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Everything posted by Reef Runner
Hey Scott, I think you might actually be behind
So John, what's the verdict ? Did Mr Pyle collect the "Sweet, Sweet Suite", or does it go back up for grabs ? This would make a great, mid-May drawing, just in time for my B-day (or Barton's)
The kiting world awaits on pins and needles ! Oh me, oh my - was it a success or failure ???
Just don't forget - Make sure that you put together, the "side that you are repairing", identical to the "undamaged" side. Again, I would take out the undamaged leading edge, and lay it all out on the workbench, so there would be no question when putting the new one together. Nothing like a good side by side comparison, and don't think for one minute, that just because parts come directly from a kite manufacturer, or from a kite store, or "IN" a new kite, that they will always be 100% correct, and that goes for bridles, flight lines, handles, straps, etc. As Rob mentioned, both flying sides must be identical (in ALL aspects), or the kite won't fly properly. It's very important to check everything, from your wrist straps, to your flight lines, to your bridle, all the way to the nose of the kite, checking for symmetry. Everything, must be the same, when comparing right side to left side........good luck
Actually no, that's not a flying wings bag.................(not sure which one you were referring to) The light blue bag, on the left, is my very first Rev, which is a standard sail 1.5 SLE (blue & mango) The dark blue (denim) bag, that you see on the right, is a home-made, quiver-style bag, which (at that time) contained a Night Hawk (Blue Magnetic), a Night Hawk (Red Hot), a Magnum (White Lightning), a Magnum (Red Sunset), a Prism Fanatic, and two Prism Microns. The individual kite bag in the center is the sleeve for the Prism E2, which had the wreck. The green box (in the back right of the truck bed), is my flight box, where I keep lines, kite stakes, wind gauges, wrist & finger straps, spare parts, extra rev bridles, etc (I can't believe I remembered all that)
Yep, it's one of the old ones. I just looked, and those pics were taken back in late 2008. Your description, as to the likely cause, is "dead-on". That is exactly what had happened in this case. The glue holding the ferrule in place, had given way, allowing that ferrule to slip too far into the spar, leaving very little ferrule, extending into the adjoining spar (weak joint). Of course when it caught a little air pressure, the short end of the ferrule, split out the end of the spar, causing a mid air wing collapse, along with an un-planned landing. Nothing serious at all, but obviously quite disturbing to someone just starting out, especially if it happens to be their only kite............but, as you said, fixing is part of flying, and you really do learn a lot, when you just dig in Speaking of digging in, I'll never forget my first rev. I was scared to death to disconnect even one of the bridle points, for fear of not being able to put it back in place, and oh my, that connection between the short upright bridle sections, where they connect to the longer horizontal bridle section - very, very scary looking knot, that is, until you take one apart (piece of cake). So after a bit of digital camera documentation, and just another bit of digging in, it was no time, and I had actually built myself bridle board, and was making 1.5 bridles, right & left. I love to make the two upright sections one color, and join them to the horizontal section, made from a completely contrasting color. Again, these kites, "just aren't rocket science" ! I can take em apart, I can put em together, I can repair anything about them. My problem is simply Well, I got that first kite down, pretty good !
Oh, and Joe, don't feel so bad................ Not quite as bad as yours (no compound fracture), but still, the fix was the same.............. E2.......
Ever try finger straps............? I use those all the time.............much more sensitive than wrist straps !
Yes Rob, that link is the link that I sent, from over on the Rev forum. And yes, as Wayne said, it works very well. Watty (Spence Watson) sent that to me, some years back (before he became "rich & famous). I did all my handles like that, and they are still working great, and never a snag.................go take a look.... http://www.revkites.com/forum/topic/3413-home-made-handles/page-2#entry62434
Rob, you might find these links interesting............... Ref: Rod weights http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/4220-revolution-15-frame-weights/#entry27787 and, until you make up your mind on some new handles, these will do nicely, and you might just find them completely adequate.......... No-snag handles http://www.revkites.com/forum/topic/3413-home-made-handles/page-2#entry62434
I was kinda hoping for that, next number option ! Just kidding.......anything that will benefit Kitelife, is a benefit to us all........ Have at it John (let's do it all over again)
BLOW TORCH!! You're just looking for trouble!!! It was just one of those small torches, but I got too close to something that was not so very tolerant, of 1200 - 1500F.......... (don't worry, it was just an old delta SLK)
Just no blow torches ! Been there, done that, don't want to do it again ! :ani_wallbash:
Just wondering if Robert has claimed his "bootie" yet ! 590 is standing by !
What a long strange road it's been...
Reef Runner replied to John Barresi's topic in Kite Photographs
He, he, he, he !!! -
Ok, if the size is the same, no problem. I don't have any experience with the arrows, however, I do know that there was a time, when a lot of the rejects from the arrow industry (rods), went to the kite industry. I'm sure they are all made, basically the same, and by some of the same people. Glad it's only one hole in the leading edge sleeve, but still, the prognosis is the same. Just leave it, fly it, and try not to worry too much about it, or have it repaired (preferably by Prism). If it starts to fray around the tear, you can always, "with extreme care", use some heat (match, lighter, or soldering iron) to seal the edges of the hole. Just don't get near the actual sail. I would use a soldering iron, if you have access, to prevent having an open flame near the sail. Just be careful, and you'll be alright..........
I see that your frame is SkyShark P200. That's a common rod, so that's good. Everyone keeps spare SkyShark around.......... Now, after looking at your pictures, again, is there just one tear, or are there two separate tears ? I can't tell from the photos, if I'm looking at the same hole, or two different holes....
First of all, I would suggest forgetting the arrows and parts. Almost the same size, is NOT good. As for the tear, that's the part that I was worried about. You must have taken a terrible hit, to have so many breaks ! As for that tear, of course, you can still put the kite back together and fly it, even with the tear (at least it's not out in the sail). Now as for the aesthetics, you may or may not want to get the sleeve repaired, depending on ($$$). Either way, getting that tear fixed, is going to take a kite shop, or a trip back to Prism, if you want it repaired back to it's original splendor. That leading edge sleeve, is going to need to be removed and replaced, or patched, and unless you are an accomplished seamstress, I wouldn't attempt it. Tape is an option, once you get it all put back together, but personally, I would rather have the hole, than the sticky from the tape, on my kite ! Rob may have some other suggestions ?
Hey Joespickles - Looks like Rob fixed you up with those pictures. You really shouldn't have any problems making the repair now. And while you are waiting for the new rods to arrive (which should be the only broken parts), take that other leading edge out, and get familiar with the different parts, and how they go together. It may be a little tedious, but again, it's not "rocket science". When you go to make-up the replacement LE, you may even want to have the good one, out on the workbench, so you can compare the two, match them, and make certain that both are the exact same length, and that everything is spaced the same. You've got a picture now, showing just how and where your flight lines are attached to the leading edge, so you should be set. Oh, and by-the-way, that little plastic piece, just below where the line is attached (in Rob's top picture), is called a "doo-hickey". Just wanted to make sure that you are picking-up, on all the proper terminology. Oh, and they are usually glued in place.............. Good luck, and don't worry, there are plenty of people on here that can help you out, should you run into a problem....... Just ask
Rob - Funny that you mentioned that. Back when I was flying, "only" dual line kites, I would not even purchase a kite, that didn't have a full length case. I simply did not like having to break down that leading edge, every time I packed up the kite, and then having to put it back together the next time I wanted to fly, and of course, the more important issues, that you mentioned. I probably missed a lot of good kites back in those days, but if I saw a short case, it was simply off of my list!
I'm sure if Robert doesn't claim them, they will automatically be forwarded to the next number
Holy Cow ! That's only one number off ! Sheeesh ! Congrats Robert...............what a great prize...........
Hit it Maestro !
Yep, I had an E2, sometime back, and it seems I was always repairing the leading edge. Several times, those broken rods occurred in mid air, with no impact or crash involved (prior to the "snap", that is), just an unplanned landing. I would have hoped that the E3 would have evolved past that problem, but maybe not (?). They are both beautiful kites, indeed, but possibly could use a bit tougher frame. I learned (self-taught) to fly dual line kites back in 2001, with a brand new Prism "Fanatic", and knowing absolutely nothing about flying multi-line kites, you can only imagine the crashes that kite endured, yet I never broke anything, and that Fanatic is as tough today, as ever.