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Everything posted by riffclown

  1. Yes, at least for now. The tunnel in front "should" act as a keel and be the bridle. I may have to do something different once I get it in the wind but for now, the tunnel is the attachment point.
  2. From the album: Riffclown's Homemades

    Quick stability test.
  3. Quick stability test is promising. More pics once I get a breeze to fly it in.
  4. Short vid to show shape of the wing.. Still work to do on this kite.
  5. More into the vison for this kite.
  6. Basic Diamond design made from scraps and Trim of other builds.
  7. Into the Wind, Kites and Fun Things, Flymarket, and Goodwinds all have varying degrees of materials and availability..
  8. And the bag is done. Bag is the trim with a bit of polymax.
  9. I started a related topic some time back. it also has some good pointers embedded within the flow of the conversation there.
  10. You are pretty much on target. I'd suggest start with 10-ish meters. As you get more proficient you can extend your distance. Shorter than 10 meters or so takes a touch more skill as you have to handle the handles more proficiently while the kite is gliding out. 10-12 meters is the sweet spot to not have to hurry with handle manipulations while the kite is gliding out. (Just for reference to others, 10-12 Meters equals just under 33 ft to just over 39 feet) One other tip. After your practice, quickly check line equalization before packing up as the throw tends to stress the lead brake line a bit more than the others (especially when learning.).
  11. From the album: Riffclown's Homemades

    Happy with this kite. Swirling breeze. 12' lines
  12. From the album: Riffclown's Homemades

    Happy with this kite
  13. Bridle Test Swirling Breeze, 12' lines.. Very pleased with results on this kite.
  14. Was going to also suggest looking at Drum Hardware Travel bags. https://www.musiciansfriend.com/accessories/humes-berg-galaxy-companion-tilt-n-pull-bag?rNtt=drum gig bags&index=1 https://www.musiciansfriend.com/accessories/protec-hardware-bag-with-wheels?rNtt=drum gig bags&index=4 even Microphone stand bags or Speaker Stand bags will do the trick pretty well (No wheels) https://www.amazon.com/Stage-MSB6500-Microphone-Stand-Carry/dp/B0010GKX0K I modified Two 50" Gator Dual Compartment Speaker Stand bags down to 8" x 8" x 39" to become my primary kite bags. Again no wheels but they hold a lot of kites and pack well for my purposes. https://www.amazon.com/Gator-Interior-Microphone-Lighting-GPA-SPKSTDBG-50/dp/B001IM5KFY If I was going to be flying with my kites, I'd use this hard case though.
  15. So finalversion ended up pretty close to the original concept once trimmed to size. I did leave it with a bit more belly to enhance low/no wind performance. Framing will be done tomorrow. Bridle was done previously.
  16. Main Panel sewing is done..
  17. First panel is basted..
  18. Just laying it out for the moment.. Still not completely sold on the silver in the middle but I can make that final decision during the next step..
  19. After going through my Jon T, stash I found some extremely pale blue and decided on this design
  20. FWIW, regardless of which one I make, Edge binding will be blue and LE will be White.
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