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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. If you were to ask me, I'd say it sounds like a Rev 1.5 on short lines might be the answer based on what I've picked up so far.
  2. One more dual line example, of my "other" style: http://www.kitelife.com/videos/demo/sokf05_barresi-acdc.htm
  3. Well, to be quite fair... The "flip" tricks are not a requisite for flying dual line. Some more "traditional" examples: http://www.kitelife.com/videos/mib/waynetu...lng05mib1st.htm http://www.kitelife.com/videos/mib/billrog...c2004mib1st.htm http://www.kitelife.com/videos/mib/jimsoel...g2003mib1st.htm In my opinion, quad is no more difficult to learn when all is said and done... It's just different. The thing with the quad, you can put it ANYWHERE you want it, where as a dual line is very forward-oriented. As corny as it sounds, listen to your heart... One should "tug" you more than the other.
  4. JD, is that an actual pumpkin of yours? Too cool!
  5. Grrr... We're doing one more upgrade sometime today or tomorrow, we'll see if that resolves the issue. Sorry Jason!
  6. Here's a video of my Rev in action (flying in 2-3 mph)... http://kitevideo.net/johnbarresi_com/jb-promo05_revplay.wmv As for a Spirit, I don't know of any off-hand... Maybe Dorsal can guide you, or just try a good web search.
  7. Oh JJ, post the link to the many different Rev designs... I can't find it at the moment... Maybe Monkey has it?
  8. I'd say the kiting crowd is 50/50 split between Lazer Pro Gold (LPG) and Shanti line... LPG tends to leave a white residue behind sometimes though. I recently read where someone described LPG like waxy dental floss, a little flatter braid... And the Shanti as "silkier", or a smoother braid. Blue Line is quickly working their way into the bargain bin, in the back of the shop.
  9. Not yet Penny, but he's given me permission to host 'em on Kitelife too... And I have 'em all downloaded. One thing at a time though, lots to do in the next few days.
  10. Maybe they need to be reduced in file size, and or dimensions? Give it a try now... And let me know what, if any specific error messages it's giving you? Thank you.
  11. These are some really AMAZING videos, and some neat projects... JJ's site is definitely worth a look, very unique stuff.
  12. Any particular problems you're running into?
  13. Well said Dorsal... While I still much prefer the Revs, I respect the preferences you so clearly explained. What the consensus here is Tubbs, there is no "perfect" quad line kite to start with... I can safely say that there are far more Rev fliers in the world than any other quad line kite, but personal taste is a huge factor. I would try to find some video of both kites in action, and try to get a sense of which motion you are attracted by initially. But, for a smaller budget... I think Monkey hit it right on the head, start with either the Rev EXP or the NTK Spirit... After getting a sense of each one's style by way of video. My 2 cents on quad. As for dual line, I would check out some of the postings in our Beginner section of the forum: http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?showforum=10 Keep asking questions, but it's good to see what people are asking already, and what answers they're getting.
  14. I should also ask you Tubbs, you're looking for outdoor kites... Yes? Reason I ask, just noticed this thread is under "Indoor Flying". No problem, just want to make sure we head the right direction for you.
  15. Okay, Dorsal... Let's sit down like accomplished quad people and lay out the differences between the two as objectively as possible. Revolution (in apppropriate models): - More precise and accurate. - Lower wind range. Spirit - Unique, less often seen. - Less expensive. Volley, next?
  16. Touche my good Dorsal, touche. To make a point a point, it pays to try a few kites before you buy... Whenever possible.
  17. Anytime.
  18. Assuming you're in Fireworks, select the Rev component... Then take a freehand selection tool, carefully surround the offending white areas, if you've managed to do it without overlapping into the Rev itself, hit delete. My signature smiley is now cleaned up, same way. And if all fails, ctrl-z is your friend (undo).
  19. Thanks Ronda, much love to ya hon... Great job on your announcing at LC, you sounded like an old pro!
  20. Dear Mr Tubbs... I've been flying dual line since August of 1990, and quads since late the following Spring (1991). Part of the problem, videos from pre-2004 are kind of hard to come by... Tough to get people to send 'em in (on loan) to me, but there are entertainment centers around the country filled with old videos.
  21. It's hard to say Tubbs... It's a little harder to learn quad after you've been dual lining for awhile, but not so much that it can't be overcome. The dual line kites will do more "pitch" or flippy tricks... http://kitevideo.net/johnbarresi_com/jb-pr...5_sea-devil.wmv Whereas the quad tend to focus more on accuracy and fine control. http://kitevideo.net/johnbarresi_com/jb-promo05_revplay.wmv It's hard for me to say if you should start one over the other... I started both within a year of each other. As for which model of kites to start with... For quad, it's clearly the 1.5... For dual line, I suppose it depends on a few things. What is your budget, and what wind conditions do you usually see in your area?
  22. Another smiley (modded) from JD (Backspin)... I think what it is JD, it won't take the PNG's for attachments. Also, do you see the white lines? Any idea why they're there, maybe left over as reference points? Edit: Okay, I found it... They're on the Rev components. You might want to pull those out on the next ones.
  23. [color=blue]John Barresi Editor/Publisher [i][url=http://www.kitelife.com]Kitelife Magazine[/url] ========== [color=gray]2006 AKA Sport Kite Committee Chair & International Rules Book Committee[/color] [img=http://kitelife.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/jbdogstake.gif] [url=http://www.johnbarresi.com]JohnBarresi.com[/url] - [url=http://www.kitelife.com/profiles/cgi/pm.cgi?action=display&login=Kitelife&session=]KL Competitor Profile[/url][/i][/color] Notice, I used an IMG tag since it's on my server but not on the :smiley: emoticon list... My own personal one. If it's on the list of usable emoticons on our forum, then you can just use the regular call tag for that smiley.
  24. I also put in a request to Invision's tech support staff... It isn't clearing threads when I click "mark these topics as read" in my "new posts" area. Bear with us, I'm trying to get 'er fixed.
  25. Give 'er another try Jason... Log out, click on "Log In" and check the box. Close the browser, and return... Should be okay now? I messed with the settings a little, hopefully it helped. Please let me know.
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