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Wayne Dowler

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Posts posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. I'd agree that the Phoenix STD may have limits. It is a bit sluggish and loses hover at the lower ends of its wind range. That was corrected by the Ashes. It is the SUL full sail that was never made in the "B" pro series. It closes the gap the STD leaves behind.

  2. I believe that what riff was commenting on, the center panel, does change the way I  fly my Phoenix kites. Most of our team maneuvers are indeed initiated from the center of the sail. Keeping pressure in the center keeps the whole sail loaded, IMHO. I look at pressure as a ball, I don't want to lose it as I turn. To me, venting the center is like taking the engine out of my car. Now I admit to not flying any center vented stuff, and I won't mind trying anything that is.

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  3. Also learn to take a step to one side or the other, it helps to create some angle to turn it. Some kites will just nosedive if you try pulling the line if the kite is gliding straight away from you. Ever try using a wand? Just makes your arm a little longer and gives you a bit more leverage.

    I haven't flown my gliders outside, I fly them inside. Don't have the Z-G, but its smaller brother the Plutz 2 and its bigger brother the Mega-Plutz. No issues with either. I set mine up to have the nose slightly up, then adjust the pull point on the bridle towards the rear of the marked adjustments. You can see your nose orientation if you just toss it free of line.

    If you're on FB, find the group Glider Geeks, lots of videos there on almost everything glider. Plus you can ask questions about anything glider there.

    Happy gliding!!

  4. My Unidens came with earpiece/mic combos included, you didn't get those? if you do get Midland, get the set that has earpieces too. The Midland's are a proprietary plug setup, but can use a normal earbud set for listening only. One  of my team members likes his earbuds and uses them instead of those that come in the set. My Uniden mic/earpiece is comfy enough to use, even if it is 'universal".

  5. Looking over your list:

    Wouldn't the R-Sky and Level One kites do everything you want? 

    i'll preface my post by saying I mostly fly quads, but this winter picked up a Hydra (on sale @ ITW). I missed the transition from one trick at a time to the slack line stuff of today, (stroke kept me grounded). so I really don't understand the thought of "big kite with small kite inputs"? Every kite is unique in how it handles, even among the quads. Yes, the basics remain the same, but every kite has its own personality. It's why us fliers go through so many til we find what works for us. 

    I'd suggest getting some of those out and give them a fly. See if they don't work for you -  you might be pleasantly surprised!!

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  6. I don't. Have one kite I bought in the mid '90s, never been broken down or detensioned. Never saw the need, especially those using a cord wrap. Might make sense with those using a "O" ring, but I haven't. As long as you do the usual breakdown of loosening the standoffs and removing the spreaders, you are good to go.

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  7. John will have more exact figures - but the XT should be pretty close to any model's extra vent! And the HT looks more vented yet, more like Bazzer"s Megavent, thought the venting pattern is way different. I just got a Mega, waiting for enough wind to give it a maiden fly!! 

    Either will give you more holes for higher winds .....!

  8. This would best be asked to some of your European folks over there. Having never been, I really don't know the requirements of their particular festivals. 

    On the other hand, any "big" kite flier should be able to help with the basic ideas on anchors, line requirements, etc. I would try to get in touch with someone that has experience with big kites. IMHO!

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  9. I believe it is RTF, but....... If you plan to use it as a fighter, I'd suggest getting the 2 fighter lines they sell. Those lines are specifically designed for fighters, easier on the hands. Probably need spools for them too, but look first.

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  10. If it is just verts - SkyShark will be plenty good. P400 would be practically indestructible in that position. And you won't need to change any caps.  Do you use the Reflex system? A wrap of electrical tape will work, but a nicer option would be to use some shrink wrap. Don't leave the heat in one place for long!!

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