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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Troy, we've talked about this one before... Assuming you're still on WebTV, it is notoriously inconsistent with cookies (used in many log in services)... I'm not sure what to tell you. Their tech support might have some recommendations.
  2. Just an update, you can find some Sea Devil videos on my personal site as well. http://www.johnbarresi.com
  3. Some info on the basics... (example software may be out of date) http://www.kitelife.com/archives/issue28/music_editing2003/
  4. Right on Rob! Let us know how it goes...
  5. Don't forget to check out the Sea Devil pile on Sunday... We'll have 16 Sea Devils on hand for a big photo session, gonna be a lot of high powered kites!
  6. Okay, okay... Last suggestion... If you can "wait another week" and spend $179, look into the Cesium from L'Atelier... It's one of my top five favorite kites around, and it's got one heck of a price for what it does. And of course, I'd recommend you check with the shops who advertise with us... Not only to support the Kitelife site, but because we work with most of them for what they bring to the community as shops.
  7. Oh! Hey... Also, I recommend you check out the Mirage from Prism... For between $100-$120, I could do the following on it: - Jacobs Ladder - Flapjack - Lazy Susan - Multilazies - Roll Ups (needs yo yo stoppers, easy to install) - Snap landings - Floats (slides) - Basic precision For the money, I was very impressed... However, the bottom wind range on it for an intermediate flier is probably about 4mph. To be honest, that's not bad... And it should be quite durable for when you're learning all those cool new moves. Again, check around... See what others have to say.
  8. Hi Flyboy, I've seen a lot of the new tricks done with both the Big Bang and the E2... While they're not "Pro" kites, they certainly have their established audience. I dunno about the Easy and Xtreme... As I recall (might be mistaken), the Phoenix isn't as a ideal trick kite... Nix the Yin Yang... Not designed for what we do. Hope that helps some... I encourage you to wait for some other opinions, from people who have spent more time on each kite. The thing about kites is, there's no single right answer... So take the average. In the meantime, I highly recommend all the trick tutorials by RandyG tha can be found here: http://www.drageportal.dk/video/howtotrick.asp
  9. ROFL... Nah, but as you can see in the avatar... I do have Kitelife on the brain.
  10. Thank you Rui, again... Great job.
  11. Aaaargh, says me.
  12. Thanks kram... The first Sea Devil vid has seen over 1,300 downloads since the 1st of the month, all over the world... Really wild! As for the guestbook, the script I had been using was attracting spammers... With a mind-boggling workload here at Kitelife (16 hours of sleep all last week), and in some new developments in other areas over the last year, I haven't had time to install a new one. Thanks for the advisory though.
  13. Homemade Rev discussion moved to Quad Heads forum... http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=619
  14. I feel moved to say, I am proud to have all of you as members of this forum. To have such varied, yet considerately stated views... Diplomacy coupled with being direct, you're all welcome here anytime.
  15. Hehehe... I can't resist. Here is a prime example of quad line flying... http://kitevideo.net/johnbarresi_com/jb-promo05_revplay.wmv Here is a modern level of dual line flying... http://kitevideo.net/johnbarresi_com/jb-pr...5_sea-devil.wmv
  16. Be sure to ask about their "kite train"!
  17. Thank you Rob... What a compliment. It's always cool when someone else taps into some of what you enjoy and find passion in... We see that all day long between kite fliers all over the world, that's what it's all about, for sure. Pass it on! Now, as for you Monkey... Your spanking is waiting in Whidbey.
  18. Donski, here are a couple of articles which you might find to be of use... Sometimes there is no perfect kite, but technique will take you far. Dual line - http://kitelife.com/archives/issue39/lightwind39/index.htm Quad line - http://kitelife.com/archives/issue40/lightwind40/index.htm
  19. Beautiful Rui!!!!! I really like your video... I want to ask, does the video actually show your progression on the Rev? In other words, is the first footage from when you were just figuring some stuff out... And you leading us on through your development? Just curious... Regardless, nice work.
  20. Hehehehe... Another one joins the Dark Side. Seriously, glad to hear you found peace with the Rev... Rev flying, it's something else.
  21. Hehehehe... Good to know.
  22. Based on the average winds of 3-8 mph, and up to 25... The SLE is your best bet, without a doubt.
  23. Uhhh... I didn't do anything, but thanks Paul!
  24. Thanks a lot Rick, I'll pass that on to Stroh. WSIKF is forthcoming, our next issue!
  25. Thanks to you both, I just love to fly.
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