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Everything posted by Jynx

  1. Be interesting to see/read the entire article...
  2. MILWAUKEE Wisconsin UpDate: As I post: -4 (wind chill -29) Enough said!
  3. MILWAUKEE Wisconsin... Harley friendly (as you know) but only 7 months of riding weather, great (Michigan) lake, good winds, friendly community, ridiculous taxes, moderate housing costs, rising crime rates, along with snowy winters that are too long and too cold, and oh yeah... humid summers... Hummmm... FORGET IT! I once asked a shop owner (on a winter stormy day)... "Why in the world do we live here?" His PERFECT response... "Cause someone has to!" Guess that's me! Blonde BUT Determined!
  4. As a kid (more than a few years ago) we made our own kites, never store-bought. Usually with newspaper, wood cut-offs from under my dad's table saw, fishing line, and multi-rag tails... My brother, cousin, and I actually got them to fly, and high too! ...Boy... That takes me back! My first "real" kite, that got me into the posh, obsessive mess I'm in... is an Aerie 108" dual (two-tone blue and white) that my son bartered for, for my birthday in October of 2007. Great kite which I flew exclusively until I bought my first Rev (July of this year). ...You know the rest of the $$$$$$$$$tory!
  5. Take care when flying from a chair! I don't want to see photos of you flying in a body cast! As far as Ryder cup Jinx...? Don't know who or what that is... Just Plain JYNX
  6. Me likey! Good Job!
  7. We always made up our own names too. My names for some of my moves like the guillotene and can can.. You just call them what you want.. maybe you'll make a new catch word. BB Penny I feel better knowing that you create names for your manuvers too. I thought I was the only one! I have what I call the "Oh NO!", the "S**t", the "Braaaa-ther", the "How did I do that?", the "dang", the "What?", the "Huh?", and the "I give up I'm going home!" ...and a few more I'll keep to myself.
  8. John- You're only as old as you feel! Jynx
  9. Check your mailbox yet? I have socks older than you!
  10. John- Win, loose, or draw... 10 cents a day for all the KiteLife support, the forums, videos, etc., etc., not to mention giveaways... Why haven't I taken the plunge before? What really did it was your salesmanship and my shameless want for a chance at that vented "B"! "EG" .
  11. Had to refresh this topic and John's awesome video... This is a post that all us newbees should take a look at! Something else! You make me smile!
  12. And here... I thought... I still had a chance! Forlorn, but I must go on... Congrats again, you lucky Jynx "EG"
  13. Finally had the chance to get some fly-time in today as temperatures soared to 50 degrees! WOW! The winds were gusty, to say the least! Wish I had received the (on order) "B - Night" mid-vent, sure could have used venting in those winds. PS Got home to find it between the doors! Story of my life! Anyway... It's Beyond Beautiful! Luv it and can't wait to show it off! Thanks! Jynx
  14. Just what I was looking for! Rev, Awesome colors, "B" series (of course!), w/mid-vent! I guess I'll just call it my Christmas in November! (No need to gift wrap!) My orders in and I'm anxiously awaiting a brighter sky! ...(and another autograph-kite-session... by "you know who"!) Jynx
  15. Flying in the trees? I N S A N E ! ... JOHN..."You're the man!" But remember, you can fly in them, but only God can make 'em!
  16. Jynx

    Quad Tricks

    That would be awesome! Keep in touch... I NEED HELP! Thanx! Jynx
  17. Jynx

    Quad Tricks

    John- Been on site, saw the videos, but as you know... I NEED MORE HELP! I'm getting there... slowly but surely! I hope the next time you make it to Milwaukee it'll be raining again and I can get a few (NO! alot more) tips from you! Keep smiling!
  18. Terry... You sound like me. Less than a year ago (at 60) I bought my first dual, then my second, third, and on and on, never thinking I could master a quad. Then I bit the bullet and bought my first Rev 1.5 quad... and I'm hooked. My last purchase was a Barresi 1.5 which I fly as many days a week as the winds will allow. I am a newbee, but I'm slowly learning some of the tricks. As another replier stated, (as I discovered too late) it's easier to learn on a quad right off the bat than to unlearn two lines and re-learn the quad 4-line handles and system. Now I have a bag full of duals that seldom leave the bag. Flying solo I find that the quad is so easy to manuver that I don't have to reset the kite as you often have to do with the dual. It's a much easier kite to fly when you are flying solo. (Ofcourse you get more excersize running back and forth setting up the dual). But, I hate THAT much excersize! It took me a couple of days and a whole lot of patience to get the quad to stay in the air (all it wanted to do was rise, turn, and crash). Now it's hard to belive it was so difficult. Beginners advise... a tiny movement will make all the difference whether or not it'll stay up and do what you wish it to do. Anyway... Good luck to you... and get a Barresi Rev 1.5 or a Barresi mid-vent (on my wish list)... you'll never be disapointed. Then join the club of Quad-Kiteoholics like me! Have fun! Jynx
  19. Jynx

    Quad Tricks

    One of the forums indicated a youtube piece on the Jacobs ladder trick for a dual ( ) Great piece and so easy to see both the kite action and hand controls. Great instructional piece.I'm looking for the same type of instructional piece for quads, showing axels, fades, etc. I'm a newbee and have a difficult time trying to learn from written instructions or CDs that show the kite action but little of the actual hand/handle movements along with the kite action (at the same time). Wish there were more youtube-type pieces like the one above, for quads. Anyone have any quad informational sites? Thanks! Colleen
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