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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. %(), %(), %(), %(), %(), can surely use it !
  2. Hey Paul, Hope you missed out on all that bad weather, that I saw on TWC, in Texas............... ps.....I don't have anyone to fly with, either ! But hey, I've likewise learned through Kitelife.....cheers
  3. Still wishing for Summer Sun, Warm Sand, and Easterly Winds !!

  4. Hey Rob, Eliot may be at Wildwood (?). If so, he won't be hard to find. He's usually got those two mesh revs in the photos, with him. The vented model, on the left, is his very first! If you tell him what you like, and what you want, he may be able to give you a better idea of how to accomplish that. His colors, and the positioning of those colors, is pretty wide open.............If you want to speak to him prior to Wildwood, PM me, and I'll get you email addresses and phone numbers..............
  5. I don't know anybody near by, that flies anything, much less, a Wala ! Actually, it's pretty unusual for me to fly, here at home, anyway. 95% of my flying, is done during our weeks at the coast, during the summer. On occassion, I do slip out to one of the State Parks, here on the lake, which I did today, just because it was such a beautiful day. Winds were blowing pretty good, 12-18 mph, and I knew that the small Wala was rated up to 20, so, up it went. Time for it to get a little air time.......... I do appreciate all the suggestions, and I intend on giving it another try, although, the "glider thing", really isn't my favorite thing...........
  6. I must not get it (?). I finally, finally, got my Wala into the sky today. I have tried, so many times, with very little, or no wind, and nothing, just nothing. It goes up, it see-saws back and forth, and then it's a nose dive into the ground, over, and over, and over again. Today, while I was out on the lake, flying my B2's in 12 -18 mph winds, I decided to hook the little Wala to a line, and see what happened. Immediately, it went skyward, and it just kept going up, up, and up. Up to about 400 feet, and there, it just sat, picture perfect, unattended, for hours. Again, I do not understand this glider thing. The Wala seems to be a great SLK, a bit flimsy, but still, it seems to fly well. As for Wala, "the glider", I'm just not getting that part. I'll keep trying, though............
  7. Very nice shots, WA ............
  8. Well, have you got JB in captivity ? Haven't heard much, since he landed, "Down Under" ...........
  9. Ok, back to the current business at hand.............%(), %(), %(), %()
  10. Ok, straight from the horse's mouth - "The percentages are relative, to a full-vent Rev". That's per Eliot Shook ! So, yes, a 100% Shook, would be equivalent to, a standard full-vent Rev
  11. Okay, so it's a percent of, "the amount of venting (open space), as compared to a full-vent Rev". I understand what you are saying now. A "100% Shook Rev", is equivalent to a regular, "full-vent Rev", so far as the amount of vented area. Maybe we can get Cath or Eliot to confirm this for us. (I'll see if I can work on that) As for how they are made, the different colors, etc., I'm aware of that. I personally took that earlier photo, at "Flying Smiles Kites", in Corolla, NC. It was taken right at Eliot's sewing table, in the old store. That is a mesh rev, that was only half complete, when Eliot stopped to chat with my wife & I, one day. I've been there several times, as well as to one of Cath's, fun fly days. Now that they are in their "new" shop, they have a very picturesque spot to fly, right across the street, at a place called the "Whalehead Club" (Google that). Regardless, Cath & Eliot both, are so willing to help enhance one's joy of flying. Really great folks.........a "real" kite shop.......and totally committed to kites, kiter's, & everything kiting.......!
  12. Hey Wayne, Ok, I gotta ask...........What does 100% mean, with reference to venting ? Rev's aren't measured in %'s, that I am sure, but I have heard you mention that term, several times, So, now I'm curious. To me, 100% vent would be a frame, with no sail (100% vent, just air, no sail), so I'm just curious. Where does the term, 100% vent, come from, and what does it mean ?
  13. Well, I wonder what day "this drawing" will happen ? I'd be kinda interested in this one!!
  14. Yep, I think everyone was a little confused on this one, especially JB. But give the guy a break. He got all mixed up on his travel schedule, and now, he's probably well into a case of "jet-lag".......... .
  15. Hey Rob, the Shook masterpiece, surely isn't a one piece sail.................Have you ruled them out ? If you take that trip south, this summer, you can actually take one of them for a test run !
  16. You deserve a break today.....so......Fuggetaboutit !!!!!!!! Have a great trip "down under", and when you get back, just send everyone a B2 (just kidding, just kidding)
  17. Congrats to Raul, for sure...................but I'm confused. Over here on the right coast, it's only the 13th ? What happened to the 15th ?
  18. Shame on you !!! (just kidding Wayne) I didn't know that..............???
  19. Well, now that that's settled, we won't have to be counting grams anymore
  20. Rob, just think of the vents as shock absorbers. As many have mentioned, the vented kite will simply be the smoother ride - no matter what platform you are comparing (be it 1, 1.5, or II). The vented version just feels better. I've never flown a vented exp or sle, but I would think that those same differences, are there too. On a personal note, most of my flying is done at the coast, and there are normally decent winds, and I rarely take out a standard sail, unless the wind just quits completely. When that happens, it's time for a cool one, anyway
  21. 11.1 oz ! Get out of town............ Ooops, I forgot about those two 15 & 5 gram weights Maybe you are right Wayne ?
  22. Not sure if Rob was actually talking about an SLE, or not (?) I had assumed that he was talking about a standard rev, with 1/4" rods, presumably 3-wrap, but not sure (?). Didn't mean to give bad advice, but either way, I think that we boiled it down, to the same end (get a mid). ps......I figured that the SLE's were out in the garden, by now !
  23. Rob, The vented kite is definitely a smoother ride, than any standard, especially in bumpy air. The B-series, as you know, has an entirely different panel layout, than the regular 1.5, which likewise makes a big difference. I think what you are feeling, is the combination of the two. My suggestion, would be to go for the mid, whether it be the B, B-Pro, Polo, or the Shook......... It's just a happy medium........IMHO
  24. Well, when you get right down to it, Odds of winning are currently 1/343, really isn't all that bad
  25. Ok, I understand............. Yep, probably ought to get yourself some of that "Laser Pro" bridle line. I use the 100 lb for Rev bridles. There are all different colors available..............
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