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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Somebody has got to have another great story, to share with us all......... Come on ! How did you get hooked on flying kites ? We want to know !
  2. Paul - Are you talking about carrying a "learner kite", for the kid, or are you referring to a modification to the Rev ?
  3. I feel your pain !
  4. Great story ! Sorry about the "bow-tie ending, though ! At least the kid went home happy
  5. Dual-Line-Diamonds..........really rock !
  6. Hey Scott, What did you do, send the crappy weather up our way ? Sheesh - here we go again !
  7. Congratulations John.............."Fly Happy" ps............You know, I had planned on winning this one I have got to speak with that RNG !
  8. Oh my ! Maybe 30 years ago, but now-a-days, I am definitely, NOT, an "adrenalin junky" I'm sure that this is one great kite, just not great for me, so I gotta say pass....... It's all yours Marshall
  9. Man, that looks like a hand-full of kite............Yikes !
  10. Oh good - I'm glad we didn't lose Larry.............
  11. I think, this time only, I would give it two weeks maximum (till May 14th), then if no reply from the winner, get the RNG to re-draw. Probably should contact Barton, and ask his opinion first. That might be a new rule that needs to be added to the Karma guidelines - something to the effect: "The winner must reply with-in one week of drawing, or the RNG will re-draw, in order to keep the Karma flowing" (just my opinion)
  12. Oh, you're going to overload that poor "Outback" ! Just kidding.......... Looks like you guys have things under control. Take care, and travel on ! Be safe..........Be happy !
  13. Yep, I likewise use the 90# or 150# bridle line, for leaders. I think I also have some 170#. A few years back, I bought all of my line making supplies from Midwest Kites, but I don't know how much they have now. I believe their colors and sizes are pretty limited. You may want to call Lynn or Rich. Look up Midwest Kites and I'm sure there's a phone number. Also, the biggest selection, that I know of right now, so far as color & strength, is at Goodwinds.com. Go to their website and search "bridle line". There is a whole page of different sizes & colors. Also, Fun with Wind.com has some black & yellow, in 80# & 130#. Really, you might try any on-line kite store. It used to be readily available, but it does seem to be rather limited, now-a-days..........I don't know why. I'm just glad I purchased mine in full rolls, when I did, which was 10 -12 years ago. Now I've got lots of colors and sizes in my supply box, which has obviously become quite a rarity ! Wish I could be of more help............but you'll just have to look around and call. Someone may be able to order you some special colors, but good luck finding it "by the foot"........you'll probably have to by a roll......or, you can go to The Kite Shoppe.com, and they will sell the LPG in 10' pieces, but that's the line that Wayne mentioned which is all white.
  14. That works for me too.......... As Wayne described, I downloaded the tutorials to iTunes (on my laptop). Then when I sync'ed my iPod, it added the videos (tutorials), right along with my music ! Voila - "tutorials to go" - on the iPod (I'm using a 5th gen iPod Nano)......
  15. Probably need to list them (i.e. model, condition, age, color, defects/damages & price), along with some current photos, here http://kitelife.com/forum/forum/32-kites-for-sale-swap-or-trade/
  16. I had a Widow Maker, several years ago. It is probably the finest dual line kite, that I've ever owned (not saying that there aren't some better kites out there). Actually, it was the finest dual line kite, that I ever owned. Unfortunately, I said good-bye to my Widow Maker, when I got into quad line kites (Revs). Looking back, I probably should have hung on to it, but it just wasn't seeing any air time, so, away she went. I don't think you will be disappointed with that choice. I'm no dual line trickster, at all, but I do know one thing, that Widow Maker is one "sweet" flying machine, whatever your flying style, may be ! good luck
  17. Here's a write-up, that I posted several years back, concerning this very topic & simple modification....... Same information, as others have already stated, just a bit more detail, and history, on how all this got started, should you be interested...... Good Luck.......and welcome to the forum "harveyt" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Making Snag-Proof Handles OK, you've got the Pros in here now - listen up - these guys know what they are talking about. As for me, I'm just a tinkerer, with a bit of mechanical knowledge, and the tools to back it up. I really enjoy improving, improvising, and revising, already great ideas, and there are tons of them out there. If only I could fly a Rev, so well. As for the "Watty Way", my mistake (sorry Watty, but you did make the video), and I suppose that is what I remembered. I do remember that the original idea came from, "Stone in the Shoe Bob", so credit given, where credit is due (sorry Bob). No harm intended, only thanks - Bob, thanks for the idea - Watty, thanks for the video. As they say, a picture is worth, well, a lot. Ok, so now it's the "Stone in the Shoe Bob" method. Either way, thanks guys. Now, as JB has pointed out, the length issue is probably a personal preference. I'm sure that for the seasoned Pro, the slightest change in length, and/or diameter, is extremely annoying, however, for the novice / newbie, it may not be, quite so critical. I would suppose that whatever feels comfortable to you, would surely suffice. I hope JB will agree with this. So, as for the dilemma, "Do I cut the handles down to the original length, or do I let the length, fall where it may?", my advice on that would be to fix a set of handles, using the "Stone in the Shoe Bob" method (as illustrated in the "Watty Video"), then take them out for a flight, or three. If the length feels too long, awkward, or unwieldly, then it's simple enough, to go back to the work bench, take them apart, and cut them off at the inner edge, of the original holes, where the rings used to be attached (side of the hole, closest to the grips). After the cut, smooth off the rough edges, ream out the ends, and reassemble everything. This should put you back to within 1/16" to 1/8", of the original length - Voila! No snag handles, original length !! After all, it's a lot easier to shorten a set of handles, than it is, to lengthen them (now surely that makes sense, doesn't it?) Just for ease, of you that may be reading this, here is my original post to "Stone in the Shoe Bob", concerning his revision, which originally appeared, over in the Revolution Kites Forum: Hi Bob, I was reading about your handle modifications, using the drywall anchors and the screws, which would enable one to rid themselves of those annoying metal rings, on the ends of the handles. A while back, Watty Watson sent me a video that he obviously put together, to help me understand his explanation of this procedure. I thought it worked like a charm. Now, I see, where you have now, gone back and reversed that modification, on the upper ends of your handles, and reattached the metal clips. I believe you said this was due to the additional handle length, which is created, by this particular modification. Now, I've got a stupid question. If this additional length is a problem, why not just cut off the top end of the handle tubing, maybe .25" to .50", or whatever seems to be right, and put you modification back as it was. I mean, that is such a clean and trouble free modification, and those clips (hog rings) are really a pain. My thoughts would be to cut the tubing, immediately below the holes, where the metal clips were mounted, and then reinsert your anchor and screws, as you had previously done. This should put you back, very close to the original handle length (+/- 1/8"). Surely you've got several sets of handles, just lying around, that you could experiment with. I hope I haven't misunderstood your point, but I think I'm hearing what you were saying correctly. Just my thoughts on the issue. Also, as for me, I suppose that I'm not quite as tuned in on the Rev, as you may be, and obviously, I haven't been flying long enough, for that small amount of additional length, to be a bother. Maybe one day, I'll get to that point, but for now, I'm just very happy, with your idea. Thanks for sharing it ! Now for my additional two cents - For those of you, who don't want to go to this extreme, of cutting the tubing, and would just like to use the anchor and screw idea, I have modified several sets, with very little trouble, however, if you have access, a few tools, other than a screw driver, it will make this job much easier and neater. WARNING - Do be careful, when removing the rubber covers, from the ends of the handles, because most of the handles that I have seen, have a very sharp and nasty burr, around the holes, where the metal clips were attached. You can see where the holes were drilled in the tube, so beware. Once I carefully removed the metal clips, and the rubber end caps, I took the handles over to the grinding wheel, where I smoothed down the burrs around the clip holes, and then polished the ends of the tube with a rotating brass bristled, wire brush. You could probably accomplish the same effect, with a little elbow work, a flat file, and some emery cloth. Just be careful. In fact, the file is probably all that is really necessary, if you will be very careful, and try not to scar the exposed part of your handles, while filing the burr. A padded vice, would be quite helpful, for holding the handle steady, while you file it smooth. You just need to remove that sharp metal burr around the small holes. I also found it necessary to ream out the ends, of most of the tubing, as there was some kind of hard residue, just inside the end. I don't know what that was, but it definitely needed to be removed. Either way, it just makes for an easier job, once the grinding, polishing, and reaming is done. Then it was just a matter of forcing the plastic anchors (with shoulders), down into the ends of the tubing, and inserting a #10 stainless steel screw, leaving just a small gap under the head of the screws, for the pigtails to be looped around. This can be seen clearly, in Watty's video, which can be found here http://www.vimeo.com/7746634 Also, I'll try to post a couple of pics, of one of my latest modified handles.(see below)
  18. Hope that everyone in our extended kiting community, has made it through the horrific weather, that has pounded us here in the Southeast, for the last three days. Fortunately, my location, skimmed by.............we were really, very lucky, but not so, for everyone. It's been a very trying, and tough week for many ! Please keep the unfortunate victims, in your thoughts and prayers. They will need it, and it may not be quite over, yet........ Thanks.........
  19. Hey Rob............that's quite IMPRESSIVE, for sure ! Most people don't have a clue, what it takes, to get that much "stuff", up in the air. Kudos to you, my friend ! Well done, indeed ! Happy Kite Month .......... ps......I just ordered two more sand anchors today (before seeing your post), in preparation for the summer......SLK's rock
  20. We can see the contrails, all the way over here, on the right coast ! (bye) Good Luck JB & TK
  21. Standard sail is solid (no vents) Mid-Vent has one vented area, on each side of the sail (2 vents total) Full-Vent has two vented areas, on each side of the sail (4 vents total) The stronger the wind, the more vents you should have, to prevent blowing out the sail, and to make the kite more manageable, as well as smoothing out the bumps. As Wayne mentioned, find someone local to help, if possible, and check out the Rev forum........
  22. Clean-up duty, eh ? And I thought you were the "chief pilot" in charge Great pics..............you've really got a pretty nice place to fly. Appears to be convenient to the car, etc.
  23. Gotta try some of that SkyBond line !
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