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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Heya Ron - your sub # is 985. Thanks for your patience, just back from France!
  2. *sigh* One at a time, all we can do is see, endear and educate these folks.
  3. Nearly impossible to tell by the photo, can you post another photo with a penny next to it (for scale), in good light?
  4. Awesome, awesome, thank you! FYI, TK and I are just back from Marseille France (yesterday)... Playing catch up all day today and tomorrow, then off to another festival in Yachats, OR. Good news, thanks to one particularly large donation (I'll leave it to the patron to claim credit if they like) we have reached our first goal and will be giving away the Zen very, very soon, using every entry from 0-500. Endless gratitude and regards!
  5. Just updating... Up to $290. Thanks all, as always.
  6. Right on, I'd just as soon give something away... I'll keep the Zen up for grabs until we reach the first goal.
  7. Aye, Tom has it spot on... Even 10 minutes with another solid flier will carve months, possibly years off your learning curve. Still totally possible on your own (especially with the Kitelife tutorials), but quicker and more fun with friends. Have fun, no harrassment here!
  8. Just 7 days to go... Halfway to the first goal. Or if y'all are in favor, I could just leave this drive open (no expiration), send out goodies at each goal until they're all reached, leaving all donors in the pool for each one. What suits y'all best?
  9. A couple more pics for your enjoyment. Note the silver logo.
  10. Pic of the Zen, as promised. The concept is 3 lightning bolts on each wing.
  11. Thank you Martin. I really, deeply enjoy hearing about folks who have benefited from the tutorials... That is my most basic hope in doing them. It's been slow going filming here in Portland between travel, work and weather, but we have 100's more on the to-do list. == Donation update... We're up to $260 so far, graciously donated by nine supporters. Regarding a picture of the Zen (good question!), I'll take a photo tomorrow in daylight and post it here. It's a beauty, never seen these colors before... Custom colored by myself in white, light grey, dark grey and light blue, complete with silver logo. <grin>
  12. Good questions Rob! http://www.kitelife.com/guidelines/ Let me know if that misses anything, happy to update it.
  13. Thanks all, beyond words.
  14. Very cool. I'd flown my dual from the hips and Rev from the hands, I liked the ability to hover the Rev and fly the dual around it. Any thoughts on the pros and cons between these two techniques?
  15. Nice one Dust.
  16. Cool. Looks like you are flying the Rev with both handles in one hand, and the dual line in your other...?
  17. One new article went up yesterday... http://www.kitelife.com/interviews/profile-guido-maiocchi/ Got a couple more in the wings, should go up in the next week or so.
  18. I understand Tony, it's been a trying past two months regardless of the impending presidency... Content has been hard to come by, we've tried recruiting but getting folks to send in content is like pulling teeth - see what % of articles have been written by Spence or myself in the past few months. It will improve, the new format has been very popular - just need more content, which we're working on... In the meantime, the many other Kitelife activities (promoting and educating about kites) continue full steam. FYI, we'd LOVE some more contributors - and I encourage you to twist the ear of your favorite minds and authors so they send us some material... We can't be everywhere or write everything ourselves, and we could use some help recruiting too. == Nothing else really to say right now, only time will demonstrate any resolution. No worries on the subscription, that's why the magazine itself is free and we encourage participation even without a membership. We can always use your support, but only you know what's good for you. Thanks for your support, in any form - and greater thanks for sharing your sentiments so candidly, wish more people would do the same.
  19. Don't forget, we are also trying to get a clinic together for Friday before the event - stay tuned!
  20. Great story Pete.
  21. Walt's stakes (LS Custom Kite Accessories) come with belt clip (caribeener) sleeves. http://www.kitestakes.com Or, have your local shop add them to the line up - great product!
  22. Don't forget http://www.kitemap.org !
  23. 1000, yes - you are actually our 1000th subscriber. (although we've only retained 308 or so as of today) 977. 1001. Thanks for your patience guys!
  24. Nothing to add, great topic and replies.
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