With all due respect to the authors, I suppose this detailed work, had it's time and place, back when it was written, but that was nearly 20 years ago. In principle, I suppose most of it is still fundamentally sound, and somewhat pertinent to what we do today. But got to admit, this is a pretty dry presentation, especially with all of the outlets, available to us today. One can surely find most anything, pertaining to Rev flying, or any other kind of kite related activities, by simply watching a few of the readily available tutorials, found online, today.
(Not meaning to be critical, just my opinion)
Also, I agree with Wayne - Instructions, such as "staking with the leading edge up", are technically right, BUT, "just wrong", and you are asking for trouble if you do it, and walk away. Always stake LE down, and your Rev will always stay put...........
Kites change and evolve constantly, usually for the better.
Information and procedures do likewise, and we've come a long ways, in 20 years (again, IMHO).