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West Australian

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Everything posted by West Australian

  1. Finger straps are the way to go for "tricking" duallies. I only use wrist straps on Foils.
  2. As I am still learning Quad control, I like to put out a VTD or MID whenever the wind will support it easily. I find the Venting slows it down a bit and gives me more time to respond, thus more control.
  3. Thanks dude, The Zero-G is awesome. Here is another Pic.
  4. Nice Pictures. Prism is a great brand. Here is a shot of the Prism Zero-G
  5. It is all Good, John. Nobody actually loses anything, just because they dont win. I have the same number of kites today as I had yesterday. If I dont win these I will still have the same number of kites, I have not lost any. But Naturally It will be West Oz for the Win. 977 or 1250 Go, Go, Go!
  6. Nah Wayne, the US of A has too many already. Need to send more Downunder. Yeh 2 makes a club, A club with a stack of B2's. Sweet, Suite, prize....
  7. Oh Yeh..... We Need thse in West Oz to Help start up the Revolution Flyers of Western Australia Club (RFWA Club) Cmon RNG RFWA needs your help. 977 or 1250.....
  8. Flying Wing Airwave and Airwave Zero are very affordable and super sweet in light to nothing winds. Kite therapy is great. most weekdays grab a half hour stop at the park. I set up 1 kite fly for 15-20min and pack away. Great stress management
  9. Hi websherpa, Sounds like you have been going great on your Beetle there. Having a blast too I hope. A 'Full' Sized kite is about 7 foot wing span. There are heaps of options for under $200 Prism offers the Fantastic 'Hypnotist', great for newer flyers and fully trickable. (Love Mine) Even the Prism E3 is in that price range. Flying wings have the Silver fox series, the 2.5's are great. Mr Barresi has the Kymera for about $200. I have not used one, but they have great reviews. 2 kites are sometimes better than one. If you are getting multiple kites, try to spread their wind ranges. Go for one low and one high. The 4D is a great low wind dualie, but it takes some practice and work. It does handle quite diferently from my other Dualies. An Airwave UL or Zero might be an easier transition to lighter wind. Hope that helps
  10. C'mon SkyPuppets, let Ian sample the world of dualies before he gets a Rev infection. We know that you can't turn back once you go Quad
  11. Ideal is when it can fly and be controlled. Basically with any new kite aim for the middle of it's suggested range. The lower and higher end of the range can take a bit of time to get used to. But once you are used to it, fly in whatever suits you.
  12. Little Black Ewok... Hehehehehe... #1250 OR #977 for the win....
  13. That's a pretty good deal. I have yet to make any inquiries. I will look into it when the rains start. Fair enough Mate. I have made a few basic SLK's but nothing like an Urban Ninja. Thanks for the Advice.
  14. A description of the Colours. Each Kite is rainbow.
  15. Zephyr is pretty sweet. Also because there are new sail colours coming out, the older sail coloured kites are available cheaper at some places online.
  16. Wayne has made some really great suggestions. How Light is your wind, do you want an Ultralight or SuperUltralight? 4D is a fantastic SUL, it has a wind range of 0-14mph (I think) The Prism Zephyr is an UL with a wind range of 1-17mph. I have really found that SUL and UL kites handle very differently.
  17. Well John, I am sorry to say that I am not up to running circles in the park. I used to do it with 2 line UL and SUL - Prism 3D, 4D, Zephyr, Flying Wings Airwave Zero SUL. I dont get any fun out of the run around anymore. Hi Rob, A Glider should Glide, sounds like a definition to me. Hi Wayne, I understand about keeping your Indoor stuff clean Is your Urban Ninja a bought one or did you make it yourself? Awesome that you have an indoor field, I have yet to look for one, but I am considering it
  18. How many of you Guys/Gals use your Gliders Indoor Only, Outdoor Only, or Indoor/Outdoor? I don not have an Indoor venue so I use mine Outdoors exclusively.
  19. Hi All, I started to Train together some diamond kites ages ago. I shelved the project and am looking for a push to finish it. This is where it started, 4 kites. Then it went to 6 kites. Grew to 12. (top kites were too unstable, so I added an anchor) I have the Kites and Link lines to make it a 25 stack with a pair of anchors. Just got to cut it apart and re-link. The current links are too weak, I have 200lb spectra to replace them. What do you think of my project?
  20. That is a fantastic display, great work. Thanks for the links John.
  21. So when I win these do I get some stacking lines as well? Just need to get myself prepared..... B2 Stack Downunder!!!!!
  22. I already have all of those. Very nice kites, each quite different to the other, but all very nice. Great raffle prizes, well done John.
  23. Given That SparkieRob and I are starting a new Demonstration Flying team, (Just don't tell SparkieRob, I am easing him into it ) We Need These Kites! GoGo RNG Send these B2's Downunder.......
  24. Getting as much Air Time as Possible, before the Rain sets in.

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  25. It looks great either way. Certainly an audience appealing shape
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