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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Maybe not. Have you changed any medication lately? Hmmmm ! Let's see - NO ! But when I feel lucky, I'm usually lucky ! Watch out, it's coming
  2. That's right, Nick. It'll be coming to NC (from TN) when my wife and I make our annual pilgrimage to Corolla. Are you coming again, in the winter ?
  3. Oh, is that what that was
  4. Guys...............this kite is coming to North Carolina ! I can just feel it............
  5. For sure, that's good advice. I have had as many as three Revs (Standard, Mid-Vent & Full-Vent), all set up and staked out, side by side. Still, you will have very discouraging days, like today, simply because the winds tend to swirl inland, especially when it's light. They are just NOT locked in, and steady, like at the coast, or in a tremendously large field. You'll get that perfect day, sooner or later, and it'll all be worth it. Remember, it's really important, that the area behind you, be clear of obstructions, a long ways back. There's some kind of "rule of thumb", that says if there is a 100' tall obstruction, behind you, then you need to be at least 7 times that height (700'), out in front of that obstruction, in order to get fairly clean air. Again, that's some kind of "rule of thumb", give or take........ Clean air is nice !
  6. Don't forget, in all these discussions, the Rev is assumed to be on the ground, in the inverted position (top down), therefore, staking to the upper lines (drive), forces the kite to try to fly into the ground, as wind blows against the sail............keeping it securely planted, and IN place......... (not swimming, as happened to RC)
  7. Hang on !
  8. Well, Hadge's dog didn't look too awful friendly, either........
  9. How about a kangaroo ?
  10. But be sure to stake the kite, nose down, if you have to set it down..........eh Jason ?
  11. For sure..........experience is worth a thousand words & videos, although, they do help
  12. Hmmmm Not sure about that one !
  13. Very nice...........enjoy
  14. No offense to Scott, but I'm feeling mid-Atlantic..............P U R P L E
  15. Excellent..............not that you didn't get to fly, but that you really learned something. Glad you had a sleeving tool, and figured out how to use it. As I've mentioned before, "this ain't rocket science". It's just a bunch of nylon and/or poly fabric, tubing, and string. It flies, it's all good.......... and you're getting it Go CB !
  16. Congratulations Ninja ! Glad you showed back up !
  17. Well, at least CB's last report was better...........
  18. So, what happened to Ninja ? He won the Karma Drawing, and hasn't claimed the prize yet ??
  19. I think it's coming together for CB, based on his latest Rev flight report.............
  20. Or NC............
  21. But then you'd have to put the kite down and secure it, and by that time, the thief would be long gone, alarm, or no alarm. I'm with Hadge, most people aren't going to challenge the dog..........they'll scram !
  22. Cool shots...........
  23. Only takes once..........you were lucky !
  24. I bet you stake it nose down, next time.......... It's just a no-brainer !
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