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ant man

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Everything posted by ant man

  1. man what a cool job im a truck driver for the nj IFPTE union i travel locally but it pays the bills
  2. baloo are you a doctor??? lol well ill tell you he wasnt an eazy child to make it was a lot of fun however
  3. no sorry to say i wont i have a festival in central jersey im going to i will be down there on the week of april 8 to 15
  4. well baloo sorry man but i have never won from kite life yet and i want john to see where his kites have gone to good use when he visits my flying area
  5. oh yea he will have it for sure
  6. oh you bet we do
  7. oh yea he helps me get them ready all t he time its so cool i cant wait for a coulple years to go by so i can get him out there and flying with me
  8. man noone has replied since my last post this could have possabilties of me winning
  9. i will try and make it if i can quad kit if not i will be in hateras beach NC for the week of april 8 if you want to get together and fly drop me an e mail
  10. sorry monkey you are defintaly in too my man
  11. have you tried some techno or disco tracks
  12. well i had room at one time but now im packed with my family i love off shore 10 minutes from the festival in the next town over beleave me if i had the space you would get it
  13. YEA MAN THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT i cant wait to meet and fly with you john and ben i cant wait to fly with you again the boys are coming to my neighborhood ive been waiting a long time for this the bad news is that i never did a team fly before but hey to get a chance to fly with anyont from here in my hometown will be a blast im stoked now i cant wait im ready bring it on here is a pic for those who want to see just how nice it is to fly here.... well john and ben i hope we can go out for drinks afterwords
  14. well im glad your comeing to wildwood sweet deal man
  15. nine inch nails downward spril album those slow industreal beats and the volcals from trent resner are always good tracks to fly to
  16. first the kite then the signiture i still think im going with the red
  17. sweet baloo im going to get mine soon best of luck with them
  18. he he he he hey john check out the pics of the lomax in the raffles forum thanks man it looks great
  19. thanks hes my little sidekick in my flying journeys
  20. well you ned to fly some more after all that work
  21. yo da man bob call and tell us what you got
  22. that is a cool site some sweet gear in there
  23. well fliers here are some new pics form todays local cold weather adventure in the morning it was warm but by noon it was 19 degrees but this is proof that i never let weather stop me from enjoying the skies the first few pics above are the sainz kite in my local kite shop www.lighten up kites.com plus not to forget my son is ready to fly with his daddy
  24. man between cali and oregon the west coast kite scene is huge
  25. you da man
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