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About mirecat

  • Birthday 05/28/1958

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Team kites; to be a part of a collective, organized mayhem
  • Flying Since
    2:37pm April 8th, 1998
  • Location
    Puyallup, Wa, USA
  • Country
    United States
  • Gender

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  1. Better yet, come to the Windless Kite Festival in Long Beach! That's where you'll find all of us this weekend.
  2. The comp is Ballet. This is the only kind of comp recognized for the AKA points and invite to Nationals. The Demos are for show and open to anything. The event will be held at Ocean Park Primary School 25701 Vernon Ave, Ocean Park, WA 98640 This is about 8 miles north of where we have been having the event. Jan. 13th the festival begins at 5pm with an evening of informal free-flying. Saturday, Jan 14th will begin in the morning with more free-flying time. At 10am the demonstrations will start. Some more free-flying through the lunch hour and at 2pm there will be the indoor competition. At 6pm the banquet begins. It will be an Italian potluck. At the banquet, awards will be presented and there will be an auction / raffle, with the proceeds going to the World Kite Museum in Long Beach. So bring an Italian dish or salad, and an item for the raffle. Sunday, Jan. 15th, will bring even more free-flying time, demonstrations, and at 11am an indoor ''Hot Trick Shoot-out''. Monday, Jan 16th, there will be even more free flying time. To compete in either or both of the competitions you must be a current AKA member and there will be a $10 registration fee. So come spend the long weekend with us, you won't regret it! I have made arrangements with the Shaman Motel in Long Beach for special rates during the Windless Kites Festival. Their winter rates for rooms run between $55 and $70. They will give us the 2nd and 3rd night for half price. I'll be staying there. :-) Just let them know that I sent you. Shaman Motel 115 3rd St. Sw P.O. Box 235 Long Beach, WA 98631 (360) 642-3714 1.800.753.3750 http://www.shamanmotel.com/pages/maps.html
  3. Dude, you rock! Now, about Adobe Acrobat, I propose a little side fun raiser. You give us a dedicated PayPal link and we can make it happen. Give us a month to rally the troops and you'll have your Kitelife Christmas present. No prizes, no rewards, no recognition, we'll just "git er dun". Well........
  4. Bring it on!
  5. Sweetness!
  6. John, you better not deny you passion for indoor competition. If I can't compete against you indoors, my soul will cry out a million deaths and besides we are ambassadors.
  7. It now looks like the OS event will be late Oct. Your W/E is penciled in for you. Oh yeah, baby.
  8. I need to find out how the indoor comp event in Portland area is coming along. Things are rapidly coming together for a big indoor comp at Ocean shores in Nov. and I would like to help in the scheduling.
  9. Serious BOH!
  10. mirecat

    Beginner Help

    Actually that's tough to get. The 1st few hours of dual line kiting are very hard on a kite. Usually there's a lot of crashing. Normal stuff. A Beetle is good for that, it probably can handle the most abuse. It's not the easiest kite to learn to trick though. A bigger kite like the Jam Session or Elixer that are made more for trick flying would be better for learning tricks. (There are many others in this catagory as well.) Now finding the cheapest, easiest to trick, and most durable kite is quite a feat.
  11. "Am I correct in understanding you to say that the 3-D is more trickable, but requires a lot more movement and attention as a result? Could I also trouble you to help me understand "efficiency" as it applies to indoor flying?" Yes, but not necessarily a lot more movement. Part of the extra work is keeping the kite in motion. Finding that point where you give it just enough energy, and not waste any extra energy, is the efficiency I was talking about. A Wren is an easier kite to fly indoors because it's more forgiving. It's also nice and slow, graceful , and floaty. It actually takes less energy to keep it in the air. It's harder to do a fast axle or 540 on a Wren rather than the slow tricks that it likes. It's so light and flimsy that you'll likely just jerk it out of the air, instead of getting that real fast trick. With the smaller stiffer indoor kites like the 3-D you'll get the quick tricks but it's harder to get the slow stuff. I really enjoy getting a slow low 540 with my indoor Pizazz that would rather be moving quicker, like the 3-D. Of course, I love the incredibly fast tricks with it, too. There really are so many different indoor flying styles. Each kite has it's strengths, or things that it likes to do. Each flyer develops a style or styles,(If you are really good). I think it's important to find that connection, but it can only be done by spending the time flying. Hope this helps, but if not, I don't mind rambling on.
  12. The 3-D likes to keep moving. Some indoor kites are like that. It is a kite that will help you to become a more efficient indoor flyer. It's the trickability vs. float like a feather thing.
  13. Absolutely WOW! That was the best indoor event I've been to totally everness. It blue me away! Indoor rocks! (I'm trying to be more colorful when I'm very excited)
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