Two birthday posts already! ...I REFUSE to leave another!
Well...Maybe just one more ~ Have a WINDerFULL birthDAY!
You your age you're ALMOST wet behind your ears!'ve got a few on me as well! But I'm certainly a member of the club!
Youth is truly wasted on the young... Let's ban together and revolt!
May your birthDAY be most WINDerFULL!
Interesting stream!
Looking forward to your review!
...Seeing I've given-up trying to figure-out the whole scheme of green vs. race god-rods! :confused!: ...I'll happily leave that up to YOU!
Just wondering if anyone, besides me, finds that they often have to re-login even though they have the 'remember me' checked?
Not a biggie to re-login... just wondering if it's only me (my issue) or others (site issue)?
Nick ~ Glad to hear from you and hoping all is well with our extended family... my thoughts are with all who suffered through this disaster.
Puts our crumby cold and overcast, but safe, Wisconsin weather in true perspective!
GREAT Build!
As JB stated... Would love to see some helpful specs!
For me, this would be a super no-wind-days project!
I always wanted to get into buggying and try my hand at a build! ...(Helped along by my brothers welding skills!)