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Everything posted by oldcaptainrusty

  1. I'm in. Thanks for the opportunity.
  2. Congratulations!!!!
  3. When I opened the forum today on my iPad I was signed in. That has not happened since I got it for Christmas. You go John Boy.
  4. FORM as RR said. I never had any trouble picking you out of a crowd at Destin!
  5. Sweet ride my bro. Glad. Things are working well. Wishing you and TK all the best in your future endeavors. Rock on!!!
  6. I'm in. Neat looking kite and a book is always appreciated.
  7. Well people the RNG has spoken once again. The lucky number is #11, windpoacher is the winner. PM me your 2 choices and your shipping address and I will get the stakes and holsters in the mail as soon as possible. Thanks everyone for their entries it has been fun. Congratulations to windpoacher.
  8. If anyone out there is trying to decide if the subscription is worth the money or not I'm here to to ya' it is a bargain. Not only do you have access to all the great training videos but the raffles and drawings you are eligible for are terrific. I have been a paid subscriber for less than 6 months and I have won over $400.00 worth of merchandise. It is a great forum that well deserves our support.
  9. Mystainedskin turned me on to the vaping the very 1st time we got together to fly. I went out the next day and bought the Blu ecig kit. That was a mistake but as soon as I found a good ecig store I got set up properly. I have not smoked anything since I started; about 3 months ago or so and have not had any problems. I too am reducing my nicotine content as time goes on hoping to eliminate it all together in the near future. Thanks Scott.
  10. Tmadz the OAL is about 12", the 3/8 aluminum shaft length is about 11". I'm making holsters out of 1" nylon tubular webbing with the edges heat sealed.
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