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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Indoor - OOOOH! Love it!!! Got a saying on indoor - "The wind is always the same inside!!" Too much wind is no fun, too hard just to stand, let alone control anything!!
  2. Thems looking like easy targets to me!!! Nick - Whispering just doesn't get enough attention!!! Need to open up a bit!! Baloo - Turkeys in the cave, shoo them outta there!! You might wake up with feathers in places you don't expect to find any!!
  3. Learning to hover is the ability to find a balance between forward and reverse! As you go forward, slowly decrease the amount of drive (forward) until it starts to fall! Add a small amount of forward!! It's a balancing act finding that hover!! Might help to hold those handles gently, so much info on how the kite's reacting to your inputs is coming through those lines!!! It all comes down to this - The kite pretty much does what you are telling it to do, consciously or not!! Learning how to tell your kite what, when, where, how much, that's part of the learning curve!! If you can do everything you have said, you're well on your way!!! PS: We're always learning something new, never think you have it all figured out!!! It's part of the fun!!
  4. Obviously, "instructions aren't included"...........I'm lost ? Is this a riddle ? Yes; and so is the post before it. Remember: 8 - 3 - 3 (And thanks for quoting it; one extra chance at the RNG.) Nick - It rhymes with his number!!! Hint, hint!!
  5. Nick - I can't hear you!!!
  6. --Pete - you're dreaming, buddy!!! PM - Try something, anything, but still let me win!!! #844 Go team, go!!!!
  7. But --Pete, in a give away for one?? Just saying!!! Come on #844!! PS: I agree everyone has the right to disagree!!
  8. Surely you jest about it only being a Rev???
  9. Gotta find out what works!!! Changed my screen name, now my picture!!!! Time to remind the RNG about my number!!! Now we'll see if that works!!!
  10. !. - Favorite event - WSIKF!!! So many firsts for me!! Flying in a grid, indoor demos, long straight line group flying!! Met so many people that I've only communicated with through the forums!! Days of FLYING!!! Trying other peoples' gear (Thanks to JB, Alden, Rich, and Melanie), just in general hanging out with so many like-minded people!! Never heard a discouraging word from anyone, it was a giant free for all, people joined in anywhere and everywhere, and never discouraged to fly with others!! PS: A special shout out to Bart for sharing a room and making this event possible financially! 2. - Special time - 2nd day of the informal clinic in Portland (held down on a beach in Seaside OR)!! 1st time flying in a longer line than 2-3 others!! Scared Sh--less!! Worried about everything! What happened - NOTHING!! Why was I so worried? Surrounded by fliers that were sooo much better than I, how I could screw it up, now seems stupid!! But that experience made the things that I tried at WSLKF so much easier!! 2a. - Indoor demo at WSIKF!! Another nervous moment!! Went in and found musical demos were already in motion, no free time to fly!! Asked about what was going on, and found out the only way to fly was to demo!! No music, no routine, no preparation, not even a warm up!! Talked it over with Bob (announcer), and we picked some music!! Can't even tell you what it was, so nervous ( some Beatle's song is all I remember)!! Set up and when my name was called, just let it happen!! Talk about "soul flying"!! So much fun, I did it the next night!! Applause is addicting!! That 1st night there were maybe 50 or so spectators, the 2nd was 150? Even more pressure to not screw it up!! More choosing music with the desk, settled on a song, and again when it was my turn, just flew what I felt!! People gave me a huge round of applause when it was over, (I made it through, not knowing it was such a long song "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"), and I don't think my feet hit the ground for days after!! Major afterglow!! PS: What made this so special was that I'd really only been flying an indoor Rev for less than 6 months!! John's and Watty's tutorials, along with finding a consistent place to fly, helped me so much and gave me the courage to try something out of my comfort zone!! SALUTE To You Both!! 3. - Next - Well that's a loaded question!! If money wasn't an issue, I'd go to every festival I could!! Looking at this forum, the Rev forum, and FB, there's just so much happening all over the world!! Reality is, most of the ones I went to this year! Maybe one more, depending on timing and funds! Then again, maybe I'll figure out a way to stowaway in iQuad's baggage and show up in some strange place!! Or maybe I'll hit the lottery....! Or maybe someone will invent a transporter....! Or.....! 4. - Sorry I don't do pics very well, my vision doesn't work well with cameras!! One of the aftermaths of my stroke!! But I do enjoy seeing everyone's pics that are posted!!!
  11. Sari - I wasted nearly a year being afraid to fly with others!! Now it comes as easy as breathing!! It's that initial fear that holds you back!! Worse thing that happens is a tangle - big deal!! Someone will take charge, straighten it out, and away you go!! No blood, maybe some sweat, lot's of tears - of joy!!!
  12. Oh -Oh!! I smell a math lesson coming!!!
  13. Hadn't noticed, but I'll take care of it, ASAP!! Done!!! Now, if winning this was as easy!!!
  14. 461 ! 590 ! I'm getting confused!!! Guess I'll stick with 844!!! That makes me feel better!!!
  15. DARN!!! Knew there was something I forgot!!!! Did what I could do!!!
  16. Hey Nick, I tried one of your tricks and changed my screen name!!! Think it'll fool the RNG??
  17. Crap!!! This isn't giving me much time to win the lottery!!
  18. Had enough of this whispering stuff!!!! I'm for being LOUD and PROUD!!! Bear: you got the right idea - time to hibernate!!
  19. I'd run away ........with my Rev handles!!!!
  20. And loving every minute of it!!!
  21. Had a lot o' fun seeing friends and sharing some tips!! Definitely like to see this expand and be more often!! Indoor - the savior for bleak winter!!!
  23. I thought it was the same color as your f/v!! Good luck to you!!
  24. Are you trying to QUIETLY influence the RNG??
  25. First thing - check that your lines are equal!! Put all 4 loops on 1 end on a stake or other fixed object, then go back to the handle end. Attach them and see if they are exactly matched up! If not, adjust offending lines till all 4 are equal!! Uneven lines put unwanted signals into the kite!! You want to direct the kite, not have it fly itself!! Two - Overcontrol! It's easy to use too much movement to try and control the kite!! Small movements!! Along with that - grip pressure! Hold your handles gently, don't try to squeeze the life outta them!! Relax!!! Yes, you're learning something new, but it is supposed to be FUN!! Breathe!!! Sounds like the tips are moving too much, catching a line on the wingtip, then spiraling down!! Smaller movements!!! Three - You're on the right track worrying if you're not holding both handles even!! Remember to keep those thumbs back!!! If you get a little lax on that, the kite gets the signal it's time to fall or reverse!! Move those thumbs gently forward to back up!! Small, even, measured movements of control let you learn how your movements affect the kite!! Four - If the kite is gonna crash, despite everything - GIVE TO THE KITE!!! Let it, don't pull! Pulling just drives the kite harder into the ground!!! Snap, crackle, pop, and something will break!! I encourage you to keep at it, we all started not knowing anything at all about how these things work!! But we kept on, inspired by those that did have control!! You'll get it, and wonder if you looked like that when you were learning!!! Then you can help the next person learn!!! Have fun and......BREATHE!
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