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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. It all comes down to when I get photos, pricing and product info (text) from them. Oh, and as long as I'm posting a response on custom Revs... Check these out: iQuad's new Indoor Revs, in colors to match our 1.5's!
  2. Want to get some Kitelife or iQuad gear for friends or family? Choose from Kitengruven, Quadengruven, Buggygruven, Bad Day of Flying, WWJF or several other catchy kite-themed accessories including shirts, sweaters, mugs, hats, mouse pads and more. Just use the coupon code: CAMERAGATES for $5 off a purchase of $20 or more. http://www.cafepress.com/kitelife Once you've selected your items, you'll be prompted for the code during the checkout process. This discount code lasts until midnight on Dec 29, 2006.
  3. French performance art... WOW. http://www.dailymotion.com/visited/search/...eo/xf9oo_jerome
  4. That's true. At the moment, I have one multiple subscriber (x2).
  5. Hear hear.
  6. You could always try gratuitous donations.
  7. Drum roll please... The winner of this great prize is: Paul Fouts - Subscriber #219 Congratulations Paul! Our new prize(s) will be announced by the end of day.
  8. Have you tried a yo yo line, like on the Fury? Of course, for the iTrix, it would be 50lb spectra or similar.
  9. Correct Penny, a Solution... I couldn't recall the name earlier. The design was purchased by Spectra Sport in the 90's, and is no longer made.
  10. Are you having to move a lot to do it?
  11. Some people say carbon-graphite is a little less resiliant in extreme cold, but it shouldn't be an issue unless you're pounding it.
  12. No design issues... The Sedgwick Series is current (up to date), and the High Performance Rev is a fair bit older, but a "must have" for any pilot or collector. Matter of fact, if you don't pick up the HP kite... I'd ask you to connect me with the seller, if possible.
  13. Okay... Rev #1 is a Rev 1, Sedgwick Series vented (in Sue Taft, or "cool" colors)... It´s mate is the yellow-orange scheme... That venting configuration is the one I prefer on Rev 1's. Rev #2, wow... A custom High Performance kite, flown by Team High Performance from Hawaii, 2x world champions in the 90s... I´d trade my left leg for this one, if it's authentic. "Dual #1" is acually a quad line kite... I cannot recall the name, someone here will know. Dual #2 looks to be a custom Griffin, made by Bob Childs in the early to mid-90s. I hope that helps. I assume you have these? Where did you fine the first two in particular?
  14. We´ve made it to Buenos Aires safe and sound, about 10am this morning... Already been flying with our friends Gustavo and Robert, more to come tomorrow. The keyboard at my hotel sucks, going to try and find an Internet cafe nearby for future updates here.
  15. Bram, how are you doing your roll ups on the iTrix?
  16. Awesome news Bram, congratulations! I'd love the chance to publish a report and photos in Kitelife... Videos of good demos too, if people someone in the Netherlands is willing to provide this. We would like to include more European content on the whole, but don't have very many contacts who are up for this sort of thing.
  17. The latest issue of Kitelife is finished and available in the regular archives... http://www.kitelife.com/archives/issue51 We're releasing it one day early, since we'll be on a plane to Argentina by noon tomorrow... Enjoy #51, and count on some great coverage from South America in our next one!
  18. Congrats Moonie.
  19. Well, maybe the 2nd luckiest.
  20. Hehe, took me 2 years to learn the Comet... Still can only do it counter-clockwise. lol
  21. Hello Yann, we focus on kites here... If you'd like general conversation, we will entertain it in the general discussion area, found here: http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?showforum=35
  22. Length... Follow the curve, not tip to tip. Rev just changed their handle sets this year... 13" used to be the Rev I SUL handle... Now it's the regular 1.5 handle.
  23. Any effect on the comet?
  24. LOL - I just finished a movie and peeked in... Where'd ya go?? We had 11 people at once today, 24 total visitors in chat throughout the evening... Most for at least a bare minimum of 15 minutes each, most of those for over an hour. Great turnout, the script worked really well.
  25. HAHAHAHA! Good one Kris.
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