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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Good catch Dorsal, duly fixed.
  2. Me either... Spyware, defrag, etc are done probably once every 3 weeks here on my computers, and doesn't take more than 30 minutes (except for defrag which I start and walk away from). But then again, computers seem to like me and don't act up much.
  3. Nice stack Mike.
  4. Out of those discussed here... CESIUM.
  5. lol imdbombboarder. The E2 is probably between beginner and intermediate. It has lots of fans worldwide, but I could never do much with it... It certainly doesn't rank up there with the Level One or Wardley/Benson kites.
  6. That would be my recommendation.
  7. Eye ball... My kite doesn't gripe about a couple of feet. Seriously though, you could always take a yard stick and flip-flip-flip it down your sidewalk... Then mark the right spots when you get there.
  8. Out of those three, my personal taste runs towards the Red/Black combo. Remember though, opinions are like...
  9. OMG Theresa... ROFL
  10. The Desire is an AMAZING light wind kite, but isn't going to lead you into tricks or tight precision flying... However, it flies in almost nothing and is an excellent value for the money. The 3D is a much smaller kite, if I remember correctly.
  11. I'd have to speak out against the Night Hawk... Never found it to be a decent kite, way too much oversteer and not enough lift.
  12. ROFL - Can't believe I missed that little detail. Yeah, what Jason said.
  13. It's sort of like doing a "mini launch" with one side at a time, and then pushing the reverse on that side.... So, thumb back fairly hard (launch motion) quickly followed by pinky down (reverse), do this with the right hand, then the left, then the right, etc.
  14. Alright, I can't help myself. From Mike Jones: Ultimate Questions: a catalog of 30 kite stunts from Michael Allan Jones http://www.kitelife.com/kitelines/issues-x/v5-3.pdf (page 52) From Bob Hanson: THE SOUL FLIERS - A look at the motivation behind Ballet flying. http://www.kitelife.com/skq/issues-x/v3-4.pdf (page 44) Mike has one of the most unique and precise kites ever made (still) with the Mirage... I have two 3 packs which I enjoy a great deal, especially in higher wind. If you haven't checked out his site, do it... Hopefully he's got some video... If not, check out Chris Shultz here... Ironically, the same routine that won at the 1992 Outer Banks event mentioned earlier. Bob absolutely amazed (and inspired) me from day one with both dual and quad flying... Blue Danube and Soul Man are still two of my favorite routines ever done... Hopefully we'll dig up some footage of these as well... As I recall, Bob is one of only a dozen or so Outstanding Flyers acknowledged by American Kite Magazine during the late 80s and most of the 90s. Seriously, both these guys have done some awesome stuff in their time.
  15. Nah, this was a tickle... Post anytime Bob, Mike as well. Topic locked.
  16. I follow, but it's not really a joke... Rather practical story.
  17. Aha, right on Bobananda.
  18. Hehehehe... Yeah, we've gone silly in this thread.
  19. Fair enough Mike, see you in the morning? As for the wind rule... Never been much for it, never used it.
  20. So here's the claim... Here's the excuse... I just want to know when and where you smoked Bob, or scored some championship wood? You brought it up, and you got my curiosity up. I mean besides that one event where it was blowing 30mph+, remember... I was there too. Historical reference - The 1992 Outer Banks event started off with 60+ mph in the morning (according to the Kitty Hawk Kites wind meter at the bottom of the dune where we competed), and kept up 30-40 mph throughout the whole weekend. Oh, I just noticed you only beat me by .13 in MIB... And I was flying your kites.
  21. Just out of curiosity Mike, whatcha got for sport kite championship accolades with all that youth and vigor? You talk about it, let's see the wood.
  22. Yes sir, got your email. Thank you.
  23. Say Bob, I sent a couple of emails to the last address I had for you... Might be out of date, care to pop one off to me?
  24. All done? I'm a bit frustrated to be honest, you're clearly not understanding me.
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