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Everything posted by Jynx

  1. . . . . and an A++++Mazing Announcer-Dude at that! You Made Our Day!
  2. I'm in! . . . . Kewl idea!
  3. Have a HaPpY and a WINDerFULL bIrThDaY JB . . . . . . (Like I had to tell you that!?!?) EG
  4. Jynx

    for sale

    Sorry to hear you no longer have time to fly! ...I'm sure there are several of us here that would love to see what you are willing to part with BUT I would suggest keeping atleast one... just in case you find the time!
  5. GREAT! Loaded, no problems, thanks for the upgrades and my happy face! EG
  6. I realized I have more than my share of purdy Revs ...BUT... I sure could use a vented B2 for play! I'm in and Hopin'!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. D A M N ! ... Your sure know how to poach the wind! Loved the flying, editing, music, just simply AAA+++mazing!!!
  8. Lost the link to the by-pass for KiteMail (email)... Can someone help and re-post the link? THANKS!
  9. Dave rocks! Great prize!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. DON'T Thank Me! ...I was hoping for someone else to win! ...Like ME! It's John and his RNG to be thanked! Seriously... C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !
  11. S I C K !
  12. See you on the 29th at the IKE Retreat! ...Looking forward to it!
  13. Jynx


    Welcome to the WINDerFULL world of the Dark-Side of kiting! Good work Steve! Obsession is not an option it's a fact!
  14. I enjoy flying both solo and group... with music playing flying solo is such a ZENful experience for me I fly for hours! Welcome to the Dark-Side! ...and to confuse you even more... look forward to the Dark-Side benefit of delicious cookies too!
  15. CONGRATS Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Sorry! a day late and a Rev Package short!
  17. Jynx

    Lost e-mail

    JB is working on it! ...May take up to 48 hours.
  18. Oh NO problem there! ...We're here to suck-you-in help in any way we can!
  19. Hey Dark-Siders.. I think we've got another one on the hook!!!!! Shhhhhhhhhhhh! =
  20. We shall warmly welcome you to the "Dark-Side" at the retreat! ...There will be a multitude of Revs for you to fly! See ya there!
  21. Wouldn't miss it nor the SKY! Looking forward to the Second Annual...Good Times!
  22. PS: JB ~ THANKS for all your Generous offerings!
  23. Congrats Mitch! REALLY Envious on your win! ...coulda used this one!!!!!!!!!
  24. Nice to see it went to such an appreciative winner! Congrats to Jeryll!!!!!!!!
  25. How about simply "Christmas in July"!
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