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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Let us know if you survive those "Belly Slides"!!! ROFL !! Belly Slides, not going too well............think I'll pass...... Now back to our normally scheduled give away!!
  2. I wish I had thought of that. I've only got one problem - NO TAKERS!!! But it doesn't hurt to ask!!
  3. Anybody with an extra set they want tested??? My opinions can be bought!!!!
  4. Gotta give us "old folks" a goal to shoot for!!!! Nothing wrong with trying something new!!
  5. _ _Pete - I call it "Wind Therapy"!!
  6. I thought it was time for an update!! YEEHAW!!!! Things are really starting to come together and indoor is no longer looked at as something new!! Now there's still work (play) to be done for sure, but so much easier than before!! Even tried a few tuning changes to see if one setting is better than another!!! I've definitely found that there is no substitute for "time on the lines"!!! I'll admit to still being in the "slow and floaty" phase of learning, but we gotta start somewhere!!! It is amazing how slow you can move, but still get the kite to travel along!! Still got some footwork issues (stroke) that are messing up my changes in direction, and still working at hand positioning on a consistent basis (conquer my desire to flail), but most of what is covered in the tutorials is at least doable!!! And to me that's PROGRESS!!!
  7. We know that you can actually do it, we just want to hear, HOW your do it ! Oh, and we surely don't want you "busting" anything, that's not suppose to be busted, So just "Pull a Cork & Kick Back", and type - type - type - type ! (and don't use too many of those big words) Are we sure we want him to pull a cork BEFORE he types??!!??
  8. Let us know if you survive those "Belly Slides"!!! ROFL !!
  9. Talked to Watty - he feels regular race rods do the trick for him!!! He didn't like their flex, just like the "greenies"!!
  10. They make a full Zen frame for the 1.5!!! No need to cut anything down!!!
  11. Well now!! First, let's say welcome to "The Darkside" to you!! So 1 is a 1.5 with a 3 wrap frame. What to go with it? I'd suggest a "B" in the same sail! I'm guessing that it's a full sail! The "B" comes with 2 complete frames that you can double up for higher winds! It will fly in the lower winds with the lighter frame, 2 wrap, fly in the same winds, 3 wrap, and handle high winds, both LEs!!! Both 3 wrap frames are very sturdy and should handle all of your learning adventures!! IMHO!!! Good luck on your decision, there is no wrong choice, just many choices!!! I'm sure others will chime in!!
  12. Hey Duane - if you're in his area, say HI to Kent from AWOC, he's in Vegas!!! PS: I'm not Duane either!!!
  13. That was taken the year after I started flying!!! Hadn't discovered the festivals yet, but those were some serious stacks of kites!!! A "blast from the past"!!!!
  14. Someone needs to pull on Duane's Cloak of Invisibility or get him out from under "The Cone of Silence"!!!!!
  15. Very nice, amazing what can be done with these kites!!!
  16. The more the merrier, the banter is fun!! Join in whenever it suits you!!
  17. Sounds like a plan to me!!!!
  18. Sorry Pete - meant Duane's picture in a bed!!! Riding a lawnmower pulled by a kite!!??!!
  19. Followed by the picture of you resting in a hospital bed!!!!!! HAHA!!!!
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