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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Just checked (haha) the Rev forum - not on my end!! But with the red underline on computer unsure spelling, I've never needed it!! I wonder if the forum or the software "senses" that our spell check system is activated and doesn't offer their version too? But that doesn't explain why RR doesn't have his button!!
  2. I'll have to check!!! HAHA!!! You're right about the flying kites thing, just got back from 4 days at WSIKF and it was a BLAST!!!
  3. Ok, got my screen back to normal, now to carry on with the pre-drawing banter!!! Yes, my smileys are back!!!!!!!! This is for Baloo, so blame him!!!
  4. I thought I would try seeing what the editing mode tab would trigger, but no spell checker there either!! Now my screen for replying has a cast on the toolbar and it doesn't look at all right!! Ok, now to try the edit function!!! Got the cast off my screen (had to rehit the editing mode button)!! Got my smileys back!!! YEAH, things are getting better!!!!! PS: I use an older Dell desktop with XP and don't have the spell check on the forun, but I also get the red underline on what the computer thinks are misspelled words!! Same thing --Pete, some choices on alternative spellings come up in a box!!!
  5. This from a man that has a set of "B"pros!!! What a guy!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!
  6. No names on friends and I lost a bunch too!!! Still no smileys for me!!
  7. Objection duly noted!! I like Baloo's definition better anyway!! I don't know about the "voodoo", maybe overload will work this time!!!
  8. Sorry, had the wrong topic (I'm easily confused) and thought we'd lost a bunch of posts!!!
  9. Sorry, got on the wrong topic and thought all these posts were gone!!! Maybe the RNG needs a little more nudging??!!
  10. Where did all the posts go?? I put my image on here several times and now it's gone!!
  11. I feel all lost and all I want to do is cry!!! Smileys will work as a starter!!! Edit too!! WAAAAAAAA!!!!
  12. Hey, the RNG's getting the first # right!!! And last time, it even pulled up a matching pair to go with it!! I'm feeling luckier by the minute!!! More voodoo!!!!
  13. Is my original post only showing 84?? It is displaying OK on my end!!
  14. Gotta try this after Baloo's post!
  15. When I hit edit, a loading icon flashes and my original message is put on to edit! I'll do the editing, hit save changes, get the error message!!
  16. I agree that it looks good, just need to clean up the few bugs in the system!! I'm using google chrome for all my forum stuff, seems to be faster than Firefox!!
  17. Any body getting the smileys to work?? I'm still getting an error message when I try to edit!!
  18. Messenger and notifications are ok, but I can't get to my profile using the upper right! It will say " your profile" but doesn't go anywhere!! I can access my profile from any post that I've put up before!!
  19. Tried to edit my last post and got a message that an error occurred - didn't know what topic I was attempting to moderate!
  20. I'm slowly getting the hang of things, but can't seem to get the smiley faces to either appear in my post or get any drop down menu to change them from the only one I see!!! Any help??
  21. Ok, gotta make sure things work, so here goes!!!
  22. Alright, who changed things?? Now I'm completely confused on where to go to get what used to be a regular thing!!! Fess up - who's behind this??!!
  23. I hear "oooo's and aahhh's" from the crowd!!!!
  24. ROFLMAO!!!! I'll go with your definition!!!
  25. photomom - when I first strarted reading your post I thought - She's Lying!!! Then I finished reading!!
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