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Everything posted by riffclown

  1. Filmed at Jockey's Ridge, Nags Head, N.C. As a manner of perspective, The Rev visible at 13 Seconds in is on 120' lines and handles were staked about 15' in front of us.
  2. Thank You. Despite the weight, the kite has surprising low wind capability.
  3. Pretty much raw footage.. Video doesn't do it justice.. The colors were vivid in person and the spinning kites had almost a strobe doppler effect.. Camera just doesn't show the colors.
  4. Short video showing the shimmer when backlit by the sun
  5. riffclown


    From the album: Corolla 2018

    Another Team Shot
  6. riffclown


    From the album: Corolla 2018

    Spotting for the Team
  7. riffclown


    From the album: Corolla 2018

    Team Flight Training
  8. riffclown


    From the album: Corolla 2018

    Mass Ascension of riffclown kites. Indigo Sunrise, Midnight Royal Taboo, Midnight Diamonds, Jester II, Recharge and FS #3
  9. riffclown


    From the album: Corolla 2018

    Jester II First Flight
  10. riffclown


    From the album: Corolla 2018

    Going through the Team Drills
  11. Success!!! Despite the bus like dimensions, this thing flies and exhibited pretty decentlow wind capability.. Video from Whalehead when I return home.
  12. I let others familiar with the kite answer that question.. The reason I know about the tails and materials is, I make kites out of them.. Rarely do I actually fly with tails on the kites..
  13. Several options.. OSK has 2" wide Icarex tails 33' long for about $13 each The Kite Shoppe has 1" x 40' Nexus Ribbon tails for about $7 g-Kites has several different options that should line u0p with your needs as well from Ribbon to Skywriter to transition tails.. Flymarket and Goodwinds also have several options to "make your own"
  14. Special Space for Spare Spars. Said I was done making kites until the Quad Clinic so looking for other things to make.. Designed and made this Roll-up frame/spars bag tonight.. Holds roughly 17 complete frames.
  15. From the album: Riffclown's Homemades

    Roll up Frame bag.. mesh allows you to see the fram markings but still keeps the pockets deep enough to secure the frames. Holds 17 Frames.
  16. Congratulations @RobB New Karma is up.. Locking this one down..
  17. riffclown


    Man, I'm so sorry to hear this.. Pets are family and anyone that would say otherwise doesn't have a pet.. Sincere Sympathies..
  18. riffclown


    From the album: Riffclown's Homemades

    Scraps from kite making into small mock-ups for fun.
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