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Everything posted by Aerochic

  1. Ouch that must be loud! Hehehehe...
  2. Time for a new video then! ;D I think it's awesome how much fun you and the fellas have with your Quads. I wish mine would get here already! Whines.
  3. Heya John, You get 10 Uber Cool points for this (The Rabbit of Seville Routine): http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6...h&plindex=2 I just stumbled across this online and it had me laughing out loud!
  4. UGH! It always amazes me how oblivious people are sometimes. I had a toddler and her Grandmother playing between my dual lines after I told them that was no safe place to be. I had to stop and wait for them to get the message and clear out before flying again. A LOT of patience is required. However I did notice an abundance of rude beach goers in Wildwood when I was there for the festival last month. :/
  5. I agree with this method and just wanted to add that I never roll my stunt kite. I always fold it. There appears to be no swift way of doing this unfortunately.
  6. Please let me know how this turns out, Ken, as I believe I ordered my kite around the same time as you. I was told mine was to be shipped on Friday, but the order tracking on their website still says "Pending", Grrrrrrr. I am SO. Not. Happy. about this. As of this moment, my kite has not been delivered. I will give him (Tony @ Bestkites) Saturday to deliver. On Saturday evening, if no delivery, a complaint will be sent to the BBB. (he shows 3 similar complaints when I looked.) I will also try and get my money back. It sounds like we may have ordered from the same place. My online log-in also shows "pending". When I talked to Tony on Wednesday, he said it would be here today for sure. When I called him today, he put me on HOLD, and then I was disconnected. After that, just got his voice mail. I now no longer believe his word. **FlyinKen** I ma Awwwww Man! That So Sucks!!! I hope you get your order (and in proper shape). Mine apparently was shipped out this week (I was given a UPS tracking #), but I'm reserving final judgement until it actually arrives in my hands. Last time I tried to call I was met by answering machines. I'm very aggravated by the lack of communication there. So Not Impressed. If I get screwed with the shipping, I will be adding to the list of reports to the BBB.
  7. These vids are great fun! I love your choice of music! HEE!
  8. Please let me know how this turns out, Ken, as I believe I ordered my kite around the same time as you. I was told mine was to be shipped on Friday, but the order tracking on their website still says "Pending", Grrrrrrr. I am SO. Not. Happy. about this.
  9. That is So Awesome, Mike! Thank You So Much!!! I've never been a fan of winders, this might be the ticket for me.
  10. It does suck mightily and it's poor customer service to boot.
  11. Ugh! I think I ordered from the same place recently. Ya knowwww, communication is such a ~easy~ and helpful thing. An email would have really helped. Now I leave for vacation without my new kite. *Cries*
  12. Ooooooooooh YAY! Thanks In Advance, Monkey!!!
  13. I so hear this. When I'm done flying, I just like to throw things in my bag and either go home or back to a hotel and worry about rewinding (if necessary). Thanks for all the great advice!
  14. Some photos would be GREAT if you have the time! I'm a visual kinda person!
  15. Thanks Skitch, it does help to read everyone else's methods and frustrations. I'll bear that in mind when I go through it! ;D As for therapy, I can totally see that! The rev's movements possess the kite zen I've been looking for. Once I get this down, I'm going to be a very happy camper.
  16. This is all good to know. I can see where I'm going to have to "feel" my way through this. :? If there is a way to avoid the tangles, I want to be doing that.
  17. Yeah, Watty, I really don't want to use 2 winders for time & impatience reasons. I did think your method was pretty straightforward when I read it.
  18. I know. It's a little fluff article. What can I say? :?

  19. Mike, do you mean that you wind both sets of lines around the two handles held together??? I'm brand new to this, so I'm trying to seek the easiest (read: least complicated) way to do things right now.
  20. This person seemed to like the traditional kites over the stunts and quads. *Shrugs* I love it all.
  21. Here's some more pics from the festival. Heyyyy, is that Antman in there??? http://www.capemaytimes.com/wildwood/news-...te-festival.htm
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