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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Actually 10 ft 8 in............and no coin slot (not mentioned in the 2013 ITW catalog, anyway). Looks like the Skate is rated for 0 - 6 mph, while the new Skate XXL, or "Manta", is rated for 1 - 6 mph. I guess that means that you have to walk 1 mph faster, to fly the big guy, indoors . Good looking kite, indoors or out !
  2. Yeah, I was looking at that Manta in the ITW catalog, sometime back. Best I remember, they were pretty proud of it !
  3. Michael, Try the link >>> http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5178-subscriber-number/ Just post a message to John, that you would like to know your number. I think he's on the road right now, but he's pretty good about getting back to people................good luck, and welcome again..........
  4. Yea, I think that "ricmerry", may be thinking about the larger edition of the Skate. I think it's called a "Manta", but as you mentioned, Kent (AWOC) has the Wala XL, as well as other on-line vendors. It's the new Manta, that isn't supposed to come out, till sometime this summer..........
  5. Do you think you've got enough wine, for the entire "Right Coast" bunch ? :plane: :plane: :plane: :plane: Let's see, there may be more.... ?? Happy B-day Pete !
  6. Hey Wayne, the kite is probably coming East, this time. Us "Right Coasters" are all being nice to the RNG.........saving up for the last week !!!
  7. I think I saw this over on GWTW Kooool !
  8. You're here...............just ask...........
  9. Hey Michael, Welcome to Kitelife............Good Luck on the drawing (well, kinda). Yep, rexracer is right, if you are a member (paid up), you are in the drawing. Look around, there is a link that addresses membership numbers. Just ask John, and he'll get right back to you (when he gets back home), and give you your number............... Again.....WELCOME to KITELIFE
  10. I offer this as evidence, your Honor!! See, he said "survivors will be shot again"!! Hmmmm! Appears you are right! My advice would be to, "stay low, very low"
  11. Not Baloo - Bears don't shoot - do they ??
  12. I can hear the seams on your kite bag bursting, all the way over here !
  13. N O T ! (you've already got way too many kites)
  14. Do you know the name (just curious) ? Looks like a wooden spine in that kite (?)
  15. You are very welcome.......... I found the assembly video to be very helpful. I watched it after ordering, while my Wala was on the way !
  16. Bill, there are a couple of great "Wala" You-Tube videos on-line. Take a look at the "assembly" video, for sure ! Assembly - Flight -
  17. I got that same color Wala...........looks fantastic in the sky. Had it up 500+ feet, out over the Atlantic, just this week ! I cut my stock tail in half, sealed the two raw ends, and I now use it as two seperate tails. I added a pigtail to each wingtip loop, and now I lark's head the tails to them...(I removed the two metal hooks from the tail)..... Looks great in the sky .............. (it's in there somewhere)
  18. Read my status - "Fair Weather Cruiser" - Still wishing for Summer Sun, Warm Sand, and Easterly Winds !! Probably won't find me flying, any time, when a coat is necessary..........
  19. Hey Rob, That's how I had my set of B-series set-up, as well as my B-Pros. Standard Sail - Black Race Rods Mid-Vent Sail - 3 wrap Full Vent Sail - 4 wrap I also have my set of B2's, set up the very same way
  20. For sure - Best on the "Right Coast", although you seem to have a pretty "sweet" spot, yourself........
  21. Yeah, sorry we missed each other. I always manage to miss that festival. I'm either coming in, late on Saturday, or leaving early, on Saturday morning......... I'll have to make arrangements to make it, one of these years.........
  22. Back home now......what a cruddy day this has been, and not too good for traveling, either..............Did I mention "buckets"
  23. Oh Rob, just tell me what you want to see, and I can promise I've got pics. Just let me know...............
  24. No problem with the storm. We aren't worried, and have been here during much worse. It's just that we've got to leave on Saturday morning, anyway, and it's going to pour buckets, all day Friday, so what's the point. Plenty of things I could be doing at home. I really wish this was happening on a Sunday - Thursday. We'd be here for sure...........as you say, coastal storms (to a certain extent) are a real treat ! Most people never get to experience the beauty, or the strength, of "Mother Nature" at it's best, and no where better to experience that, than right on the beach...............
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