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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. A fully paid trip to Maui............(ticket's in the mail) That will get me part way there!! PS: Is it only one way? YES .... coming back ! RETURN TRIP - O N L Y !!! Oh, and good luck ! Trip was booked through "Barresi Travel Agency"
  2. A fully paid trip to Maui............(ticket's in the mail) That will get me part way there!! PS: Is it only one way? YES .... coming back !
  3. Well, I went to NC State (go Wolfpack), so I think that Red & White would be appropriate for me, likewise ! Sent from my regular old laptop !
  4. Man, this train has really gotten off the track, but things could be worse, I suppose............
  5. A fully paid trip to Maui............(ticket's in the mail)
  6. Yep, I thought that it was probably a standard sail. I always had problems with the standard sail - well not really problems, but I did notice that I experienced this problem more frequently, with the standard sail, than either the MV or the FV. This seemed to be true with the SLE's, the B-series, and with the B-Pro. It's just so easy to over correct, or over compensate, and when you do, the wind gets behind that wing tip, and voilà, reverse, or "fold", or flip. As was mentioned before, think "small", when it comes to input. A little bit goes a long ways........... Take care and hang in there..................
  7. Not sure what sail you have (?), but I find this situation much more likely to occur with the full sail, than with either the mid-vent, or the full-vent sails. I suppose those vents work both ways, but for sure, if the wind catches too much of the backside of a wing tip, it's going to "fold", or flip on you............. As for your lines, not real sure (based on your post), what you have connected to what, or where? As for your handles, usually, the lower leaders (brake) only have a couple of knots, while the top leaders (drive) may have more like 6 or 7 knots. Most people will actually extend those upper leaders, or replace them entirely with their own, longer leaders. Based on a standard set of B-series handles, I would normally (personal preference) begin flying, with the brake (lower) lines connected to the 2nd, or last knot out (about 2 "out), and the top lines connected to 6th knot out (next to the farthest out). That still allows for two more adjustments, to increase your brake and dump a bit of wind, should things get somewhat lively, later on. Remember that letting the top line out one knot, is basically equivalent, to bringing the bottom line in one knot (or close) - it gives you one adjustment, to increase the brake. Doing both (top line out one knot & bottom line in one knot) adds two adjustments at once, increasing the brake twice as much (or close). You'll have to determine what is most comfortable for you, but that's a decent starting point........... Take a look a some of John's tutorials, but specifically key in on where his lines are attached to the leaders. Happy Flying...............
  8. The longer your flight lines, the more reaction time you will have, when things begin to go South. As Hadge mentioned, when it's inevitable that you are going to crash, move toward the kite [fast], and do not pull on the lines. Sometimes, things will happen so quickly, especially when you are learning, that this may be difficult. When you are a bit unsure and feeling your way alone, quite often, the kite will react to incorrect input, before your brain can kick in, and suggest a corrective action. Needless to say, standing your ground, while pulling on the lines, will only drive the errant kite into the ground, that much faster & harder, greatly increasing your chances of damaging your kite, and nobody wants that, for sure
  9. Can't get anything by you guys ! Tis her, indeed ! I think the pressure finally became too much to bare. Welcome "PHOTOMOM" :clap; Welcome to "THE DARK SIDE", indeed !
  10. huh " ? " who Well folks, you'll never guess WHO, is finally creeping over to the DARK side. Yep, after all this time, and after all these discussions, and after all the bantering back & forth which usually takes place during the (Rev) drawings, take your best shot ! You know who, is finally making the move ? Please join me in welcoming ?#%^&(@?, over to the dark side................. (yes, we've gotta have at least a wild guess or three, first)
  11. I read your other post. No way those guys at the kite/surf shops, don't know what a Revolution kite is !
  12. Watch the videos on Kitelife.com & Revolution.com....................good luck, you'll love it !
  13. Hey JB, Long time, no chat.........once again, "Thanks for all you do".....................
  14. Looking good there O.F..............take care
  15. Well, I can see that the RNG has not responded to the silent treatment, so I suppose it's time for more "banter" ! 590 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0
  16. Hi John, IMHO, Jim Foster and Baloo hit the nail on the head. The faucet / tap washer will be a bit thicker than a standard rubber washer, and I should think that they would last a long long time. Go to the hardware store (Lowes, Home Depot, Ace, or wherever) and ask for them. Hey, want a brand name - try Delta (cheap, cheap, cheap)
  17. JB must be sleeping in today...........shhhhhhhhhhhhh !
  18. Now I know whats going on, with all of these drawings & prizes. I do believe that it's John's Birthday (36 +/- ?), and instead of "getting", he's "giving"............ Happy Birthday John ! . (thanks for all you do) (your friend from NC)
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