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Edmond Dragut

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Everything posted by Edmond Dragut

  1. electrical shrink tape and a lighter i find out to be more then enough
  2. congrats and good wind
  3. I will call you Mark for sure and i will like also to fly and take pointers any time from you
  4. i'm in.mi wife will appreciate this kite.
  5. ok boys and girls a trade seams to not be interesting so... in 2 weeks (1 august) i start mi vacation and i will try something maybe crazy but for sure interesting for a 26 years old Rev 1. i already make some changes and tested to a different Rev 1 bridle and i am happy with. on this Rev 1 i will try something different and unsuspected ( i think), i will change the bridle with a ultra light one,i will equip the kite with Zen frame and the crazy thing is coming now, i will try to adapt on the vertical roads some carbon tube spacers like the steel springs on the Reflex. I will use some T connectors from Prism kites and i will experiment the best position and length of them for the best...i don't know yet but i am sure faster respond speed and less radial turns. i will let you know about final results. If somebody want a trade and don't showed the interested yet is a chance till 1 august after that will be a different "animal" for sure Thank you
  6. pick a marble from here http://glassmarbles.com/large_marbles.htm if you relay want to make you one you pay materials and shipping ( marble, cabinet knob and stainilles steel road ) and the worksmanship is mi treat
  7. you may build your own, you need just a glass marble from eBay from 3 to 120 $ , a stainless steel road, a round cabinet handle, a 1/4 diamante bit and an universal glue from Home Depot. some time, some imagination probably a bit more expensive then a purchased one but will be "home made" and for sure you will be more pride with. i build for myself two, one black with white mix for grass and one red with gold insertions for sand. all the best
  8. I will like to trade a used REV I in good crispy condition 8 out of 10,( the bungee are loose by age and no bag for kite) for the small brother Rev II or ZEN , is an old model with metal ferrules and rods marked Revolution Equipped Thank you
  9. Hello,I will like that novelty,what is your price ?
  10. Hi Mark, finally i receive the kite so any time after
    4 PM am i willing to meet you.
    mi cell phone is 8479121089,please let me know when you have time for me.
    distance and location is not a problem how long is a good spot to make the
    tests for kite.
    Thank you

  11. Hi Mark, finally today i receive the kite so any time after 4 PM am i willing to meet you.mi cell phone is 8479121089,please let me know when you have time for me.distance and location is not a problem how long is a good spot to make thetests for kite.Thank you
  12. thank you millions times
  13. than you to all and be sure i will ask as many questions i need so...i apologies from the beginning if i become annoying
  14. wowww hello to all, I was impressed by a video of you flying a Rev 1 (the one I see you sold some time ago) and by first impulse I purchased “something”. On to another forum Wayne Dowler (lucky me) estimate to be something close to a Blast from Power Series. I do not have the kite yet (long way from china) to confirm or to infirm that expertise based on to a picture and dimensions but soon I will find out if I fly the kite or the kite is flying me (that will not be fun) Mi experience is resuming at fly and build single line kites all kind of shapes and now I jumped directly to quad (all or nothing) and I hope to have good time with or mi Chinese if I an heavy enough or with an authentic Rev
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