Sorry, had to yield the computer to my youngest, (homework),!!! Take the time to make sure all 4 lines are the same length, if they're off, it'll make the kite try to turn all by itself!! Are your hands even, pulling the kite the same amount with both hands?? Both thumbs back the same, both thumbs forward the same amount!! Get lazy with one hand and ,,,BANG, CRASH!!! Even pull, control up and down first, then higher, up ,stop, down!!! Then when you've got some control, try turning from higher, to give yourself some room!! IF YOU THINK YOU ARE ABOUT TO CRASH - DON'T PULL!!!!!! GIVE to the kite, let it have slack and those crashes will be much gentler on your kite!! Pulling just speeds things up and the crashes get worse!!! Doesn't sound very "interesting"??? You will learn a lot just controlling and getting a "feel" for things!!! Don't give up, many had problems, they're not yours alone!!! Getting anything out of this means putting something into it first, then the light bulb comes on and things get easier!!! Small steps to start!!!!!