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Everything posted by oldcaptainrusty

  1. New Karma Drawing has been posted for moderator approval.
  2. Well ladies and gents lets keep this Karma flowing. Once again I am going to offer up two of my custom kite stakes for the Karma Drawing. I have some with acrylic knobs and some with hardwood knobs, I have pictures of the available kite stakes so the winner can choose any two (2) that he or she prefers. Holsters with carabiner clips are included. I have more acrylic material ordered and hopefully it will be in soon enough that I can add a few more colors to the lot. Standard Karma Rules and Guidelines apply: http://kitelife.com/...s-please-read/. The deadline for entering the drawing will be 6PM EST 1/16/14. Short of a natural disaster or family emergency the winner will be posted by 10PM EST. Shipping to the lower 48 US States only. 1. bbailey49 2. Tmadz 3. Wayne Dowler 4. Amexpmh 5. John Barresi 6. Kevin Reynolds 7. Mr Robin McCracken 8. mystainedskin 9. Hasek 10. cerfvoliste 11. windpoacher 12. Jynx 13. GammoRay
  3. Nick PM sent with color choice and address. Thanks my friend.
  4. Man o man what can I say except thanks Nick. What a great way to start the new year. I will get the next Karma drawing posted for approval hopefully this afternoon. I'm off to buy some Lotto tickets.
  5. Everything is working as usual on my desktop.
  6. Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet John! You marke it look so easy.
  7. I'm having the same experience with the new iPad that Santa brought me. When I go to the sign in page my user name and password is there, all I have to do is hit the sign in button. I just figured it has something to do with the iPad. I'll have to check it on my desktop.
  8. I'm in Nick. Hope all goes well with your medical procedures.
  9. Almost forgot to mention the bonus for the KiteLife subscriber. I will purchase 5 tickets for the B series Pro Standard drawing on 12/25/13 in the name of Nick Russell if that is possible, if not I will forward the numbers to Mr. Russell.
  10. Well people the RNG has spoken once again and the lucky number is #10. Congratulations to Nick Russell once again. Nick if you will PM me your choices and shipping info I will get the 2 stakes off in the mail as soon as possible. Thanks to all that participated, it was fun. Keep the Karma flowing!
  11. Just got home from the Destin Rev Clinic and the Nexus was waiting on me. Sweet Sweet Sweet. Thanks Tmadz. Can't wait to get it to the flying field.
  12. Way to go beachbreeze!! Congratulations.
  13. The next Karma drawing has been posted and is awaiting moderator approval.
  14. OK guys and gals here is my attempt to “KEEP THE KARMA FLOWIN’”. While reviewing the “Rules and Guidelines” I was trying to decide what to offer for my Karma prize. What do I have that would appeal to the largest number of our people? JB made a statement in the R & GLs that he hoped “to see something unique, maybe handmade”. I have a few SLKs that I could offer but I know they would not appeal to everyone. One thing that I do have that should appeal to most everyone is some custom, handmade kite stakes. So here it is, I am offering two (2) custom handmade kite stakes. I have some with acrylic knobs and some with hardwood knobs I will post pictures of the available kite stakes so the winner can choose any two (2) that he or she prefers. Standard Karma Rules and Guidelines apply: http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5426-rules-and-guidelines-please-read/. The deadline for entering the drawing will be 6PM EST 12/12/13. Short of a natural disaster or family emergency the winner will be posted by 10PM EST. Shipping to the lower 48 US States only. And as an additional bonus I am following Hasek’s lead: If the winner of the drawing is a KiteLife “Official Subscriber” at the time of the RNG 12/12/13, I will throw in a bonus that will be disclosed after the winner is RNG'ed. If you aren’t already a KL subscriber you can do so here: http://kitelife.com/forum/subscriptions/ Let the I'm in's begin. Here are the pictures Holsters with carabiner clips will be included. Entrants: 1. bbailey49 2. Hasek 3. Amexpmh 4. mystainedskin 5. Must86 6. Nylonsky 7. Jynx 8. John Barresi 9. Joespickles 10. Nick Russell 11. Tmadz 12. ninja 13. Wayne Dowler 14. TimP
  15. Being new to the quads and Revs in particular I have done a good bit of business lately with A Wind of Change on line. Terrific people to deal with. Customer service is tops. Always there to answer your questions and their prices are competitive and kite selection is great.I can't say enough good about them. Give them a try. They rate 5 smiley faces!!!!!
  16. OK people I have put together my Karma drawing submission and have PM'ed JB for a few clarifications. Will post it ASAP to keep the Karma flowin.
  17. No need to apoligize Tmadz my wife does it all the time. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
  18. What a way to start the day. Thanks Tmadz. Now I'm going to have to decide how I'm going to keep this good Karma going. Hmmm.........
  19. I'm in. Maybe this will help a little bit, at least with the physchological aspect.
  20. We had a very LARGE time at this gathering!
  21. Congratulations, Tmadz!
  22. I'm in! Looks like some great kites.
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