That's it, I do prefer the longer lines. I'm just not into urban flying, or close quarters. I'm basically a cruiser, so I like to put it way out there, and cruise in the wide open spaces. I learned to fly on top of a big sand dune, with super winds, with absolutely nothing near by, and nobody in the way. I actually made myself a couple of 150 ft quad sets, just for flying there. I am often surprised, when I fly at other locations, at just how small an area, it usually takes to fly, but still, I prefer the wide open spaces, clean winds, and no obstructions. I did make-up a 35 ft, and a 50 ft set, some time back, but they just weren't for me. I didn't like them at all. My preferred length, or go-to line, is definitely 100 ft, usually 50# or 90#......... If I can't put out at least 100 ft of line, I usually don't even bother.....
To each his own, I suppose, but hey, what can I say.
My kind of flight deck: