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Everything posted by SHBKF

  1. Love it! Continue to be surprised. The Maker is pushing the envelope a bit further, again. SHBKF
  2. If you have ever flown a small foil you certainly must realize what a magnificent flight above video shows, a super kite with superb fliers putting on a dazzling display. I am humbled and amazed. Well done Master fliers! SHBKF
  3. I am now droolin', make mine a vented please, SHBKF
  4. SHBKF


    Even if you are flying a heavier, tougher standard kite, conditions you describe may still cause damage of some kind. I broke the spine of a kite when a big gust came on suddenly accelerating the kite into the ground. Round these parts there are many trees. I try to listen for changing wind coming through the trees behind my position. I can hear the larger gusts approaching. When this occurs I fly to the side of the window & hover lower while the gust is passing by. Also flying at ten feet or less the wind is usually noticeably less due to ground friction. Another choice is to park at the top of the window straight above you. But don't do that with a power kite..... Try some tip stands over to the side for fun. In a strong sustained wind you can just park the kite on it's tip for a time. Lift slightly, roll the kite up and over then execute an extremely low ground pass to a second tip stand when you stall at the edge of the window on the other side. Great fun & even more so with a long tail. Don't tempt fate with a light kite, fly to the side & land, always. Love it when my lines whine & sing but it is a warning song no doubt. Many of us fly dualies mostly in lighter air switching to vented quads when stronger conditions arrive. Vented sportwings, with the proper frame, eat gusts very well. But that is another call from the Dark Side. You must accept the will of the Force. SHBKF
  5. So I arrive home around 7 dark 30 & a box is on the back porch table. It is in perfect condition as if the sender has just handed it to me. Thank you USPS, gentle care the whole way. I sit in the den & carefully use my Swiss Army Knife to open the parcel. With the wide eyes of a child on Christmas morning I behold it's gleaming beauty. I assemble the kite & place it in view in front of the bay window. Logging in to KiteLife I see The Maker is in Chat. Excerpt from Chat. I was full of glee at the wonder of The Jester. SHBKF Jester in the house WOW riffclown (Mod): Newest crispiest kite I have ever seen! It is a beauty! riffclown (Mod): awesome.. PLEASe respond to the Jester thread with your honest impressions.. New favorite quad riffclown (Mod): BTW, I've been very busy since we chatted before I just arrived home riffclown (Mod): Your killin' me Love these kites Your innovation is superb The triangles are so much better than washers much smoother look riffclown (Mod): Thank you.. riffclown (Mod): That was the most work I'd ever put in a kite up until that time.. Your skill is leaping forward now riffclown (Mod): While I will go back and finish some of the tails kites, I don't need that particular crutch any more. riffclown (Mod): What did your wife think of the Jester? She just saw it She said WOW who made it, what women? riffclown (Mod): lol She says "He did good, it couldn't be a man." riffclown (Mod): Tell your wife, "guys can sew." Quote from Terry Murray riffclown (Mod): Well I hope you enjoy it to its fullest.. She says she knows it is hard to sew nylon We wil riffclown (Mod): brb
  6. I like it when things "still only in your head" escape into the air & I can fly them... Woo Hoo, SHBKF
  7. SHBKF


    I too have a great affection for the Zephyr. Obviously you are clicking with it. The Pro Dancer, my beloved, is in a class of it's own. I will say that there are many other great kites out there in the wild. As you progress your taste in kites may change a bit. Wait until you try a classic standard Widow Maker. (Thank you RobB.) I believe it would be my "on a desert island with only one kite" choice. You are really progressing rapidly & it is good to hear about your adventures with repairs, line sets & having multiple kites. Best wishes from back here in the sticks, SHBKF now you NEED a glider...
  8. Glad to see this one flying. Remembering some suggesting you might not want to mix fabrics, I say, "Lookin so fine. Build em however you want." SHBKF
  9. Quite a testimony from one of my mentor Masters. Sounds like time for me to get some sails in the mail. SHBKF
  10. You continue to wow me my friend. Amazing! SHBKF
  11. Yes, I can see them. Thank you. Looks like not being able to view the video issue is on my end. Know Eye Deer, SHBKF
  12. Now at home it appears I don't have access due to my reluctance to embrace the FB world, sigh SHBKF
  13. Maybe that explains why it won't even load on this old nutbook...... SHBKF
  14. SHBKF


    No problemo. Stacked PD SUL's would be spectacular. Well at least for me they would. SHBKF
  15. SHBKF


    It is a very bright light green but don't really call it fluorescent. But I do have a black light in the Kite Dungeon. I could give it a try & see if it psychedelisizes. Some people really dislike green kites in general. Seems I have several green kites including my oldest. But when I finally located a PD SUL I was just thrilled to get it. Actually found it in "The Swamp".... SHBKF My old 80's 3/4 sail Premier Aerosport. It is slightly brighter than the Pro Dancer
  16. Best wishes for a wonderful first flight! Guess a throw & catch would be most appropriate. SHBKF
  17. What a beauty! The epitome of kite flight. Requires I give a nod to Gertrude & Francis Rogallo for their famous wing.
  18. SHBKF


    I was flying mine in Patriot Park Pigeon Forge, Tennessee one day in very light wind. People were watching & commenting that they could not detect any wind. A mother & son left coming back a little later with a plastic delta slk. I felt bad as I continued to fly while watching them repeatedly trying to launch then run with the small kite. They eventually left. I guess the memories get made at others expense sometimes. When you get yours do not be tempted to use 50# lines. It will break them even in light wind. It is a full size somewhat flat sail & will not dump the wind like a more typical dualie. It will teach you, stay with it. Learn sail pressure, gliding out to gain ground & the benefits of apparent wind. Did I mention I like the kite? SHBKF
  19. SHBKF


    Get a Skyburner Pro Dancer SUL. It will fly when you have the slightest wind. I fly mine on 90# x 100' with Norm's two finger straps. It is amazing. Some of my kites have names. The PD SUL's name is "My Beloved". Buy one. If you don't like it let me know. I would not mind having two. SHBKF
  20. SHBKF

    Lumokites Vital S UL

    I have done the same type shot. It is one of my favorite perspectives. Here are a couple from my gallery showing my Nirvana flying near the sun. Kind of risky to shoot these. SHBKF
  21. From the album: SHBKF

    The runner up for annual Christmas kite image. Ah, such a pretty kite it is. SHBKF
  22. SHBKF

    Best Wishes

    May your joy in life be beyond all expectation, Merry Christmas my friends, SHBKF
  23. From the album: SHBKF

    Merry Christmas from SHBKF Dreamweaver Kites Custom Sabre by Wayne Knotts with Prismatex & rainbow fabric
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