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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Monks is good, but Todd is the man with video.
  2. Todd and Monks did all the video camera work.
  3. I have video from two angles, from our second show (the best one)... Hope to have it up in the subscribers section this week or next.
  4. There is a new site under construction as we speak... If all goes well, TKS will have a new web presence by the end of April.
  5. Thanks Baloo, it was a typo... Fixed now.
  6. Sage advice from Mitchell... There are often "fake wraps", which are alternating twists... They go one way at X end of the lines and opposite at Y end of the lines, spread 'em apart (real taut) and they cancel each other out.
  7. Drum roll please... The winner of this great prize is: Paula Brown - Subscriber #275 Congratulations Paula! Our new prize(s) is already posted in the forum and on our home page.
  8. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. Fury .85 STD, roughly a $300 value! You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/266, and will be drawn on May 5th, 2007! http://www.kitelife.com/prizes/fury53/index.htm Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
  9. I'll have extras for sale in Wildwood... Funds go to iQuad. Two lights for $3, or four for $5. On a Rev, we usually use four (wing tips) or five (tips and center).
  10. Between the two, I'd personally recommend the 2.5 due to it's overall skills. The 2.3 is a little smaller, faster and trickier. The 2.5 is full-size (8-ish feet), and offers a better balance between tricks and precision... It will teach you more, IMHO.
  11. I'd recommend either the Jump from Level One (about $100) for a small/medium kite, or the Silver Fox from Flying Wings (about $160) for a full size kite... Both are quite capable, and I have them both in my own bag as well. These two kites have good trick ability, along with good precision... An important combination.
  12. All better now... We were transferring to a larger, faster server... Had a few sites that didn't get copied all the way over.
  13. Ya, same here... Except, I make sure there are no twists when I lay the kite back and just wind 'em up. No problems with twists.
  14. Been out of town, will catch up in the morning.
  15. Yeah, I know Mario can hang with iQuad now... See you in Portland!
  16. Baloo, 22?!?!?! Did it hurt at all? I imagine it gets easier after the first 10.
  17. No problem, glad you're coming!
  18. Well folks, four members of iQuad will be attending the Great Lakes Kite Festival (GLKF) in Grand Haven, MI on May 18-20 and we'd love to fly with ya'll, building up to a mega fly! A few of the quad fliers who usually attend GLKF: Sam Ritter Anne Ritter Lee Sedgwick Zach Gordon Lam Hoac In addition, we'll have from iQuad: John Barresi (confirmed) Todd Rudolph (confirmed) Steve de Rooy (confirmed) JD Fabich (confirmed) David Hathaway (confirmed) Ben D'Antonio (confirmed) Mike Kory (confirmed) Other potential iQuad attendees include: Jim Cosca We hope you'll join us!
  19. Yeah... We got Jim Cosca for Wildwood too! (part time - he'll be working as well)
  20. Oh man... SO CLOSE, wicked tune! But, all that "click-clock-click-clock" throughout the background kills it for me. My theory is that the high level of background noise obscures the choreography for many judges. The trick is to isolate the themes a little bit.
  21. KiT, coming to see us in Wildwood????
  22. Fair enough, no sweat Ant... Thanks.
  23. You have room to sleep either Monkey or myself? How far of a walk is it to the festival area from your house?
  24. I love that song, but it's still not "soundtracky" enough. Beat, beat, beat... Pause... Beat to da beat to da beat - pause - beat. Most of the music out there is just ongoing, with noise all the time.
  25. Not at this time, sadly.
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