Well said Dorsal... While I still much prefer the Revs, I respect the preferences you so clearly explained.
What the consensus here is Tubbs, there is no "perfect" quad line kite to start with... I can safely say that there are far more Rev fliers in the world than any other quad line kite, but personal taste is a huge factor.
I would try to find some video of both kites in action, and try to get a sense of which motion you are attracted by initially.
But, for a smaller budget... I think Monkey hit it right on the head, start with either the Rev EXP or the NTK Spirit... After getting a sense of each one's style by way of video.
My 2 cents on quad.
As for dual line, I would check out some of the postings in our Beginner section of the forum:
Keep asking questions, but it's good to see what people are asking already, and what answers they're getting.