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Nick Russell

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Everything posted by Nick Russell

  1. Though I won a Supersonic in a karma drawing a few weeks ago, I believe it is too much kite to start out on. So I'm trying to choose my first Rev. I'm leaning toward a 1.5 SLE, but can't decide between it or a B series. Or vented. Or which lines to get. Or where to get it? Will I outgrow a standard 1.5 too soon? Should I spend the extra money for a B series with the extra rods? I get confused looking online because some shops have complete sets (kite, lines, handles, etc) and others like The Kitte Shop have the kite but lines are separate. The KIte Connection lists both kites only and kites with an accessory package that includes lines, handles, etc. My head's spinning. My only experience actually flying a Rev was a quick intro Jynx gave me at Long Beach.
  2. You are a class act, John Barresi.
  3. My wife likes purple and it would be a great Christmas gift.
  4. I've given it a lot of thought and I really do think I should win this one just to keep the rest of you from arguing among yourselves about it. No, don't thank me, that's just the kind of guy I am.
  5. Thanks John
  6. I just published the new issue of our Gypsy Journal RV newspaper, which has coverage of the kite festival and kite museum in Long Beach, Washington. Here is a link to download the PDF issue (about 6.4 MB) if you'd like to take a look http://gypsyjournal.net/NovemberDecember2013/NovemberDecember2013GypsyJournal.pdf
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  7. I can just feel the love!
  8. Did I mention that my birthday is Tuesday and I'm a veteran?
  9. Whatever you call it, I want it.
  10. When you get a chance, please let me know my number John. No hurry.
  11. Oh man, that sucks Nick. Sorry to hear that
  12. I'm sorry Wayne, apparently you didn't get the memo or are misinformed. It's NOT all about you. It's all about ME and only ME!! (I double-checked the facts just to be sure.)
  13. I've got to be honest, Nick, if I DID happen to win I'd feel really guilty for, oh, say ten or fifteen seconds.
  14. Gee, could a newbie win two Revs in a row? Probably not, but I'd sure love to.
  15. Cookies beat handshakes every time!
  16. I decided that it was only fair that I become a KiteLife subscriber since I have gotten so much out of the website, including winning my very first karma drawing. So I just joined. Is there a secret handshake or anything like that?
  17. John, Looked like a standard Rev, but we were moving with traffic behind us so couldn't say for sure.
  18. We were southbound on US Highway 395 in our motorhome today, and south of Susanville, California my wife happened to spot a young man flying a Rev in his yard. Didn't get to slow down and check out his technique but I sure wanted to!
  19. I'd fall off the dock, get tangled in the kite lines and drown.
  20. And the winner is #3 Joespickles! Congratulations sir! PLease PM me or e-mail me at editor@gypsyjournal.net with a shipping address.
  21. Patience, children, or Santa will never come. It's only a little after 6 p.m. here and the drawing is supposed to be late night.
  22. Thanks guys. By the way, the Supersonic I won in the last karma drawing arrived in Tucson yesterday. Thanks Mark! Unfortunately, I'm stuck in Oregon waiting out a nasty storm. Hope to get out of here in a day or so and head south.
  23. Okay, forgive me for being dense, but we're closing in on the end of this drawing and I have no idea how to choose the winner. What is the RNG method?
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