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Everything posted by bbailey49

  1. Sweet! We're on vacation this week, so I won't be able to post the new drawing until Sunday. Joanna, I'll message you my address and marble choice. Thank you so much for the excellent prize.
  2. Well, since no one else is jumping on the bandwagon: Oooooooooohhhhhhhhh, Shiny! I am in!
  3. You can order an instructor.
  4. I am very tempted to be the first one entered on this one, but I think I will wait a bit. I love these stakes.
  5. The new drawing has gone live. I'm locking this one down. Thank you Rob for the excellent offering and everyone who participated or commented.
  6. All, Joanna has submitted her new drawing. I will approve it as soon as I can get to a real computer and away from my phone. Apologies for the delay on that.
  7. Most excellent! Congratulations, Joanna. Rob, I personally think it was an awesome prize!
  8. Oh sure... Leave an open door like that... Says the guy humping a B-Series in his avatar
  9. JB, why are you humping a black and red full vent B in your new avatar?
  10. Beginners and obsessive compulsive types like me really benefit from these. Helps to tune the neck hairs and the backs of the ears. When I'm flying a particular kite that really seems dialed in, I'll pull my anemometer out and see what the wind is doing so I know for next time.
  11. Congratulations, Mr. Barden. Change your screen name and win kites. You might start something with that strategy. Thank you everyone for participating. Thank you, Mark, for the most generous offering. I have already approved Rob's new drawing so I'm locking this thread down. Further congratulations for Rob can be left at his drawing. May the Karma be with you.
  12. bbailey49


    ummm...was this foaming in chat or is there somewhere on the forum where the carnage can be viewed?
  13. The Karma water is truly fine once again. I was worrying about it for a bit after a couple of issues, but all is well now. Rock on my fellow Karma warriors and thank you!
  14. Michael, apologies for the misunderstanding. None of that was directed at you. Actually, that's not true. Some of it was directed at you. The part where I say that it would be cool to share the prize on its way to the winner was directed at you, because that was a cool idea You had.
  15. Yeah, sorry guys, but I'm going to have to step in here. I don't want to be the bad guy, but "I'll stay in and give you the kite if I win and you can host the next Karma drawing" is only a very small step away from "What will you give me to get in on this drawing and give you the prize if I win", and that is absolutely not where we want this to lead. If you're not in to win the prize for yourself and keep the Karma rolling, I ask that you respectfully withdraw your entry from consideration (as has been done in this drawing) and leave a level playing field for those that remain entered. We are all for friendly banter and I don't think anyone would have an issue with sharing the prize as it makes its way to the winner's home, but staying in just to double someone else's chances doesn't leave the best taste in my mouth. If I'm wrong and my sentiments are contrary to those of the community let me know and we will work something out. Otherwise, I say let's keep this as honest and fair as possible. Thanks. -B
  16. A Buffalo Cody Kites Constellation (Cody Variant https://www.facebook.com/buffalocodykitecompany/photos/pb.275724355958125.-2207520000.1425305003./286893804841180/?type=3&theater) or a 75% Shook Mesh Rev
  17. Mark's post is up. Locking this one down. Best of luck on the zooming new prize. -B
  18. Congratulations, Mark! Thanks Grizzly for the excellent prize, and everyone else for participating. Mark has given me a hint as to the new prize and it's sweet. I'll lock this one down when we get that one posted.
  19. And now just think how different the world of Revolution Kites would be today were it not for John Barresi being around other fliers and discovering the fix to his problem.
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