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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Bribe!!!! Does the RNG take bribes??
  2. Totally forgot that, was so excited by seeing the sun!!! Baloo, you got better weather over there??
  3. Update - spool on back order!! Gonna have to wait on any new postings till it comes in and I make up my next set!!
  4. Yahoo, the sun shone and I saw something I haven't seen in a long time - SHADOWS!!! The sun was strong enough to cast shadows!!! Got in some short line flying and had a great time!! But the weatherman says more rain coming!!
  5. I don't think I'm patient enough to go through that!!!
  6. Ok, the full vent "B" is given away, now to concentrate on this one!!
  7. Hey, I see sunshine in those pics!!! Might remember what it looks like, considering all the rain we've had here!! Looks like a beautiful time there, hope you enjoyed it!! Nice pics too!!!
  8. --Pete: Good that you're looking at this as a pain in the neck!!! Just another of life's little inconveniences we can overcome!! Best Wishes and hope to see you out flying sometime!!!
  9. Indeed, it's a kite that will serve you well!!! Congrats!!!!
  10. Heck, we know how we make line sets!!! Just trying to help out the newbie, without going through all the trial and error stuff we went through!! Who knows, maybe we beat this horse to ..........?!
  11. Sorry folks, still waiting on my bulk spool to come!! When it does and the weather allows, I'll post some of my findings for you!! Until then, it's a waiting game!!
  12. If only you'd be happy with just the chocolate sauce, Baloo!!! Getting Closer!!! Duane: You awake back there or what?
  13. Getting Closer!!! Waiting is harder!!
  14. Getting Closer!!!!
  15. First - I'd like to thank Nick (reef runner) for forwarding along his info and chart of making linesets!! Thanks, Nick!! Second - I've made sets for myself for a long time and really didn't pay much attention to being too precise!! That was because I didn't fly with very many people, so length wasn't an issue! Now that I've met JB and others in the area and am interested in formation flying, well, getting things closer than "just OK" seems a little more important than it did before!! So when my bulk spool comes in, and I make up my sets, I'll try to pay more attention to what and how, and maybe report in and give you "my way" to make up sets!! Maybe get the old grey cells to think a little more!!!! Alright, no wisecracks from the peanut gallery!!!
  16. I am keeping an eye on this - got a 300 yd spool of 50# coming and want to make 3 sets from it!!! 120', 75', and 25-30'!! Probably gonna cut them to exact length and let them stretch to take up the difference for loops and knots!! Since I fly alone a lot, the only set I'll pay much attention to is the 120', like them close to proper length for social interaction!!! --Pete: did you run out of room on your etch-a-sketch??
  17. Opps, my decoder ring is a little worn and it slipped a notch. Guess I'll have to start eating that damn straw cereal again to collect enough box tops for a replacement. Cheers, Tom If it doesn't affect the flying, then it's probably not too important!! PS: Hate for you to eat that straw tasting cereal just to get a new ring!!! PSS: Now back to our collective drooling over this give-away!!!!
  18. Sorry, do I really have to figure this one out??!!?? I'd rather fly, than translate, anytime!!! OK, thanks for the clues!!! But this is too much work for my brain, you'all want me to have another stroke??!!??
  19. Has anybody tried threatening the RNG?? Saw John this weekend, hoping to improve my chances!! (Maybe name dropping?)
  20. I don't know, Duane!! If they're all covered in chocolate he might get them all!!
  21. 5!!! More than me!!! Ahhh...I mis-read it! Thanks for the correction...that will be a relief to Baloo & Pete too! And I heard, if you are retiring your SLE, that the LE rods are good to use for tomato stakes!! heehee!! Keep It Up! Duane Don't plan on retiring it, more like passing it on to someone that needs a vented kite to go with their other stuff!! So far I haven't retired any of my kites, even if they should!!! Tomato stakes!?!? Never flown with them in any of my kites!!!
  22. 5!!! More than me!!! Hey "SV", Are you saying that you have like "0" (zero) Revs.! If that's the case, then if Baloo or Pete wins...then I give it to you!! Keep It Up! Duane Nope, saying I have less than 5!! Only got 4, but a f/v "B" would replace the f/v SLE I have now!!! So, I'd still have only 4!! Always looking to upgrade to the next level!!!! Of course, that doesn't count the kites on my wish list!!!
  23. 5!!! More than me!!!
  24. That just looks plain nasty!!!!Baloo, you can finish that robin, now!!!
  25. Maybe having someone else vote (rate) your pics opens them up for further rating!!??!! Glad you're seeing them, OK!! Things are looking good on this end!!!
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