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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. What's normal SAND ?
  2. And the slash of red spray paint is good also, if you really did need to know. I always designate (ID) my handles, like that, because I always want to know which is right, and which is left............. (and that's a fact)
  3. But I keep those rings on both ends, Wayne ? As for right & left, a quick slash of red spray paint always works............ I do hope that people realize that we are being facetious, here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: fa·ce·tious Full Definition of FACETIOUS1: joking or jesting often inappropriately : waggish <just being facetious> 2: meant to be humorous or funny : not serious <a facetious remark>
  4. Ok, Google finally found it, after several different attempts, and a bit of coaxing...........hmmm (Wouldn't think it would be that hard to find. I don't even see it on the Rev website. Seems it would be listed in the product line - Maybe I don't know what I'm looking for)
  5. They must be top secret ! Google doesn't even seem to be aware of them ?
  6. Me either ............ I have a hard time matching them up, and telling right from left !
  7. I obviously live in a cave. Never heard of it ?? (searching ?)
  8. Without the vertical spars, it wouldn't fly at all. The sail would just flop around in the wind, as it hung from the leading edge. What we are talking about, is some people get mixed up, and put the vertical spars on the front side of the kite (the side towards you, or the windward side). When they are put in that way, the wind could easily blow the sail out the back, and break those spars (or look like a pig) Just make sure that they are on the back side of the sail (opposite side from the bridle & logo & YOU).
  9. Don't forget >> the vertical (up & down) spars >> go on the back side of the sail, opposite from the bridle & logo.......... PS......You'd be surprised at how many people will mess that up, either at the beginning, or after an extended period of being away from Rev flying.......
  10. That's what I use. Got three bean bags, just for that purpose. You can even fill 2 or 3 heavy duty, quart sized, Zip-Locks........... It really doesn't take anything special............ And on the beach, just a few hands full of sand
  11. Airborne, at last ! Enjoy the "Kitelife"............
  12. Yep, you're going to need a bit more than 1 mph.........I would imagine that 7 mph is probably you, go, no-go, limit. Should really give you a pull at 10 - 15..............yikes...........
  13. True, true, all true, but I was just trying to get him into the air, before putting him through a lot of extra stuff to think about. It's been a long time since we started flying, so this stuff makes perfect sense to us. Do you remember your very first flight. I remember mine, and if I'd had a bucket full of knots, it wouldn't have helped anything, because I wouldn't have known what to do with them........IMHO
  14. Yes, when I buy bridle line, I likewise buy it by the roll (about 100' - 150'). I got mine from Midwest Kites, and as can be seen from my earlier photo, I use different colors, for top and bottom (no reason, just personal preference). I actually have a lot of colors, because I tie bridles, for the revs, and mix & match colors. I have both 90# or 100#, as well as 170#. I use the 170# (single strand) for my Rev leaders. It's just easier to tie a single line, for me, than a doubled line. You're going to loose close to 3/4" of line, every time you put in a knot, so it's hard to know exactly how much to start with. I would assume that for a 13" - 14" finished leader, with 8 - 10 knots (allow about 8" for those), plus about 3" for your loop at the handle end. So start with a couple of pieces 13"+8"+3", or about 24". Tie your loops in each line, first, using about 3" of line doubled over, and tied to make a loop (make those loops identical in size). Now, hook both loops over a stationary hook, or something that you can really pull against. (I use a workbench vice, with a smooth 1/2" rod, clamped vertically). As some have mentioned, tie the first knot (just a plain overhand knot), in the first leader, about 4" or 5" from the knot in the loop. Now tie the first knot, in the second leader, and make sure that you match that knot, to the knot in the first leader. (pull em hard) Once you have pulled on these (hard), and made sure they are firmly cinched, make your second knot, 3/4" to 1", past the first knot, repeating your matching and cinching, in both leaders. Now you should have two leaders started, with two identical loops, and two matching knots. Pull on them firmly, with the two loops secured over a rod, or on a hook, and make sure that those first two knots, match each other. Now just continue with this procedure until you get 8 - 10 knots, and your overall leader is about 13" - 14" long. Watch closely, as you tie each knot, making sure to keep them even, from one leader to the other. Pull them tight each time. When you get finished, just clip any excess, and melt the tip so it won't fray. Now repeat that for the bottoms, but only make the oveall leader about 3" or 4". I usually add just 1, maybe 2 knots, just past the knot in the loop, or just leave the original leaders on the bottom. They will be fine, because they are usually short, anyway...... Good Luck......... ps...........you might want to spend a little time, learning to fly the Rev, first, just as it comes, before you get too hung up, on making pigtails & leaders. This will become more clear later, once you begin to keep the Rev in the air
  15. Woohoo you ! How can you win again Just kidding Barton! Way to go again, and really, I'm glad for you (kinda). Enjoy the Hata, but watch out for those "kite eating trees"............
  16. Isn't this a new map format. I don't remember it looking like this.
  17. Well, I'm glad that I'm not the one, to find this .........(I'm sure the JB thinks that I'm, a bit of a pain)
  18. Mine are long enough, so if they hang down, they would be as long as the handle.........Knots about every 3/4", starting about 4 or 5 inches from where they are attached to the handles. Others will have other configurations ! Hope this helps BTW - Red Right (just my method)
  19. And welcome over to "the Dark Side"............ (you've done it now)
  20. Yep, people on the East Coast are dropping out like flies, now...........West Coast just getting up to speed............
  21. Well, we've been having pretty good participation each night, here for a while. Just thought we'd pick a time to try and break the old record of 9. Hope to see you there 2-nite................B-there, or B-square !!
  22. Probably not the kind of maple tree, you are thinking about......but no, we don't get syrup. Wouldn't know how, anyway.......
  23. That's a DLK......right ?
  24. Where did you see that.....? Add a link, if you don't mind.......
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