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Everything posted by RobB

  1. I don't think you can get a tougher vented kite than the QPro VV. I used to fly mine as a heavy standard kite with the vent covers on. It was good like that up to ~15mph. Flying dual line kites, no matter how much venting in winds over 15mph becomes just flying, very little tricking. I've had around 10 different vented kites, and gave them all up in favor of quad line kites. Save the tricks for when the wind is under 10mph...
  2. RobB

    E-cigs ? Vaping ?

    I like the dual coil Kangers. The mini aero-tank is really nice, I just don't like the mouth piece. The Kanger glass is pretty tough, I haven't had one break yet, even dropped them a few times. I did have the glass in a Davide tank break, and that sucks because the glass is hard to get. Cleaning is really easy, just take it apart and rinse it with hot water... dry & you're back in business.
  3. IDK if you saw, but ITW has a Levitation Light in their sales & bargains section... http://intothewind.com/shop/Sales_and_Bargains/Levitation_Delta_Kite_Light_On_Sale
  4. I've been watching these awesome videos again to try to get inspiration to fly smoother. It's really helpful to see a good example of what GOOD flying looks like, Too bad it seems like everything I learn from watching leaves my head as soon as I get the beach & get the handles in my hands. Are any of these available for download in the Kitelife video library ?
  5. RobB

    Kite Bags

    Nice looking bag, it looks like it would be a perfect size for Revs. I guess you could leave one end open to accommodate full-sized dual lines kites and SLKs ?
  6. It seems like it's snowing every other day here. I guess you could call it a good winter. Too bad it's almost over, but I do miss flying in shorts... If you full screen the video, and click HD, you can kinda see the flakes flying... Winds were squirrely off-shore, from nothing one moment to maybe 5mph the next.
  7. I'm in ! This one looks like fun...
  8. Ooops, forgot the SLKs... went out last weekend with my son to get a little KAP. The winds weren't quite what I had hoped, and even using the larger foil, found it difficult to keep the camera off the ground. My son was able to get a couple of KAP selfies, though !
  9. Another snowy day... couldn't resist the urge to get something in the air ! The Revs have been neglected, and due to the sketchy off-shore wind, four lines are usually better than two ! I'm still not too good at flying with one hand, so this is all I got that came out clear. Well, you can't see too well from the pictures how hard it was snowing, but I did get a little video that shows the flakes flying a little better... Stay tuned & hope your flying field is warmer than mine !
  10. N +10 for me... for years my 'wish list' has always been like a top 10 list ! I could easily name off 10 kites that I want to get, but I've been trying to limit myself to one quad, one dual, and one SLK for the last few years.
  11. That's a tough one... Quad line, I need an Extra Vent. Dual line, there are a couple soon-to-be released that I've got my eye on, and I always am on the lookout for either a PBSK Centurion or a Black Rainbow Vapor. Single line, I think the ITW Manta would be top of the list.
  12. The White Ghost Delta is a really nice looking kite, but Mark is right, it disappears easily into the sky. This shot will give you an idea how Red & Black pop against the sky, while the White... uh.... yeah, where is it ?
  13. Well, I couldn't recommend any single line kite higher than the Ghost Delta. As far as being trouble free, easy to fly, and a wide wind range, I haven't flown anything better. And put it in a kid's hand ? It really makes a BIG impression. I don't have a Levitation Delta, I have been considering some ITW Deltas, but there are other kites higher on the wish list right now.
  14. Is it time yet ? OMG, I can't wait to see who wins this crazy kite ! I'm actually more interested to hear the follow up story to how it actually flies !
  15. I like it ! I don't have any kites that say 'Rock & Roll' like that...
  16. I guess any of the kites mentioned above would be fine to learn on. The only difference that I'd like to point out is the residual value of a quality kite. Say you fly the kite a few times and decide you don't like kite flying... you would be able to easily & quickly sell a Widow Maker for a very small loss. A used Prism Quantum would lose 50% or more of it's value quickly and be harder to sell. The Widow Maker isn't just about tricks, either. It's an all-around kite that does everything well. You can fly precision ballet style with it, too. I consider the Widow Maker's price to be middle of the road, you can spend twice as much for a kite...
  17. First of all, My apologies for being blunt... Take this from someone who bought 10+ entry level kites when I started flying... they were all a waste of $$$. Why do I say that ? Because they were flown very little (either because they broke easily (New Tech Kites) or performed poorly). All of them sit neglected in my basement. If I could have a do-over, I would buy one quality kite and fly it until the wings came off. That would take you down the road 3-5 years, and by that time, you would know what you wanted next. The kite you have is enough to learn the basics of keeping the kite in the air, avoid bad crashes (nosedive of death), and landing under control. Once you have gotten to that point, there is no reason not to fly a quality kite. Sure, you might not take full advantage of the kite's abilities for years to come, but at least it wouldn't ever leave you wanting for more. There is only one kite that comes to my mind when asked if I could have only one kite (desert island scenario)... that would be the Widow Maker by Skyburner. This is a kite that does everything exceptionally and is super forgiving. The nice thing about a kite like this is if you decide that kite flying's not for you, it still has residual value. You could sell it to fund whatever interests you next. Most of the entry level kites that you may be considering will have little to no value on the second-hand market. You might cringe at the price of a Widow Maker, but it is less than 1/3 of what I spent on the 10+ kites that I flew very little. Just throwing it out there...
  18. Tell us about your most common winds... there are a number of good kites out there to recommend. Also, what price point are you looking at ? I would have a hard time recommending any kite in the sub-hundred dollar category.
  19. I've seen Joe Walsh perform live a few times. He's a musician & a comedian ! The music I choose from my mp3 collection for videos are usually chosen because they match the length of the clips. Sometimes it works out better than others... Hope you full screened & clicked HD, too. The GoPro shoots clearer videos than my old HD videocorder, lot of bang for the buck in that little camera !
  20. Thank you, glad you enjoyed... The Fearless is a great kite, but I prefer the SeaDevil SUL. I chose the Fearless on this day because the black color contrasted better with the snow. The white Sea Devil would've been lost...
  21. Found some video, too...
  22. I heard April/May from one of the distributors...
  23. Nice group you've got there. Looks like fun to hang out & fly with friends. Also liked the catch & throws... I have to learn that trick, looks cool !
  24. Nice to see someone else out flying in the cold weather. Yup, you've been bitten by the kite bug. Hope you find some more good wind, spring is coming soon !
  25. Oh, what a gift today was... winds were low, really low, like the windmeter wouldn't register low. And the temperature at 31* F felt like spring, especially with the sorta bright sunlight. I had 3 hours of flying some duals, just didn't want to put them down. Non-stop flying, except to switch between the Fearless Tattoo and the ProDancer SUL. We've had many days of temps below 20* during the day, close to 0* at night, so the ice has built up a little more. It's hard to tell from the picture, but the water is 3' to 5' deep where you can see the ice under the water. It drops off very steeply at this beach. Had a good two hours on the lines with the Fearless. It took a bit of work to fly in the low wind, but still was able to wring some tricks out of it. I got pretty hot running around on the beach, had to ditch the jacket after only a few minutes. Once I was mostly tired out from flying the SUL trick kite, I switched to the real SUL kite. Even in winds this low, you can pretty much just stand in one place and fly the ProDancer. The trade-off is that the ProDancer has a limited trick repertoire. Still, with longer lines, it's lots of fun to gracefully carve up the sky. I'll be looking at the video footage later, maybe I got something to share... we'll see. Hope you all are staying warm & getting a chance to fly some !
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