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Everything posted by Mousie

  1. I like how I'm about to sit on purple's head! who is purple anyways?? lol.. I can't remember.. We could put on the shirt..** In the beginning, there were mistakes......**
  2. lol hugs.. you do know one of them is me don't you lol.. I'm the one that started it lhahaha like at wskif in my first mega fly... hugs to ya
  3. OOO does this mean I get to print up some iClod shirts??
  5. Need something sanctioned? very easy.. Here is the link for the AKA sanctioning . Any questions please feel free to message me.
  6. Absolutely! So are you incharge of the loud speaker? Absolutely ... not but i am little and move quick hehehee
  7. Penny, see you there.. and oh there and ....
  8. Hi Dean , I will see ya there!
  9. aww Penny that is a greatttttttttttttttt video. I loved that part of the show the best.. you notice I got to sit down lol.. REALLY you did a fantasticccc fly in all the shows... big hugs Mousie
  10. hugs to you, it sounds like you are feeling better yeahhhhhhhh! hugs mousie
  11. Let me be one of the first of many to say that this clinic was one of the most productive learning venues I have been to. ( and yes I have been to plenty). When I arrived on Thursday night, it was too late to visit, however the next morning when everyone showed up at the beach, there was really only a handful of people that had flown team. When I flew today, there was about 5 teams of at least 4 each flying at the same time. And I don't mean like crashing and burning all day.... I mean FLYING TEAM! I had trouble telling where one team ended and the other began, even to the point of realizing at one point I got confused as to which team I was following lol.. What a kick... To those of you that have the opportunity to get to the clinic back east, I would highly recommend it. You will walk away feeling like you could go start your own team.... and have a ton of fun to boot. Not sure I have laughed so much in a long time. One more note.... Yesterday, I got a bit worried when I couldn't find my son. I asked someone if they had seen him, and they pointed to a team of four flying and said.. * He is right there... on that team!* I about fell over. He was hovering with the team so well, I didn't even know it was him. For a 15 yr old kid, he came home with a huge sense of accomplishment. Something I am truly happy about. Thanks guys... big hugs from the mouse..
  12. Happpppppppppppy Almost Birthday Benny.... As long as you and Charlie can keep playing... I am allllllllll good with that.!!! Hugs Mousie
  13. I'm game, Info sent to your message box.. ty Penny
  14. Mousie


    gulp.... I haven't been on in a bit.. and I just read what Connor posted.. and what you all said.... tearing up here.. thank you all for being so kind... truly.. a Happy New Year to all. hugs mousie
  15. Mousie


    This is connor having trouble loging in but this is connor and I'm really glad we got are kites back and they are in great shape everyone is accounted for expet for one I'm so happy
  16. Mousie


    hahahahahaa omg Scotty, You made my face hurt... toenails rotting eeeeeeeeew. lol BIG Hugs to you... you like the mustache??? lol when are you coming back out here to see us?? We MISS you!!!! Lincoln City?????? I sure hope so.... Thanks for always making me crack up when I need to... like two seconds before I go to compete lol.. . hugs mousie
  17. Mousie


    HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ok here is the news.... . The kites had been gone through and are in wrong bags... but I am truly truly HAPPY to tell you that ALLLLLL the kites are there except one, and ALL the kites are in good condition. Now i have to go through them yet.. to make certain but it will take me a bit to do that. The V.I.P Lam Hoac indoor is the one kite I am sorry to say is not there.... but it may turn up... The police know it's still gone.. The guy in charge of this ring is in jail and will be going to trial.. There were people there picking up refrigerators and table saws.. and computers and and and... we spoke to one woman that was about to move into her brand new home.. and they took everything.. all the appliances.. everything down to the light fixtures... She recovered a few things, but we are pretty sure that a lot of her things were sold. I feel for her. We were lucky. Connor has been quiet since last night... not really talking about it. When he got out of the car.. and walked over and saw the rev bag... he shouted **** that's our STUFFFFFF**** And when we opened the bag, and he saw the kite that Benny had gotten for him, he grabbed it and pulled it out.. and was sooo happy to see it.. *made some of us teary eyed***. still is. we are both still in disbelief.. Connor just said.. oh my gosh... I cannot believe it. I know exactly how he feels... it just seems to good to be true..
  18. Mousie


    As Monks put it * Want to hear some happy news for Christmas?*** I got a call today from the Bend Police. They have busted a huge burglary ring here in Bend that had so much stuff the police had to rent three storage units to put it into... They have my kites.. oh yea... they have em, and I am to go tomorrow and id them and get them. I do not have any idea what shape they are in, but I am just gonna be happy that they caught the people that did this , and that I will have some if not all of them back. We will find out tomorrow at 1pm. I promise to keep you posted... but in the meantime, I truly want to send a heartfelt thank you to all of you that have been supportive, loaned kites to me for Nationals, or put an entire collection together for me to take.. (the kite shoppe, hugs T!), those of you that listened to me try and figure out why, and how and if.. (monks got the worst of it)... I really do not know how to tell you all how thankful we are to have you as friends.. hugs, Mousie
  19. Hey gosh.. ty .. I didn't get a chance to get on here till now. John has done an incredible job indeed, and I can only hope to keep it on a steady track... John's shoes are pretty big to fill .... so I went shopping and got a size bigger... it still won't work.. so I will just do my best. lol. Mousie
  20. lol .. I had to lay down flat in order to fly John's stack of mirages at wskif 3 years back... and it was probably only 25-30. I didn't feel so bad when the guys flying it after they saw how much funnnn i was having were leaning back pretty hard .
  21. lmao I cannot remember what my guess was to begin with! then i logged in and saw the congrats at the top of page 12 and thought.. ohhhhh she had the baby... ok now that I have read back and gotten it together... All I care about is that everything goes smoothly and all are healthy.. big hugsssssssss mousie heh just went back to page one... I was done 5 days ago lolllll eeek
  22. Hey there Chris, Mousie here.. I am in a no fly slump also.. I don't mind either rain or snow.. but I won't do both together lol.. It is supposed to be nice this weekend.. Is it the weather holding you up??? .. say hi to your mom for me will ya? hugs
  23. Hugs to you T! Really hope you feel better soon. Connor went a second round with it last weekend but seems to be better now. Its a real $%^&*#$# this one is.. love ya
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