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Everything posted by Mousie

  1. The season is up and running in full go , and after some discussion at the AKA Board meeting the other night we all agreed that a reminder should go out to all our kiting family about the kites that have NOT been recovered as of today. Gerry and Cliff Pennell had their kites stolen from the airport a year ago and they have yet to be recovered. PLEASE take a moment to visit the link below that has pictures of their kites that were stolen.. One moment of your time may help them get YEARS worth of hard work and dedication back. So as you are traveling to all your events, please keep an eye out for any of the kites, or banners they lost. THANKS SO MUCH! On a good note, Don Mock's kites HAVE indeed been recovered after being stolen in Berck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET"S HELP FIND THE PENNELL'S KITES AS WELL !!!!! Take a look here http://www.kitebuilder.com/forums/viewtopi...&highlight= Thanks, Amy , and Ben
  2. ONE MORE SPOT OPEN!!!!! I regret to say that I will not be able to attend the team clinic . I have been invited to attend the San Ramon Wind and Art Festival and will be in California that weekend! John has told me I need to fill the spot so here it is.. FIRST ONE TO SAY SO, IS THE ONE THAT GETS THE ONE AND ONLY SPOT LEFT. GOOD LUCK TO YOU! READY SET GO!!!!!!
  3. I sure do too.... I am working on my Rok too and I am glad you posted the link John, these are great!!!
  4. Actually now that you mention it... I just realized I was not online.. when I usually am always just on when go to the forum.. lol
  5. Ok show number one is up on google.. please be advised.. it is not complete .. almostttttt but the cam ran out of tape, and it was on auto pilot.. still gives you another look if you were in it.. I know it helps me . enjoy. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7800370543266521694
  6. Aww Andy , I am so sorry .. We truly missed you! I was all ready to fly to your great voice tooo.... feeling any better??? hugs mouse
  7. Ty Choccy, I am really liking that kite. Have to tweak the feathers that come off the ends just a touch. I have them on spinning hooks but every once and a while they would get a bit sticky. Easily fixed I think.. Looking forward to the next one!
  8. I think there should be a thread on Post Festival depression. Anyone? lol. Connor said to me yesterday driving home. * I miss everyone Mom*. No truer words.. I do too. It was a great fest. And the week at work cannot be over soon enough .... seems I am always dragging the few days after an event. I met a lot of new fliers this past weekend. Happy to say I got to fly some team as well. Thanks to all that made it possible. A special ty to Brett and Diane for their hospitality. You did a great job team flying Brett! Can't wait to see the pictures!
  9. Hugs and ty.. I have to say it was a lot of fun working with everyone. Great group of people... and all into working together.. got to love that.
  10. Hi all, Just got back from LC. Had a wonderful time with a great group of fliers. Shannon Underwood did a great job of videoing taping and we actually managed to get it online last night. Takes a bit to load up so hit the stop button and let it load a bit before watching. Enjoy! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4477386325940322270
  11. wow... I have been rendered speechless.. fantastic!
  12. Exactly! I got lucky.. and I talked to Brett last night by phone for a bit. He has done all the right stuff and covered all his bases, so hopefully it will be the same scenario as mine. crossing fingers. I did my share of dumpster diving as well.. ugh.
  13. Hi all, Please go here to see pics of all of Brett's kites. http://www.revkites.com/forum/index.php?sh...amp;#entry43178
  14. Happy Birthday Mike! Hope your day is awesome and your year is even better!!
  15. Great new costume Penny! I really like this one! you can use your fishies!!!!!! the ones you always mark out the kitebag area with ! How cool will that be. hugs mousie
  16. It was a greatt weekend! Thanks for all the help this weekend.. Great festival, great things happening.. great people.. We will be there next year for sure. Hope everyone has a safe trip home... hugs mousie
  17. Connor and I will be there.. weather.. or not.. I am determined !!! lol
  18. umm Mike, You forgot the verse where the mouse hops in the suitcase to Mexico with the mini rev.... *taps paw*... lol hugs mousie
  19. Hi all, Just wanted to share this with you. New Images up at the website. Here is a peek of one of Fantasy Beach. Taken at WSKIF this is one of my favorites. Enjoy. FREE SHIPPING this weekend ONLY. use code FEMPRO16
  20. Big hugs and a wish for a wonderful year.. I miss you! love mousie.
  21. CAMAS INDOOR COMPETITION 3 IS UP ! took a while, and i am still trying to sort out one comp from another.. so bear with me.. enjoy, http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7999679250684980133
  22. We met him at convention.. I knew he was not in good health, but I did not think this would happen so soon.. what an honor it is to have met him. We were admiring his kites all week. My best to his family and friends. Mousie
  23. That Paul DeBakkers new kite * the skate* and they are really great to fly. I own two already lol... oh, if you watch the video in it's original size it's not so fuzzy.. bottom right hand corner of the video screen for options.
  24. Hi all, I managed to get the first competition up from the Camas indoor. It's a bit fuzzy online but clear on my computer.. anyway. here ya go http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6975428880232981461
  25. lol yes it's true, Connor placed second and I did land third in the third comp.. however.. I was flying the indoor rev for the fourth time ever, and I managed to pull a first in the last comp, so I am really happy about that.. I still have a ton to learn. Penny? got a weekend free? lol.. oh, one more thing.. Believe it or not, Connor has not mentioned it since we left Camas. I even tried to get him to tell people .. and he won't. He says.. MOMMM.. it sounds bad telling people I beat my Mom... lol.. never thought of that . hugs mousie
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