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KiteLife Forum

John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. I'm going to leave the photo posting instructions to others for now, but here are the upload limits... == MEMBERS: Forum Max upload per post (file size of combined uploads): 3MB Personal photo limit: 100kb (150x150) Gallery Max upload size per file: 3MB == SUBSCRIBERS: Forum Max upload per post (file size of combined uploads): 5MB Personal photo limit: 200kb (250x250) Gallery Max upload size per file: 5MB == I hope that clarifies some?
  2. And how was it?
  3. Just added a new feature for paid subscribers... The ability to print or download (doc/html format) your private messages ("conversations") from this forum.
  4. Sweet, can't wait to see!
  5. I agree completely.
  6. I'm sure you've all noticed, the sidebar is collapsible... ?
  7. Aye, they all refit automatically... Please pay the sample images no mind, they might be different sizes.
  8. Yep, had the same happen with Dock Play 3 (Will Smith music)... Better than the alternative.
  9. There's an addon (to the engine / all templates) that I'm working on getting installed, won't figure into the template selection. This has been discussed before, just a matter of creating such icons... Graphic skill, artistry and available time are my main obstacles at the moment. Watty said he might take a whack at this, but I havn't heard anything about it recently... I know he's been busy with various projects. This is also easily done by way of an addon function, works on all templates... Can be added if there's enough demand.
  10. I think it's safe to say that this is essentially the same engine still being used on the Rev forum with a small handful of specific tweaks like "view new content", and some added features... I think this skin's downfall is that it is very much a hard right turn from our previous layout. When I have an opportunity to try the new/old skins on Kitelife, I think you'll find the Classic Blue and Pro very familiar in terms of general use... I've had the chance to use the various beta skins on IPB's support forums, and am very confident that we'll find something suitable for the majority. Ideally, I'll have access to all the new skins within the next 2-4 weeks and make it so that users can switch through and try the various skins through a drop down menu at the bottom of all forum pages... Won't add the fancy Kitelife stuff at the top until we've selected one (or two) for final use. I really appreciate the candid input y'all have given recently... Makes a world of difference, and to me, it's most important that you're as comfortable as possible. Thanks.
  11. I think the confusion here derives from the fact we're talking about two entirely different (albeit parallel) functions. "view active content" is it's own operation, like a overview from 24hrs-1yr. If you like that, bookmark this - http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=active (straight link to that "active content" page) Otherwise, for daily perusal, use the "View New Content" link, set either of the ways I listed a couple posts back.
  12. Topic viewing... Pro Classic Classic Blue IPS Beyond
  13. Pro Classic seems to be the tightest and my favorite from a scanning/reading standpoint. While Classic Blue is more familiar, it's also a little bloated looking.
  14. Please take a look at the templates below, and vote on your favorite(s) above? == Classic Blue == Pro Classic == IPS Beyond == CleanCut == IPB 3.0 (current)
  15. Sorry, the "active content" link won't be moving anytime soon... Template obstacles. However, it's more or less in the same place it's always been (look on the Rev forum).
  16. We've got a keen eye on this aspect, took it into account before we crossed that bridge. The choice was to "do it like we do it", however it flows, or to accelerate the process with proven techniques and tricks. She chose the latter, so on the field, I'm the cap'n. I can pay for it later, off the field, anytime.
  17. Also, in your settings, again... == Method one is "Show me all content that I have not read". Items listed when you click "View New Content" will stay on that list until you've either viewed them, or clicked the "mark all forums as read" link. == Method two is "Show me all new content since my last visit"... Items listed when you click "View New Content" will stay on that list until you've either clicked the "mark all forums as read" link or left the forum and come back later. == Show results like a forum: Show results as a list:
  18. "Today's active content" is here... http://kitelife.com/...earch&do=active (link near bottom of forum's main page) Note, near the bottom right of that page, a drop down menu for "24 hours", etc.
  19. Here's an example of the main forum page with their new "classic" skin... And a regular topic page... When you look at that last image, note the discussion content... They're talking about the active topics (24 hours, etc).
  20. I know the list of stuff on this registry is kind of ludicrous, but it is what it is, figured I'd post it here. http://www.ourwishingwell.com/registries/view/97081206/ A nickel here and there does make a difference, but y'all do so much already, I'm not bellyaching. *hugs*
  21. TK uses a figure 8 method now in Tokyo, but does have occasional issues with tangles, etc. Moreover, everyone uses the same techniques on iQuad (for both consistency and efficiency), so she'll be making some conversions for sure. Dunno about that Kitelandia stuff, but she's my queen.
  22. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. TWO 7' Ghost Pyro Deltas, roughly a $140 value! ONE winner will be announced, both kites to one proud recipient, choice of black or white set! If you've not flown a Pyro before, you're in for a real treat... 20' tails off each wingtip! "Designed by Frank Schwiemann and licensed to G-Kites, the Ghost has long been a festival favorite. They are ideal for all kinds of wind and will lift tube tails and line art. Put a white one up at night and you'll quickly see why people call them "ghosts". " Easy to fly, very stable, wide wind range, and BEAUTIFUL in the sky. == You can sign up here if you're not yet a member of the Kitelife forum, or click here to sign up if you're logged in already. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/249, and will be drawn on October 15th, 2009! Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
  23. *drum roll* This month's prize goes to #308... Ben Grey, aka dagnabbit on the Kitelife and Rev forums! Congrats Ben, let me know where you'd like this bad boy shipped and I'll make it so. Next prize to be announced shortly.
  24. Yep, straight wind on everything for me. Only exception being on heavier lines that really fill up a winder... I wind about 1/6th of the way straight (on 120' lines), then I use 1-2 figure eight wraps to LOCK DOWN what I've already wound and keep it from jumping off the winder... Straight wind up another 1/6th or so of the way down the lines, and repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. Using this method and spooling my lines evenly across the winder, I never have any issues at all.
  25. You're #476, numbers are stored in my office, avaiIable upon request. I'm sure it says "crack of noon" somewhere in the TOS. LOL Nah, I'll try and be relatively quick about it.
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