generate usable member numbers. 2 - Accordingly, each new member is assigned a number on our master list. 3 - Most of our subscribers don't actually surf the forum. 4 - You have a number regardless, and will be notified if you win. Never, ever hesitate to ask if you want to know your #... Happy to look it up! Thanks for the support and patience.
  8. Don, you've got #945... Good luck sir!
  9. Carolyn, #634 - go get 'em sister!
  10. Name: iQuad (Bohemian Rhapsody) Category: Quad Line - Team Date Added: 27 June 2012 - 02:28 AM Submitter: John Barresi Short Description: 2012 Lincoln City Summer Festival Team iQuad performs their routine to Bohemian Rhapsody (by Queen) at the 2012 Lincoln City Summer Kite Festival in Oregon... Pilots are John Barresi, Steve de Rooy, TK Barresi, Willow Robin, Bazzer Poulter and David Hathaway. == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  11. Hear hear... FAR TOO OFTEN these days, fliers jump right into "flippy" tricks and never master the aspects which I think make a real balanced flier - clean landings, full use of the wind window, side slides, basic precision (corners, circles, shapes) - then layer onto those fundamental skills with a range of tricks. I'd also argue that understanding how the kite really flies will teach you a great deal about what makes the tricks work.
  12. Different kite, but similar process.
  13. Superb.
  14. Whoa, brilliant flying indeed.. Nice one Peter. You are the pilot in that video?
  15. Hi Gary, thanks for your patience - subscriber # is 939. Alas, the forum doesn't generate them automatically so it's a simple matter of me checking our master list. As for knowing when you win, don't worry - you'll know because we send out a direct email notifying, with a request for shipping info. Regards, good luck and thanks for your support!
  16. That's a really odd kite, doesn't ring a bell with me at all... You might also try checking on www.gwtwforum.com, there are some knowledgeable fliers there who don't read this forum. Between both the GWTW and Kitelife forums, someone should have an answer for you.
  17. Sorry the drawing took so long, family first - other priorities today. == Right, let's draw some numbers! 526… No, canceled. 214… No, canceled. 205… No, canceled. 139… No, canceled. 333… Yes, still active! The winner... ? Congratulations go to Jeryl Autore! Don't worry if that's not you, still three good prizes on the line... Stay tuned!
  18. lol - we're coming back from Lincoln City today, will do the drawing tonight. I'll also reply to subscriber # requests then, as I don't have access to my subscriber database where I'm at right now.
  19. Aye, it's coming together very nicely!
  20. You should be alright with the inflatable plane in 8-15 mph, even if you're not terribly experienced... It's not designed as an efficient airfoil, and doesn't generate quite as much pull as you might expect, it's also surprisingly slow... I'd suggest a launch on 150# or 200# lines, and simply drop one handle (hold onto the other one) if there are any problems... The kite will collapse, stop pulling so hard, and slowly drift to the ground. I'm dying to hear about it! <grin> Worst comes to worst, we can always help you sort it out in July.
  21. Here's Fred with his new baby...
  22. Sorry for the delay Mark, I just got back from a Canada tour, much of it off the grid. You have number 978, best of luck sir!
  23. Hi dragonfish, I actually cut my teeth on the Berkeley Marina in the early 90s, my formative years in kiting... High winds during the summer, often light and swirling in the winter or early spring, at least when I was there. These guys are spot on... 90# is pretty much universal, and will sustain on a vented Rev up to 20-25mph if you have a decent hover and some basic speed control. 50# is really fragile and while it can be done, it's almost never used for team - although I LOVE 50# for solo flying is super light winds. The other line set we DO have in our iQuad gear is 150#... Only used occasionally, and not so much for fear of breaking something lighter, but it slows the kite down and makes things more manageable in 20+ mph - sort of like adding 5-10% more venting to the kite - smoother and less jumpy. 90# and 150# lines can mix in teams (happens in mega team quite a bit), although it's generally recommended to have matching line weights for more complex (crossing/weaving) maneuvers. Watty and I are headed down to Berkeley for the festival in July, be sure to say hello or grab a lesson... And, I hope you've been enjoying that big inflatable airplane?
  24. Hi Gunmar - your number is 911, good luck sir!
  25. The lucky winner... 249? No, they let their number lapse. 497? No, they let their number lapse. 21? No, they let their number lapse. 314? Guess what... They let their number lapse. 418? Yep, you're right - They let their number lapse too. 830? Wow, another one could have won this widow but didn't! Okay - got a good number that's still active, finally!!!! Warm congratulations go out to #925, Fred and Donna Taylor! == Sorry for the drag-out, but I thought you might want to see how many folks *could* have won, but lost out due to a lapsed subscription.
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