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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Here's the key... I don't know anything about any "electric sheep", I'm just looking for "001101010011000000111001"
  2. Mumbo Jumbo..............and besides, I'm going somewhere and fly a kite !
  3. Well, I'm not sure what my number is, anymore ? Seems we are on some kind of new numbering system ? But I still like the old system, with the 5 's, the 9's, & the 0's
  4. That doesn't help me, or tell me anything. Might mean something to somebody, but not me. And yes, I know that computers only deal with 1's & 0's, but still, I just don't understand the post ? But never mind those 1's & 0's, I'm just interested in the 5 's, the 9's, & the 0's . 1's do me no good !
  5. Karen - Ok, call me dumb, but I'm obviously missing something here (?). This 111001101, tells me nothing. Now 5 - 9 - 0 ! (that's a number that means something) I know this is some kind of code, but seriously, "Not a Clue" ?
  6. Seems pretty quick here (I mean, over there), but it's hard to tell definitively, if it's faster, as I don't really have anything to compare it with, but I sure don't have to wait on it, so cheers mate , all must be good !
  7. Maybe not so sorted! Not that it's any of my business, because I don't even know what Tap-a-talk is, but I'm seeing those <br /><br /><br />'s, every time Rob comes on. What the heck are they ?
  8. Hey Rob, I think that those forum titles are predetermined, and somewhat automatic, based on the number of post that the member has made. Then at some point (?), after some predetermined number (?) of posts, I believe that the system allows you to enter a member title, of your own choosing. If you go to your profile page, I think you should be able to change your own member title, but if not, you probably haven't made enough post. Again, all speculation ! Maybe JB will chime in here and clear this up, because I'm only guessing, based on the fact, that I can change my title, on my profile page..........but who knows..............only JB knows for sure.......... But now, back to the banter....................... 5 - 9 - 0 !
  9. Aw man, I thought based on the other topic, that you had that problem fixed. I see now, it's worse than ever OK, I suppose this conversation needs to go over to the other topic.............. This is supposed to be all about those B2's I'm going to win.........
  10. And that was the 190th post, making this the HOTTEST (+1) in a LONG time! 2 and a bit weeks to go (now we could really run this thing up, if we continued this !) #590 #590 ps..........Hey Rob, glad you guys got the "<br /><br /><br />" issue fixed.............
  11. Sorry Barton, but the "cold-hearted" RNG is blind, when it comes to names, titles, handles, nicknames, and even forum status. No matter how hard you try, nothing sways the RNG.
  12. Well, you will learn faster if you concentrate on left is counterclockwise and right is clockwise. Left and right as kite directions change depending on the orientation of the kite. Clockwise and counterclockwise remain the same. Oh Pete, I'm sure you are right, but that just makes my head hurt ! Besides, with the B2, you will have already made 4 or 5 rotations (in some direction ?) , by the time you can ever say, c-o-u-n-t-e-r-c-l-o-c-k-w-i-s-e
  13. No, I need a 4 line kite that I can fly in less than 10mph. Then my transition to the 'dark side' will be complete... Not that they won't fly in less than 10mph, BUT Rob, you are going to want to fly these babies when the wind is "cooking" !! (if you get my drift.............)
  14. So, is it buttah, or is it Parkay?
  15. Where else............?
  16. Hey RNG, I don't need a "Suite". I just completed my own "Sweet Suite", so please, please don't pick me, because then I'd just have to send them on to one of my Kitelife friends...........so please RNG, don't pick me............... B2 Vtd, Mid, & Std
  17. Here we go again. This "Sweet Suite", is coming east................ (I think we've been here before)
  18. Well, I hope some of that buttah, is on the way !
  19. Oh well, I suppose I just like the B2..............can't help it ! It suites my purpose, and it's fast
  20. Maybe you could check out one of Kent's "demos", just for a day, and then you'd be sold, for sure
  21. Just call Kent, over at AWOC Kites..........he's got a store full of B2's
  22. I sure hope John puts enough postage on those kites ! Sounds like it might be a long trip
  23. If you keep going east, I mean REALLY keep going east, then eventually you will get back to the west coast, where I live, which coincidentally happens to be where these kites are headed! Yes, but still, if you keep going east, well, I think you know where this is headed, that is if Barton doesn't shag it, on the way by Hmmmmm ! I think we are going in circles here. This is making my head hurt
  24. In reality, Rob is correct..............He is over 200 miles east >>> of you, Karen, and about 300 miles east >>> of me. As for Barton, he doesn't have a chance. He's about 650 miles <<< back to the west. He better pack a lunch Just saying !
  25. HOUSTON...........we definitely have a problem (or two, or three)
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