Oh man, I'm sorry KiT... Their product is spot-on for the most part!
Call their toll-free number and explain the issue, they'll typically send you a replacement without having to return the old one.
FYI, the profiles service is purely for sport kite competitors at this time... I should expand it to include performers and single liners, but time is lacking.
Finally, gift certificates are available for yearly subscriptions to Kitelife!
Information about subscriptions - http://www.kitelifers.com
Give the gift that keeps on giving!
No formal lessons... Everyone who is on the beach during set up in the morning, and during tear down, will be able to learn.
At any point, when you are tearing your kite and lines down, let me know and I'll share the necessary tips.
This from Darrin Skinner, long time sport kite scoring whiz and world champion team competitor:
Thanks to Darrin for making this available... The scoring process has always been daunting to first time organizers, but this makes it easier!