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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Nope... Everyone has to wait, and I'll ask those with inside information to play along. Sure did, what a beauty! That's true... January 25th, first official day of the KTAI show... Photos will be up that evening, at the latest.
  2. Hi gang, Just thought I'd officially drop the news... I'm coming out with a new branded product in conjunction with Rev at the KTAI show in Albuqurque, January 24-28! I'll be there, doing daily updates to the site as we do every year... Stop by the site for news, as it's released! If you were shopping for a new Rev, that will be the time to order it from your local shop. With luck, we'll have a review on it in the February 1st issue of Kitelife as well.
  3. The stuff would definitely arrive before KTAI... I expect mine before Windless. When you order, you can put your team iQuad stuff on the same order as any of the regular gear, and have the discount apply to the whole order. No gear with the new kite yet... Waiting for the official release. (that should get everyone curious) The iQuad mug is here - http://www.cafepress.com/kitelife/1468529 Your official team stuff is in the secret section... Do I need to send you the link for it again?
  4. I had to order up some of our new iQuad gear, as well as the new iQuad, therefore I am. shirts for me and Shannon.
  5. Wow... Major upgrade this time around!! Will have to see what's new on the the admin side too.
  6. We're upgrading the versions of our forum and gallery software yet again, and while you may experience a short outage while the upgrade is being done during the next day or two, it's for the better. Thanks for your patience!
  7. I think I peed my pants a little.
  8. Want to get some Kitelife or iQuad gear for friends or family? Choose from Kitengruven, Quadengruven, Buggygruven, Bad Day of Flying, WWJF or several other catchy kite-themed accessories including shirts, sweaters, mugs, hats, mouse pads and more. Just use the coupon code: BEAUSRADARS for $5 off a purchase of $20 or more. http://www.cafepress.com/kitelife Once you've selected your items, you'll be prompted for the code during the checkout process. This discount code lasts until midnight on Jan 10, 2007.
  9. Hey Quad KiT, how'd you manage to get one of my blue fades in a Rev II? I thought Revolution wouldn't make those for anyone else.
  10. Hi folks, We've just finished a revamp of the Kite Classifieds site, which enables people to sell and buy used kites directly, person-to-person. If you haven't seen it before, I recommend you check it out! http://www.kite-classifieds.com There's also a 50% discount on all ads placed between now and 1/9/06!
  11. 45% sexier, guaranteed!
  12. Sweet.
  13. Quad KiT, I still want to see a good photo of your new custom SS fully assembled... Hook us up!
  14. I was hard up for the money at the time (year 2000)... And, I'm always having fun with single kites and team.
  15. Rev II is too twitchy for me... But, my favorite Rev for stacking. Used to have and enjoy a 7-stack, sold some time ago.
  16. Baloo, we'd love to see your collection... Start a new topic.
  17. Ohhh... That SS Vented is hot! Can we get a full photo of it, assembled? Merry Christmas indeed, congrats on all the loot. Nice shirts too!
  18. Came across this site today... http://kitepatents.blogspot.com/
  19. Two related threads in this forum, but I figured I'd post these two recent additions to my collection...
  20. This is an original Rev I design (post-Neos Omega, pre-new logo), done in a custom sail exclusively for Team High Performance (THP) in Hawaii... Far as I know, one of these has never reached hands outside the team, who hasn't been seen in roughly 10 years. I saw THP members perform in Seaside, OR, 1990... Scott Aughenbaugh in particular, absolutely the best flier of his era... Seeing him throw down in competition inspired me to make kiting my life, he was a truly amazing flier. To see this exact kite in action, check out THP\'s team quad routine from the Great Lakes Festival in 1993... Great stuff: http://www.kitelife.com/videos/demo/highpe...93_quadteam.htm Talked to Ben at Rev, and he confirmed that he's never seen one of these kites anywhere else except in the hands of THP themselves.
  21. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. Skyhook Airfoil 60, roughly a $250 value! You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/242, and will be drawn on January 20th, 2007! http://www.kitelife.com/prizes/skyhook51/index.htm Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
  22. Mmmmm... Thai. For those not in the know, Long Beach is home to one of (if not the) best Thai places I've ever been to.
  23. Here's what I got for Xmas, from my right hand man here at Kitelife... Wow, thanks Geez... Couldn't do things here without your help. Got some great stuff from Shannon too, but hey, this is a kite forum after all.
  24. I've got a red Rev II as well, classic stuff.
  25. Been back since 12/16... We'll be sure to have lots of great reporting and photos from Argentina in the next issue of Kitelife, along with some video in the very near future. It was an amazing trip, we greatly enjoyed the kite culture in Argentina.
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