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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Okay, "Bat Out Of Hell"... Great track, but it has that constant feedback in the background. Just for giggles, I also checked out "All Revved Up With No Place To Go"... Sadly, no luck.
  2. Haven't been able to find a good download of the War track off of Rush Hour. Sounds like a good possibility though, gotta listen to it again. Checked out the Satriani piece... A little too constant with the noise, need more ups and downs, breaks in the sound. Keep 'em coming!
  3. Nope, sorry... Still no time to shop. I'll be attending in my usual garb.
  4. Alright gang, I just booked a couple more tickets for Wildwood... It looks like iQuad WILL be there, but we'd still like to gather up a "B" team to fly with us at the event. I can pretty safely say these guys will be involved: John Barresi Steve de Rooy Todd Rudolph David Hathaway Ben D'Antonio Mike Kory Scott Weider (part-time, he's also Head Judge of the comps) Anthony Lauriello Jim Cosca Kris Smith Who else will be there and wants to be involved? If you're interested, check out this page and make sure you've been practicing.
  5. Hi guys, I just updated iQuad's and my own 2007 event calendars... http://iquad.us/main.htm#schedule http://johnbarresi.net/schedule.php If you'd like to meet up with iQuad or myself, just take a look at either schedule!
  6. I don't think GWTW is on the current distributor list for Rev. Best thing to do is email him and ask. Otherwise, check with some of the fine shops advertising on Kitelife... Good folks, all.
  7. Actually, I won't be in costume... No time to shop, and I find it's more fun for me to watch others dress up.
  8. Great song, but it's already in use by at least two strong European fliers... Gregory Raynes and Paul DeBakker. The ideal ballet music for me, is laid out like this... Starts medium, but strong. Middle is softer, more "curved"... End is medium/fast, very powerful, ends on a solid beat. A great example is Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen... Awesome dynamics, but too long, and ugly if it's trimmed (everyone would feel it). Looking for two strong, repeated sections with a crescendo and fall of some kind roughly one third of the way into the track, and another about two thirds of the way into the track... These are for risky, "trademark" moves. Great idea, but I have so much going on this year, that I don't have the time or the patience... It's all got to come through the computer. I've had the same experiences... However, my having a relatively small amount of music knowledge retention for song and group names doesn't help. Oh, I don't know... I can generally tell on the first listen whether or not I've hit on one that will work for me. Aye, problem is... So many of the soundtracks done in the last 10 years haven't been composed (choreographed) for the scenes, and are just "mood" selections pulled out of one mainstream music genre or another. But, they come by now and then... I've already heard a couple of tracks I like and hadn't heard before, just from the input so far. Keep it coming, if you've got something in mind.
  9. I already have lots of passionate demo tracks... I'm looking for a tight and tough competition piece.
  10. Nice thoughts Baloo... Keep 'em coming. Pulp Fiction... I always like Jungle Boogie for demos (see my 2nd Sea Devil video), and Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon seems like it's more up Monkey's alley. *cackle* Wow, Puttin' on the Ritz is crazy! LOL Ya'll are expanding my musical tastes rapidly.
  11. Hi guys, I'm trying to find a new quad ballet for this year, and am having a heckuva time. Please share your suggestions!
  12. Nice kites Baloo!
  13. Yeah, it was great meeting you Baloo... Glad you made the trip. Nice to meet everyone else as well, Piero, Douglas and the others! Spending the day at Carl's shop today, while we both get caught up on work... Then off to one of his shows this evening for more work.
  14. We'll be there, wind, snow or shine... Anyone that's coming, just look for Robertshaw's van with the Kite Studio graphics on the side. Around 10am, give or take.
  15. Right on, glad to hear it.
  16. GREAT name. Looks like I'll be there, barring any major changes in my schedule.
  17. The meet came up at the last minute, as Carl and I were talking last Friday... I wish there had been more notice as well. I'll be in town until Tuesday, leaving early morning. Fly at Blackheath on Sunday, tour the town a little on Monday, then home.
  18. At the end of the day, you've still got to be the "bigger person"... If you hold them in disdain or confront them aggressively, it not only lessens your enjoyment even further, but increases the likelihood of creating a stand off or problem with the locals, thereby endangering kiting in your area. I always find there are other places to fly, or other ways to work with the space I have. It's just "one of those things".
  19. I thought you wanted a pink fade, to match my blue fade?
  20. This kind of problem is very touchy... There are more of them then there are of you, and since there is more of a precedent for soccer at these types of fields, you want to avoid a situation where they'd make a motion for kite flying to be restricted in any way. Buzzing them is not the solution, unless it's just a "hey, here I am, heads up" kind of thing. The last thing we need is another park banning kite flying, it's happened before. If there's a good part of the park you can stage in and out of (take off & land), then move a bit for actual flying, that might be an idea.
  21. Bon jour! Shan honey, we're waiting on customs (eventually).
  22. Yep, flew in front of the "eye" (giant ferris wheel) in London tonight... Leaving for France early in the morning. Maybe next time, I plan on coming back... Good folks out here.
  23. Hey guys, check out the all new and improved Revolution web site! http://www.revkites.com
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