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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Well, the key is that when I took over Kitelife in 2002 and started adding the video archives, all the regular size videos were available to everyone, and I think it was a fine value for ALL our visitors. At this point, indeed, our visitor count is down significantly... Bottom line, we've got lots of great stuff here, and I just want to get it all back in circulation again. Over the coming year, I plan on adding TONS of subscriber-only content (tutorials, etc) so your value/benefit will be there as a subscriber, but I also want to expand (or open) the general public's content as well.
  2. Last year it was POURING rain, but the few people who did show up had a fantastic time and met up for a lovely dinner that evening. Say, let's do it again! <GRIN>
  3. "Advanced science is nearly indistinguishable from magic."
  4. It's a good start, for sure. Love to y'all!
  5. Bear in mind, down the road, as I start producing various video tutorials, they'll be in the subscribers section... For the sport kite performances of old however, it might be nice to make them "wide open" for all to enjoy. Obviously I've nearly made the decision myself, but I'd still like to hear your thoughts on the matter.
  6. Hi folks... Just pondering the Kitelife "home front", trying to make it more appealing and user-friendly wherever I can and I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Place your vote above (anonymous), and/or speak your mind!
  7. Does this post answer your question Denny?
  8. Nothing in my email yet... ? To attach the images here, look for the "Click to Attach Files" button, shown below.
  9. On the home page, we've got the right column with sponsor banners, handy links and feeds from various parts of the forum, etc. Some people have expressed a distaste for this, so I just wanted to share a quick and easy method to take it off your screen. Here's a screen capture... Just below "View New Content", you'll see a little "X"... Click that, and the whole right column will slide away out of view. Far as I can tell, the forum will remember whether you have it visible or not, and carry that through on each of your visits. Please try this out, and see if it works for you?
  10. Consensus, is this particular item solved?
  11. Alright... I'd added it to the main navbar which requires template editing and presents problems with each upgrade. Then I remembered, that nifty right column on the index page and our ability to add content there, across all templates. Let me know if it gives you any problems, eh?
  12. Screenshots added, thanks Tom. Baloo, the layout *can* be changed (somehow), but it'll reset whenever we do a version upgrade on the forum.
  13. Baloo, what do you mean by font box? Here is what I see...
  14. As I am indeed taking your input seriously, will you provide some examples of the "bells and whistles" you're referring to? There has been some confusion on this matter (perhaps my own), I just want to be sure what the perception is exactly.
  15. At the bottom of the forum index, you'll see "Today's Active Content", just below the Random Files preview. Looks like this (click thumbnail) --> Direct link - http://kitelife.com/...earch&do=active Click that and you'll see today's topics... Now, in the bottom right is a drop down menu with these options: - 24 hours - week - 2 weeks - month - 6 months - year Choosing any one of those options will list all topics that were active (posted or replied to) in that period of time.
  16. I agree... Pro skin is gorgeous, but the default skin (IP Board) seems to use the space better. As for Classic Blue, it just seems to be missing something, a little too "blah" for me.
  17. At the bottom of the forum index, you'll see "Today's Active Content", just below the Random Files preview. Click that bad boy and you'll see today's topics... Now, in the bottom right is a drop down menu with these options: - 24 hours - week - 2 weeks - month - 6 months - year I believe that's what you're looking for? Other than the link being in a more obvious place, not sure how it could be any easier or more effective a tool I've just added a help file to that effect as well.
  18. Okay, I've dropped the avatar sizing from 150x150 to 100x100... Now ironically, it's Jeepster's avatar that seems to be bigger than that. Can you re-upload a properly sized avatar for us Tom? <grin> No, seriously, I did do all of the above, however it would seem that the left column as you see it here (with avatar and user info) is set within the template's CSS... With this in mind, I'd have to go in and change it every time we upgrade (which is 3-5 times per year). I'll keep pecking away at it.
  19. I pulled the photos at the top as a minor concession to Kent's (awindofchange) comments about the forum being a heavy load... If there is enough popular demand, I'll put it back on the forum home page. In the meantime, the ONE latest photo is now displayed in the right column on the forum home page. Solid, useful input, thank you Jeepster. Ah, that's not really a version feature... It's believe it's configured in the admin tools, a standard setting I can change. I'll look into it... Regardless, the avatar settings are smaller on the Rev forum already and will stay that way.
  20. Doh! Forgot to add "Professional" to the regular list of skins for non-admins, sorry... it's there now. General sentiment has been that it's a little dark, but that's why I'm keeping some choices available. Oh yeah, what skin Baloo?
  21. That's awesome Duane.
  22. Good bear. I've been using the "Professional Skin" almost exclusively for the past two days now, I think I'm gonna stick with it for myself... It's concise, gives me a lot of info in a smaller space (I hate full width or R/L oriented web sites - so ugly imho), and everything is very clear to me with regard to functions, buttons, layout, etc. As of now, the "IP Board" (default), "Classic Blue" and "Professional" skins will all be staying available to registered forum members (with or without an official Kitelife subscription)... Between the three, it's the best I can do for y'all, and frankly, I think it's plenty effective.
  23. So it's that time of year again and traditionally we go out to our local field for a New Years fly, fully equipped with a canopy, thermals, hot coffee/tea, soup, heat packs, etc... All the little things that make even the coldest of conditions bearable, along with the warm companionship of other crazy kitefliers like yourself. So, let's kick it off... Who's coming out to Delta Park on January 1st for some kite flying? Check in at the URL below or post here and I'll add you to the list... It's not an RSVP by any means, just showing how many folks are likely to come out. http://www.revkites.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=3510
  24. Good vids all around Watty, thanks. Here's my personal favorite from that weekend, I think it didn't make it onto your camera...
  25. I've been told by some of our users that they don't care for the new forum format/layout we installed last June, and the visitor statistics certainly reflect that. The forum upgrade was absolutely necessary, and our current default skin (shown below) is the best one of what's available... Different, yes... But it works well once you get used to the change. == However, for those who don't like or want the added images and trim, there is a "Low-Fi Version" accessible at any time (shown below)... == Switching to Low-Fi is really easy, done via a drop down menu in the lower left corner of *any* forum page (shown below)... As long as you're logged in when you do this, it should remain as your automatic/default template every time you bring up the Kitelife forum on your computer. I hope this is of help, we really do try very hard to make this forum (and the others we manage) as user-friendly as possible. Comments, suggestions are always welcome. Thanks!
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