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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. 17 days worth of dental work ! Yikes ! That makes me hurt ! Good Luck John............ Don't think it'll last that long,,,,,,,,,,!! Best wishes and we should see you in Rockaway!!
  2. I think the closest I ever came to stacking was when I drooled on a set of 5 Prism Microns all trained up at the kite store!!!! I have never tried stacking any of my Revs, wrong combos of kites!! But that's ok, I like what I can do with the Rev the way it is!!!
  3. Well, that USED to be my style. My favorites were kites like 10' Flexifoils in 20+ mph winds, Hawaiian Team Kites, Big stacks and the like. They didn't pull me around much because I've always been heavy enough to anchor them, but I've definitely been knocked down a few times. I'm considering a more gentle style for the future; I even got a vented Rev. Never would have let even a scrap of available wind get away in the old days. Time to retire my 500# Kevlar™ line-sets, maybe? ROFL!!!! I haven't used anythng stronger than 150# lines!!!
  4. Only if you do them indoors, Duane!!!!!! That's a good order of watching, basic stuff first, then build on it as you see some results!!! Got my 2nd hour in yesterday with the Indoor, not nearly as frantic and feeling a lot better about it!!! Still having some issues with changing direction from ccw to cw, although I can do reverse 360* that way!! If I get 360* cw, then I'll try reverse 360*ccw!! Definitely learning to keep the hands close together, a much more delicate style of flying!! Things I get away with outside won't work inside at all!!
  5. I can see it now, dragged down the beach, next stop California!!!!! I personally wouldn't fly it, never did go for the power side of kiting, I prefer a more elegant flying style, NOT BEING PULLED ALL OVER THE PLACE!! Hey what can I say??!! It's the truth!! JB, maybe getting a new kite will rekindle his flying again!!! Taught him to fly a long time ago now, but he's had other interests as of late and flying isn't considered an "in thing"!!! A lot of his friends don't get it and peer pressure has kept him away!! Hopefully this would jump start his kiting again!! Baloo - Thank you, got my fingers crossed!!!
  6. Sorry, had to yield the computer to my youngest, (homework),!!! Take the time to make sure all 4 lines are the same length, if they're off, it'll make the kite try to turn all by itself!! Are your hands even, pulling the kite the same amount with both hands?? Both thumbs back the same, both thumbs forward the same amount!! Get lazy with one hand and ,,,BANG, CRASH!!! Even pull, control up and down first, then higher, up ,stop, down!!! Then when you've got some control, try turning from higher, to give yourself some room!! IF YOU THINK YOU ARE ABOUT TO CRASH - DON'T PULL!!!!!! GIVE to the kite, let it have slack and those crashes will be much gentler on your kite!! Pulling just speeds things up and the crashes get worse!!! Doesn't sound very "interesting"??? You will learn a lot just controlling and getting a "feel" for things!!! Don't give up, many had problems, they're not yours alone!!! Getting anything out of this means putting something into it first, then the light bulb comes on and things get easier!!! Small steps to start!!!!!
  7. I Yes!...on the "Wind"! I think that every new Rev. kite that gets sent out should have this advice on it: "If just starting out, wait until you have a good wind!" There is nothing more frustrating then taking your first flight experiences in a wind that can barely lift the Rev. off the ground. The difference between a good wind and one not so good is like night and day! In the beginning I wrapped my lines on two separate winders, I think "SV" still does, but I don't recommend it because it takes twice as long and you'll just probably have to learn JB's way later. It the best way I know of and takes no time at all "once" it is understood. As I have mentioned in other post, one of the great things about the Rev. is that once you learn something, from line set up to inverted hovers, it's yours and it never has to be re-learned again. Keep It Up! Duane I don't use 2 winders - but I do wind the lefts and rights separately on the same winder, lefts as a pair first, then rights as a pair second!! Try taking off, stopping, then landing!! UP, STOP, LAND!!! As you get better, go higher!! Get control over the kite!! Don't let it fly you!!!
  8. Duane - it is work, but we don't have to look at it that way!! We're all trying to learn, why not make it fun, instead of "work"!!! If you enjoy flying, any new skill takes some work, but doesn't that end up adding to the fun?? Just trying to help with the attitude!!! I'm starting at almost ground zero on indoor, sure it's work, but so much fun and enjoyment when something is accomplished!! PLAY TIME!!!!
  9. I was able to get an older Indoor Rev in the R/W/B color scheme!!! It has the older "skinny" rods in it, but no wear at all that I can see!! It's like finding something buried or hidden, new but used, if ya get my drift!! I've only used it once, at an indoor soccer field, they let me in to try it when no one was there!! I had tried a newer Indoor Rev before, but I can't feel any noticeable difference in the way they handle, at least from my angle!! It came with the Indoor handles, boy are they light, and I bought a set of 10' x 90# lines for it!! So really my learning experience has just begun on this one!! Outside I feel OK about what I'm doing, inside it's a whole new gig!! That's why I asked about any other's experiences with the tutorials and their feedback!! They've already helped me, hoping they're helping others!! windpoacher - someone else put it a different way!!! Instead of practice, practice, practice, it could/should be - play, play, play!!! Some things translate across from outdoor to indoor, but a lot is just more to learn!! It's a different animal altogether!! That makes it interesting for me, trying to learn something different!! Keeps my mind sharp, body working hard!! This was something I was interested in years ago, then I had a stroke and stuff fell to the wayside!! Now I'm finding out that I CAN DO THINGS, and that opens up a whole new world to try on!! WIND THERAPY!!!! It has worked for me!!! YEEHAW!!!!
  10. Just looking to see if any others are benefiting from these tutorials, that John and everyone else involved, put together?? I've only had one chance to fly indoors since I've gotten an Indoor and the tutorials have come out, and can see how following them really solves some of the problems I've encountered!! OVERCONTROL!!! So easy to do when first starting out, not nearly as much input needed compared to outdoor!! TIGHT LINES!! Yes, it leads to more control, learned that the hard way!! So far the biggest thing I've learned is to slow the mind down!!! Think your way through things, watch how the kite responds and compare that to the tutorial, try something different if what you're doing isn't working!!! Don't be afraid to adjust your style, your setup, whatever, to get the desired results!! BUT AT LEAST TRY SOMETHING!!!! If I can see light at the end of the tunnel, ..............? All comments gladly received!!!
  12. Yea, Scott!!! Cograts on the win!!! Fly it in good winds!!!
  13. Maybe another time!!!! TICK, TICK, TICK!!!!!!!!!
  14. I just hope the RNG is listening!!!
  15. That's no good!! Not a SLK guy myself, but hate to see anyone losing kites, in any manner!!!
  16. Keep at him, John!! We'll make a trickster out of him yet!! Reef Runner, that means you!!!
  17. Now that's useful, teaching others!!! Keep it up!!!
  18. I go with photomom, but I'll keep mine right now!! The Obsession would be a definite upgrade to what I have now (even if they don't get a lot of air these days)!!!
  19. Of course not. You need both hands to fly a Rev. You must land the kite to drink. Then you can fly again. And I had to ask!!!!
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