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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. I'll be flying at Blackheath in London on Sunday the 18th... For anyone in the UK who would like to meet up for a fly. Location info can be found here: http://www.streetmap.co.uk/newmap.srf?x=53...p=newsearch.srf
  2. Wink indeed. FYI, I'll be flying at Blackheath in London on Sunday the 18th... I know you're a bit of a drive away, but it'd be nice to meet up! Location info can be found here: http://www.streetmap.co.uk/newmap.srf?x=53...p=newsearch.srf
  3. Well folks, I'm at PDX waiting for my flight to Newark, then on to London... Should arrive around 7am tomorrow, London time. Thanks Theresa, for the "crack of dawn" ride to the airport! Wow, wow, wow... How exciting is this? I'm planning on writing a "part 1" article about the trip and our training, hopefully for inclusion in issue 53 of Kitelife Magazine. Down the road, later in the year, I'll write a "part 2" article, covering some of the stuff in the actual shows. I'm making this trip with about $150 in bank, so it's going to be a frugal one... Anyone who hasn't signed up as a Kitelife subscriber yet, now is the time! http://www.kitelifers.com You can also make donations (of any amount) by clicking on the link below... Even if you don't have a PayPal account, you can use just about any major credit card. Thanks all... For your support, your love and your belief in greater things for all of us!
  4. The wolf and the hunter will have it out, some day.
  5. Suggestions? Take your bridle off the kite if you try it... Even hanging (loose), it tends to wear out on the concrete. Other than that, I'd say to experiment in a gym somewhere first, before you take it to the streets. It's a whole different style, requiring you to pretty much keep the kite moving, leading with the leading edge, big swooping arm movements when you turn the kite. Once you experiment with it indoors, post back here with your experiences and questions, we'll go from there!
  6. Hey, someone's got to do it!
  7. GREAT video Hector, and even better memories! It was really good of you to fly with us, a real pleasure. For those reading this thread, Hector was flying the red iQuad kite in the last half of the video... #4 position... He picked right up on our moves and did very well considering he'd never ever flown team with anyone before. Kudos to our iQuad hermano!
  8. At least three iQuad members will be in attendance... With luck, they'll let us do a demo. Be sure and ask for us! (good to see you're still lurking Doug)
  9. Anyone know where I can get a pimp suit (complete with the hat)for the show, on short notice for only a few bucks? Blue faux leopard fur is a plus.
  10. Sorry Penny, I don't quite follow... Can you explain, differently? (my mind is so blitzed right now - lots going on)
  11. I might have missed it somewhere, but where are you from Bret?
  12. 10 foot lines, 50#. I use no bridle, so that it can 3D easier (when I pull the kite out of the air into my hands). Also, by being able to pull on the actual four corners of the kite, it feels like I'm able to swing it around better. Obviously, a bridle is ideal for control... But no bridle has some effects on the lift. Very different style of flying. Try attaching pigtails to the tops and bottoms of the vertical spars, and hook your lines on directly, leaving your bridle hanging. You'll have to adjust the knots on your handles a bit, but it's worth it for the added experience and knowledge. Did you get the DVD with your kite?
  13. Well folks, you may have heard a rumor... And I'm here to tell you it's true. I leave for London at 7:30am tomorrow on my way to the North of France, for 10 days of training as part of a kite show being featured at this year's Red Bull Air Races... I return to the USA on March 21st, after spending a couple of extra days with Carl Robertshaw and friends in the UK. Just a few of the other pilots... Lam Hoac Richard Debray Mathieu Mayet Gregory Raines Marc Ricketts Carl Robertshaw Chris Goff Pierre Fabre Ray Bethell (and others) After this 10 day practice, the actual events will be held in... Istanbul, Turkey Barcelona, Spain Interlaken, Switzerland Budapest, Hungary Porto, Portugal San Diego, CA USA (middle of September - if you want to go and see it) Acapulco, Mexico Perth, Australia I will do what I can to obtain photos, stories and video from the shows... But, we (the performers) haven't signed our contracts yet, and I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to disclose, or what media I'll be able to use in articles and videos. Yes folks, this is the real deal... The Red Bull Air Races reach roughly 2.3 billion spectators every year, both in person and through international television. The kite show will feature individual dual and quad line performances, single line displays, as well as a quad team and a dual line mega team, plus a few night flies. Hopefully it will crack the media market wide open for more kiters in the future, especially with such an all-star list of performers.
  14. S-E-X-Y Congrats Ant.
  15. Thanks for the love guys! Please, take a moment to pop onto GWTW and tell those guys what they're missing out on with the B-Series, eh?
  16. Or, if you want to attend a real festival... Come see us at WSIKF. The whole town of Long Beach gets behind the event, it's a week long, and has more kiter attendees (these days).
  17. Quad Squad is brand new, formed by Steve Santos after his visit with iQuad at last year's WSIKF. I got all this info 2nd hand, haven't had any communications from our quad brethren in the east.
  18. iQuad won't be able to make it this year... Wildwood organizers elected to invite the Quad Squad (an east coast quad team) instead of us. Besides, I already have an engagement in Istanbul for that weekend.
  19. Hi Andy! Subscription info can be found here - http://www.kitelifers.com Hope you'll consider joining up finally.
  20. TONS of room Mike... I'm not east coast, but I've been to the event a few times.
  21. WOW... Wicked cool.
  22. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. Spirit, roughly a $120 value! You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/254, and will be drawn on April 1st, 2007! http://www.kitelife.com/prizes/spirit52/index.htm Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
  23. Drum roll please... The winner of this great prize is: Roy Slettevold - Subscriber #244 Congratulations Roy! Our new prize(s) will be announced within the next 1-2 days.
  24. Yeah, we picked up on the Kokopelli similarities right away... We like it.
  25. I flew the progressive stack today... Handles real nice, the Rev II in front makes the stack more responsive.
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